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Tour de France 23

I have opened the comp; there will be lots of rider changes I assume, but it will give you something to waste next week thinking about.

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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11waterloo | 1 year ago
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Well that's a bit annoying! I'm not sure I'd have won TdF without 'Computergate' (it looks like Egan, the winner, was affected as well) but runner up was realistic. A few days of rest and relaxation now before the Tour of Poland. 
As a minor thing, does anyone know why the points for the finish of stage 21 haven't been added to the official results? They have added the intermediate but I reckon that Meeus should have got 50 more which would move him up to fifth place on points (and given me an extra point which wouldn't have affected anything!). Nothing we can do as it's the official results but still slightly irritating for an obsessive like me! 

RambleOn replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago
1 like

Good comp. It's still the best fantasy for cycling out there. Yes pity for that bug. Still manage to finish strong with the double top10, 5th and 7th  1 . I would have scored 56 points more, so not enough to beat Rank 1, prefer that way.


11waterloo replied to RambleOn | 1 year ago

I agree, fortunately there is always a new race to focus on!

tony kappler replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago

I didn't spot that. If I'm scoring I use pcs then double check with the official site. Ciccone's 1 KOM point was also scored. So obviously the official in charge of updating final points scores went off for an early tea.

11waterloo replied to tony kappler | 1 year ago

Early tea or (more likely) a croque monsieur washed down with a few glasses of red!

tony kappler | 1 year ago
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Waterloo, I think we need to go to a pub and have a beer (or two) to commisserate. Just for the record, the transfers I would have made (and will probably make for stg 19 (if I can)) cost me 54 points (4 transfers). Have to admit it has taken the wind out of my sails.


11waterloo replied to tony kappler | 1 year ago
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I agree! I feel pretty deflated as I had worked my way up int top 20 in TdF and had 12 transfers left. I reckon it cost me 50-60 points like you. I'll stand you that beer if you are ever in the UK! 

tony kappler replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago
1 like

Thanks. And I know a few pubs if you are ever on the Sunshine Coast.

Daniel Norton | 1 year ago

If we stopped having these stupid last minute deadlines, this wouldn't happen.  Make the deadlines earlier (night before in Europe) so that there is no point in waiting until the last minute to make your transfers.

Everyone trying to log in at once to make transfers is ridiculous (as well as unfair on people who are at work).  The process puts unnecessary strain on the server.  I suspect this was worse earlier due to Van Aert pulling out of the stage late and people having to try to remove him.  We would have all been stuck with the previous night's team (i.e. level playing field) if we didn't have stupid last minute deadlines.

Make the game fairer, easier to play and easier on the servers.  Have the deadlines for the majority of races (i.e. in Europe) the night before (early hours or something).

Everyone can select their team the day/evening before the stage.  Nobody gets lucky due to just being available at the random time the race starts, so they can change their team based on the latest info, giving them an advantage.  Nobody has to piss about during a meeting trying to make sure they aren't at an unfair disadvantage.

Give the server and workers a break.  Make the game fairer.  Stop these stupid last minute deadlines.

Dave, are you listening?

11waterloo replied to Daniel Norton | 1 year ago
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Daniel, you make your point very eloquently but I think that there are two separate issues here.
Firstly there is the timing of the deadline, which was discussed during the Tour de Suisse, where it became clear that you prefer an early deadline whilst I prefer a later one - one to be debated further during the off season. 
Secondly there was the issue with the server yesterday. We don't know for sure what caused it, but if it was caused by the volume of people trying to access the game close to the deadline, wouldn't there be a risk of that happening whenever the deadline was set for? 
Having a system that can handle to workload asked of it is the key, then the deadline can be set at a time decided by the game players rather than at a time to ease the pressure on the server.
My other (slightly tongue in cheek) observation is that the timing of the problem suggests that the majority of people do choose to make their transfers close to the start of the race!  Anyway, I accept the decision to score the the stage even though it has left me feeling a bit deflated and a good few points worse off! 


Daniel Norton replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago

No, people would not all make their transfers at once in the middle of the night.  Teams don't announce riders pulling out then, so there is no point waiting until the last minute.  That is obvious.

People choose their transfers last minute just before the race because they have no choice.  They don't do so because it makes the game more fun to play.  It is plain irritating for anyone with things to do, even if that isn't every game-day.  On days when you are busy, it is just a pain in the backside.

It also puts strain on the servers if something happens at the last minute.  Look what happens when an important rider pulled out, who many had picked.  Van Aert pulls out, we all try to log in and the server cracks.  Why would anyone do that deliberately if we have a choice.  It is definitely not sensible.  In fact, if that is what happened (IT WAS BTW) then it is stupid to risk it happening again.

Players, myself included, are considering not bothering.  It's a great game, but it should be as fair as possible.  The way we do it now is not the fairest way.

Right, I'd better do my team in the early hours again as I'm too busy tomorrow to wait until the last minute to find out who was badly injured in the crashes today in the Tour de Pologne stage 1.  Basically, I'm possibly not going to be able to win.  Not because I don't know which riders are likely to win (all things being equal), but just because I don't have endless free time.  Fair?  NOPE!

ETA:   So many logged in at once, not because that is when they do their team normally.  It was because a rider they had ALREADY picked, probably the previous evening, had withdrawn (i.e WVA).

RambleOn | 1 year ago

Should we do our transfers or are we screwed for today  ?

trenzalorian replied to RambleOn | 1 year ago

It's looking like they wont be active for today if you do them plus tomorrow isnt a guaranteed sprint day with those hills in it plus a crash today at the line could put some sprinters out ahead of tomorrow. So an ignored change now could make things worse.

It really is a very poor unprofessional way of doing things given the lack of communication.

RambleOn | 1 year ago

I think it's almost stable but now the deadline is tomorrow 's one

RambleOn replied to RambleOn | 1 year ago

Can we extend the deadline by one hour ?

naffets | 1 year ago
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Looking like site will not be fixed in time for transfer deadline. Would neutralising the stage be the fairest option what with what looks like another chance of a sprint stage tomorrow so people that have picked will prob already have sprinters in place?

trenzalorian replied to naffets | 1 year ago

No when it gets fixed they need to extend the transfer deadline.

This is such an important stage for those of us who have stored enough transfers to put sprinters in and get points over those who have used too many transfers.

Freezing things for today would kill it for a lot of people.

17 stages in on the biggest race of the year. Not good enough.

11waterloo replied to trenzalorian | 1 year ago
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I am in that position of having saved transfers and was planning 5 today so am very frustrated. The problem with extending the deadline is twofold though. Firstly we don't know when the problem will be fixed & I for one can't wait indefinitely refreshing my tablet. Secondly, once the race is live, there is an opportunity for sharp practice (ie, if I was planning to bring Cavagna in & he wasn't in the break, would I still bring him in?) I personally think that neutralising the stage is the fairest solution but I'm sur  there will be valid arguments for leaving it as it is or extending the deadline. 

trenzalorian replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago
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It's looking like I'm done with this comp. I lose my league without making transfers today. It's that simple.

17 days effort down the drain.

trenzalorian replied to trenzalorian | 1 year ago

If transfers are allowed that are recorded here I cant remember my full team but transfers I know I can make based on memory of rider values :

Out Pinot, Ciccone, Gall

In Philipson, Mozzato, Coquard

trenzalorian replied to trenzalorian | 1 year ago

Would have gained 47 more net points with these but for the site crash fiasco.

RambleOn replied to naffets | 1 year ago

Really hard to be fair here. But this and give back the transfer to those that did them so they can adjust for tomorrow as it is a bit different profile. 

tony kappler replied to naffets | 1 year ago
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Iv'e been urgently trying to contact Dave for the past hour with no luck. Dave will have to make the call whether to neutralise or not. I agree that neuralisation would be fairest, in that most players would keep the same team for stage 19. Server is obviously stuffed; there is nothing Andy or I can do about that. We have to wait for Dave to fix.

RambleOn replied to tony kappler | 1 year ago

thanks Tony appreciate it.

trenzalorian replied to tony kappler | 1 year ago

Totally disagree that neutralising would be fairest.

This is a completely different profile and many of us have saved transfers for just this day.

Neutralising simply removes the opportunity for us to catch up over those who have spent transfers earlier.

It kills out whole race.

Transfer deadline needs to be extended an hour. 

Jakes1 replied to tony kappler | 1 year ago

Hi. Has any decision been made on scoring since no transfers were able to be made for hours leading up to today's deadline? System-fix only appears to have been applied post-transfer deadline cut-off. Neutralise scoring for Stage 18?

11waterloo | 1 year ago

Any idea what the problem is and if it is likely to be fixed? Getting a bit close to the deadline for comfort!

Team Greenfield replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago
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Hopefully won't be as close as Simon Geschke's deadline yesterday!!!!

RambleOn replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago
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Getting desperate, 17 stages to get stopped like this  2

11waterloo replied to RambleOn | 1 year ago
1 like

And I was planning a load of transfers today! Last few days would have been less of a problem! 


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