The organisers of Ghost Peloton - a headline art-dance cycling performance for the Yorkshire Festival - are calling for ten more cyclists to join their ranks.
The performance, which was announced alongside the schedule for the 100-day Yorkshire Festival, will feature 50 LED-illuminated cyclists riding the streets of Leeds. A short trailer demonstrating the visual effect of the illumnitaed riders can be seen below.
Ghost Peloton Trailer from NVA on Vimeo.
The event is a collaboration between Scottish arts charity NVA, Leeds-based dance troup Phoenix Dance Theatre and sustainable transport charity, Sustrans.
The call for additional performers states that applicants should be experienced road cyclists and must be available to commit to a series of rehearsals in Leeds.
Interested riders must be available on the following dates for rehearsals:
April 13th - Rehearsal with all cyclists 12.30-5pm
April 27th - Rehearsal with all cyclists & light suits 2.30- 10.00pm
May 4th - Bikes left with technical team for fitting with LED
May 10th - Rehearsals with all cyclists 6.30pm-10.30pm
May11th - Rehearsals with all cyclists 6.30pm-10.30pm
May 13th - Technical rehearsal 6-10.30pm
May 14th - Technical rehearsal 6-10.30pm
May 15th - Dress rehearsal 6-10.30pm
May 16th - Live event 9.30 - 10.45pm (approx.) 7.30-11pm
May 17th - Live event 9.30-10.45pm (approx.) 7.30-11pm
If you would like to be part of the event, and want to fill one of the final ten places in the Ghost Peloton, visit and complete an application form.
The 45-minute choreographed event will be performed twice: once on Friday May 16 and the again on Saturday May 17, in Waides Yard, Leeds.
The Ghost Peloton will be watched by 2,000 people on each night and will featuring 50 cyclists adorned with LED lights.
The performers will ride on National Cycle Network routes in groups of ten toward the centre of town from five separate points in the city’s outskirts.
A pre-filmed video will be projected alongside the main performance in Waides Yard featuring LED-donned dancers as well as recordings of the cyclists.
Tickets for Ghost Peloton are free and can be applied for here.
Gothpeds have more lace.
That's a big strong helmet that would prevent fatal chest injuries from, I suspect, a wheel of a PSV driving over the casualty.
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Hi Guys. Thanks to everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed playing since 2011 despite never having any major success. ...
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