Right, you need to stop worrying about our impending plunge into wintery riding conditions. You in the corner, sulking and eyeing your mudguards in trepidation; stop. Sure, the year’s midpoint has passed, but we’ve still got two months of ‘summer’ left.
To dismiss those inevitable thoughts of long cold winter nights, we've got that well known traditional summer solstice celebration: sharing tales of our summer cycling endeavours.
Come on, what’s the use in worrying when there's weather like this to cycle in?
That photo was taken by road.cc head honcho, Tony Farrelly. The rest of the team were pretty busy too; we’ve got a preview snap of David’s whip around the Route de Sud race, as well as some pics from some other road.cc team members to come, but first let’s take a look at your #mycycylingweekend.
While David was hopping around in the Pyrenees, you lot clearly got word that the Italian Alps were really the place to be. We were sent in two fabulous shots of the northern Italian mountain range from Instagram users @max_pne and @jayexile:
Sticking with the Italian theme we’ve got Robin Bassett who shared a photo with us in front of the Giro d’Italia trophy. Mr Bassett is quite some way away from Italy though, that medel around his neck is for completing the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland. Quite the mouthful, but at 173km long it’s sounds like quite the leg-ful as well. Chapeau Robin.
Believe it or not, #mycyclingweekend is about more than bikes in beautiful places, it encompasses all things cycling related.
For example, Libby Gordon asked us on Twitter what she should do over a weekend of enforced cycling abstinence. She answered before we had the chance to chime in with our endless wisdom with one word that we couldn’t argue with: EAT.
Of course, it was Father’s Day too and If Twitter user @Berk_on_a_bike’s handle is anything to go by, the somewhat sarcastic gift he received couldn’t have gone to a better home:
Let’s swing back to some of us back here at road.cc. Before the weekend started we gave you a brief rundown of what some of us would be doing with our bikes over the weekend.
David told us that he’d be down covering some of the behind-the-scenes bits from the Route de Sud, pre-Tour de France race. All of the details of his French jaunt are incoming, but for now I’ll leave you with a snap of former race winner Nairo Quintana’s race bike. You’ll find more details in Dave’s incoming report.
Spotted this new Canyon that Nairo Quintana was riding at the Route du Sud this weekend. Stay tuned to road.cc for more details soon...
Posted by road.cc on Sunday, 21 June 2015
You’ll be pleased to know that Tass successfully found her pedals and emerged resplendently on her beautiful cream Paulos Quiros.
Oli successfully persuaded his son to climb aboard the test Pinnacle balance bike; welcome to the club kiddo, there's no looking back now. Keep your eyes peeled for the write-up.
And, as I returned from a trip to the shop on Sunday morning, I discovered to my delight that my bike had been ‘improved’. Keep an eye out for spoke beads on the next road.cc Trend Spotting write-up.
So, all-in-all we’ve had a very successful #mycyclingweekend. Remember you can still get involved, and you can still send us your photos from this #mycyclingweekend.
All you’ve got to do is add the hashtag into the social media post of your choice, and you’re away. Have a good week and we’ll catch up with you again on Friday.
Similar incident happened to another couple that was in the news early last year, instead of it being a cycle rack this person concealed themselves...
A fierce row at the heart of Reform UK - what's going on?...
Even if the guy gets this a lot, it's still worth my being the 940th person to note that it's Cllr De'Ath overseeing a whopping four roads in...
Either way, got to be better than being a professional prick.
It was a bit more complex than that I think, the Badger had already been suffering from tendonitis for quite some time before (many said due to his...
That's going to make life needlessly difficult when I want to (perfectly legitimately) filter through traffic or indeed get through my front door...
What jaymack said....
Where are Zebedee and Ermintrude when you want them?
Update on this: apparently it's all their Ti frames ever, except the HT Ti (no, no idea why). However, it's not transferable.
Cough *plotaroute.com*