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Taxi leader says cyclists are the "Isis of London"

Steve McNamara claims he's had "death threats" from "loonies"...

The head of London's largest taxi driver organisation, the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA), says cycling campaigners who responded to the LTDA's opposition to new London cycleways are "almost the sort of Isis of London" and "loonies".

Comparing cyclists to the jihadist organisation responsible for ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and beheading and burning alive its victims, LTDA general secretary Steve McNamara told LBC radio: "These people, the zealots of the cycling world, are unbelievable. We have had cyber attacks on our websites. They are all over us like a cheap suit on Twitter and social media. We have had physical threats of violence. You name it, we have had it. It’s absolutely unreal.

“The loonies out there in the cycling world, they’re almost the sort of Isis of London. Their views and their politics – if you are not with them, and we are with the majority of it, then nothing is too bad for you. These people are unreal."

McNamara was talking to LBC about the new central London cycleways, dubbed the east-west and north-south cycle superhighways, which were approved by the board of Transport for London yesterdayThe LTDA has threatened to call for a judicial review of the cycleways, because it doesn't like the routing of the east-west scheme along the north bank of the Thames. 

In 2013, the LTDA used footage from a carefully-chosen junction to allege that 50 per cent of cyclists jump red lights, a finding completely at odds with more rigorous academic studies that have found the rate of red-light jumping of drivers and cyclists is about the same.

It's not hard to find examples of intimidation and attacks by taxi drivers against cyclists.

When news of McNamara's latest rant hit Twitter, product reviewer, Mike Stead supplied this story:

And if you want video evidence of the danger taxis frequently present to cyclists on the streets of London, here's helmet cammer CycleGaz' compilation of incidents:

McNamara later appeared to back down from his comments to LBC, before more or less repeating the allegation that cyclists were like ISIS.

He told Evening Standard journalist Ross Lydall: “Perhaps I would accept that was a bit strong. It was a live interview. I have had death threats. They say, ‘I hope people you know die screaming of cancer’. I’m convinced that if 99 per cent of cyclists knew some of the stuff we had received after expresing legitimate concerns, they would be horrified.

“I’m not going to be intimidated. I don’t take them seriously. We have not reported anything to the police because I don’t think there is anything in them. I think it’s just a few loonies, but they really have got a sort of religious zeal.

“Perhaps that was a bit strong [to compare them to Isis] but I can’t think of a single other movement in the world at the moment that behaves in such a vitriolic and aggressive manner.”

John has been writing about bikes and cycling for over 30 years since discovering that people were mug enough to pay him for it rather than expecting him to do an honest day's work.

He was heavily involved in the mountain bike boom of the late 1980s as a racer, team manager and race promoter, and that led to writing for Mountain Biking UK magazine shortly after its inception. He got the gig by phoning up the editor and telling him the magazine was rubbish and he could do better. Rather than telling him to get lost, MBUK editor Tym Manley called John’s bluff and the rest is history.

Since then he has worked on MTB Pro magazine and was editor of Maximum Mountain Bike and Australian Mountain Bike magazines, before switching to the web in 2000 to work for Along with founder Tony Farrelly, John was on the launch team for and subsequently became editor in chief of Future Publishing’s group of cycling magazines and websites, including Cycling Plus, MBUK, What Mountain Bike and Procycling.

John has also written for Cyclist magazine, edited the BikeMagic website and was founding editor of before handing over to someone far more representative of the site's main audience.

He joined in 2013. He lives in Cambridge where the lack of hills is more than made up for by the headwinds.

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rjfrussell | 10 years ago

OK, so when I lived in London I commuted in to work every day. And now, out in Kent, having had a few years just pootling about with the kids, started doing slightly more serious mileage again.

So I am "a cyclist", not some 'orrible internet troll.


First, the heading of the article is seriously misleading, and as a result likely to, unnecessarily, whip up ill-feeling.

"Taxi leader says cyclists are the "Isis of London"". The clear implication of the heading is that Cab-Guy is speaking about all cyclists.

But, on the basis of the quotes in the article, he is not, he is only talking about those on the extremes of cycling militancy:

"These people, the zealots of the cycling world..."
“The loonies out there in the cycling world..."

Secondly, I think that cyclists as a whole have to recognise that there are "zealots" and, frankly, "loonies" in the cycling world. Just as there are in the "motoring world".

And I think we also have to recognise that at least some of the cycling zealots and loonies are probably making things worse for the general run of cyclists.

Humans are tribal animals. Most of us instinctively want to be part of a tribe. It is easy to divide into "cyclists" and "motorists" (even though the vast majority of cyclists also motor). The problem is that if some within the cycling tribe froth at the mouth and bang and shout at the motorists, even the perfectly reasonable motorists will (a) take offence and (b) tar all cyclists with the same brush. It may not be fair, but it is human nature.

I genuinely believe that it is really important that cyclists (a) do obey the bloody rules all the time. And yes, that means sitting at a red light even when there is no traffic coming from anywhere (we do it when we are in our cars- if we want proper treatment on the roads and equality and all that we have to do it on the bikes too); and (b) should not "target" motorists in the way some do- because if we do they/ some of them will target us.

There are are some cyclists (I hope a tiny minority) who seem actively to want to have a warlike mentality between cars and cycles. But that is absolutely insane. If "we" are warlike to them "they" will become warlike to us. And they have fuck off huge weapons and we don't.

And yes, I know it is not fair. I know I drive and cycle about the same mileage, and just about every ride some arsewipe will overtake far too, and quite frighteningly, close, whereas perhaps one every two years will I be mildly inconvenienced by a cyclist while in the car.

But, if in practical terms we want to make it safer, the aggressive approach is, in my view, 100% the wrong way to go about it.

And finally, just to show how you should never leap to judgment- when I read this article initially, and decided I was going to write a post along these lines, I had it firmly in mind that I might use CycleGaz as an example of all that is wrong with the zealot/ loonie wing of the cycling tribe.
But then, I looked at the video roundup published here today, and saw this clip: . And if you look at the poster's comments on youtube, they are very balanced and self-aware.

hsiaolc | 10 years ago

Take his licence away and let him cycle in London for a week and see if he still feel the same way.

tonylen | 10 years ago

Why cant we just rise above it? It's just a person making a poor point in a clumsy and offensive way ,and he has climbed down

Clearly the guy has a view which doesn't chime with us but let's just smile and get on with it-cycle superhighways are coming and while not perfect,it's an unbelievable step change and one which didn't seem possible five years ago

We need people to see the benefits they bring with all sorts of cyclists using the lanes for all their business-a load of angry car haters dont do us any good at all-and yes I'm a London (and Birningham and Sheffield City cycle commuter)

Make peace!!

musicalmarc | 10 years ago

man makes stupid comment, has the sense to feel like an idiot for letting his mouth run away with it and tries to dig his way out without making it obvious he's digging his way out.

threats are pointless, what's wrong with ripping the piss? Too 1990s?

stealfwayne | 10 years ago

Funniest incident I saw with a black cab... Apart from falling out of one hammered after a big night out..
Doing laps of Regent's Park trying to keep up with the racers.... when we all came to a stop. A cab had tried to do a U-turn to pick up a customer. He'd clearly rushed it and failed to look sufficiently. All the cyclists had missed him, but the cab following took the full force. No injuries, just two knackered cabs. All of us riders had a little smirk on as we left the scene, the two driver vented it out on each other.

stealfwayne | 10 years ago

Astoundingly naive of a person (yes I will still call him 'person') who speaks for hundreds of others.
There needs to be understanding from all of the relevant groups; taxi, lorry, bus, car drivers and us riders before this aggression is reduced.
Doubt it will happen so take care out there.

Housecathst | 10 years ago

The sooner UBER wipe out the black cab the better!  103

Ush | 10 years ago

There is a need for car drivers to start to be regulated more stringently. This is where we're going if we don't nip their self-entitlement in the bud:

TeamExtreme | 10 years ago

Cycle Gaz really doesn't help himself when it comes to cycling in London. His complete lack of awareness, lack of consideration for other road users and habit of incessantly 'riding primary' are obviously going to irritate other road users.

I commute by bike in Central London every day, yes you have lots of idiots, but with a bit of give and take and you can avoid most of the scrapes he manages to get himself in. One day he might realise that his Youtube Channel is more an embarrassment to him than anyone else.

As for the LTDA guy, he's just an idiot trying to fight his corner with what little PR skills he possesses. I don't have much of a problem with licensed taxi drivers, they're a hell of a lot better than the likes of Addison Lee.

richiewormiling | 10 years ago

loser, only because cycling is reducing their customer base

Simon E replied to richiewormiling | 9 years ago
richiewormiling wrote:

loser, only because cycling is reducing their customer base

I agree. It's desperate stuff, he's a worried man desperately looking for someone to blame.

Arthur Scrimshaw | 10 years ago

He may say he's received death threats but I wonder how many cabbies have actually been killed by cyclists and vice versa?

Matt_S | 10 years ago

What we really need is people pointlessly creating an us and them culture between cyclists and cabbies.

Both some "Taxi leader", and a sensationalist linkbait site.

Dnnnnnn | 10 years ago

The problematic thing is tarring all cyclists (or taxi drivers or Jews or gays or or) with the same brush. Some *people* who are, amongst many other things, cyclists are pointlessly aggressive on Twitter. Therefore *cyclists* are the ISIS of Twitter?

Having watched those videos, I'm not sure I want to be classed in the same category as angry CycleGaz either.

bikebot | 10 years ago

I listened to it live last night on LBC. I found it quite difficult to follow as my irony fuse kept exploding.

There was quite a good part where he tried to make some point about cycling being dominated by white middle aged men. Yes, that's a Taxi driver pointing out a lack of diversity amongst another group of road users...

mike the bike | 10 years ago

They just don't get it, do they? Their days of privilege are over. We no longer need their rattling, smoking old bangers or their "Knowledge" or their superior attitude or their lamentable driving. Instead we've got sat-navs and real competition and a willingness to serve.
The only way is up.

Leodis | 10 years ago

Road.CC is has turned into the Daily Mail of cycling, its confirmed.

bikebot replied to Leodis | 10 years ago
Leodis wrote:

The man has a point about London cyclists.

Bigotry is an ugly trait.

Leodis replied to bikebot | 10 years ago
bikebot wrote:
Leodis wrote:

The man has a point about London cyclists.

Bigotry is an ugly trait.

You got no cabbies to behead?

bikebot replied to Leodis | 10 years ago
Leodis wrote:
bikebot wrote:
Leodis wrote:

The man has a point about London cyclists.

Bigotry is an ugly trait.

You got no cabbies to behead?

No, because I don't pick a fight with Taxi drivers, or stereotype them all based on the actions of individuals. I'm actually related to some.

I do have a problem with the LTDA, their policies and their leadership.

Initialised | 10 years ago

I understand TDLA, they are facing an existential threat from UBER, driverless cars, losing the right to use bus lanes and improvements to cycling infrastructure losing them customers and need a scapegoat, but can't use Jews, Arabs, Blacks or Asians as it's illegal. Cycling is a lifestyle choice so like gingers attacking us as a group is not yet considered a hate crime.

levermonkey | 10 years ago

Idle thought of the day.

Do you think that I'd be close/punishment passed if I armed myself with an RPG launcher, with grenades (obviously) and an AK47?  105

Municipal Waste | 10 years ago

 37 so is comparing people to ISIS the new calling people Nazis?


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