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BBC documentary follows Danny MacAskill as he rides The Ridge - and it's on iPlayer

Behind the scenes glimpse at what went into making stunning video

If you’ve watched Danny MacAskill’s latest film, The Ridge, and wondered how on earth did he do that…?’ fret no more – a BBC Scotland documentary going behind the scenes of the two-week shoot is available to watch on iPlayer until early November.

The programme, Danny MacAskill – Riding the Ridge, gives you an even stronger sense at times of the danger the rider exposed himself to, as well as the planning and preparation that went into getting some of the shots. It features interviews with MacAskill himself, plus director Stu Thomson.

It also provides proof that no matter how good you are, you can’t always nail it first time – but if you’re going to get it wrong, you’re better off doing it when the drop is a few feet, not a few hundred…

You can watch the BBC Scotland programme here until 10 November and in the meantime, here’s the finished piece again.

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