Chris Boardman has described the content of a recent Janet Street-Porter article complaining about London’s cycling superhighways as being “what you have to do when you don't have logic, evidence or a moral case to support what you want.” Street-Porter believes that what she calls “Boris’s follies” have “brought a wonderful city to its knees.”
The article, in The Independent, sets the tone with the headline: “Cyclists and their powerful backers are destroying London for the rest of us.” Street-Porter then embarks upon a quest to tick off as many tired old anti-cycling tropes as she can.
Arguing that cycle infrastructure has not reduced car use in the capital – “it means that traffic has to fit into a much smaller space and so it is reduced to a crawl” – she asks why cyclists get preferential treatment over pedestrians. “What about the young, the elderly and the disabled who may not want or be able to cycle and who cannot use public transport?”
She frames the riding of bikes as ‘a totally unregulated activity’ and one which is apparently fraught with danger for all (especially for pedestrians dodging cyclists on the pavements).
“It seems extraordinary that riding a bike (unlike driving) is subject to so few rules. You are not legally compelled to wear a helmet and, most extraordinary of all, when these cycle superhighways have been built, cyclists don’t even have to use them. It will be a matter of “choice”.
“There’s not even a legal requirement for bikes to undergo MOTs. Millions and millions of pounds is being spent on a totally unregulated activity, and anyone who has been in the city of London in the evening can witness the insanity of completely inexperienced cyclists wobbling around without any head protection or knowledge of the Highway Code. You can rent a bike and potentially kill pedestrians or other road users, with no checks whatsoever. You don’t need to take a driving test to work as a cycle messenger.”
There’s plenty more, but you get the gist. The article is perhaps symptomatic of increasingly vocal opposition to London cycling projects such as CS11, a petition against which has now attracted over 4,000 signatures.
Chris Boardman was singularly unimpressed with the article, tweeting a link to it and saying: “This what you have to do when you don't have logic, evidence or a moral case to support what you want: shout & stamp.”
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If every car owning cyclist in London decided, all on the same day, to drive, would she still sing her same tune, while, without a cyclist in sight, she's stuck all day on Marylebone High Street?
She's obviously in the Speak before Think club.
I do get frustrated with celebrities taking nonsense.
For sanity and the NHS the case against a cycle revolution is already over but a few public mouths still can't see it.
Her only discernible talent is the ability to eat an apple through a letter box.
Sorry. Janet who?
Excellent analogy from Andrew Gilligan in the Standard (spotted via Mark Treasure & Bez at
Full article is at
I rather like Boardman's tweet. He demonstrated her guff was groundless without having to resort to insults. This is excellent as insults just widen the divide (although some of the comments on here have made me laugh).
"You can rent a bike and potentially kill pedestrians or other road users..."
Yeah, I've been crashing my bicycle into cars for years trying to kill motorists, haven't succeeded yet though.
I wonder if it would be possible to get Ms. Street-Porter to a viewing of the "Bikes vs. Cars" movie to provide some enlightenment? I had the opportunity earlier this week to watch it during a stop here in Denver, Colorado with viewing hosted by local bicycling advocacy organizations. Some useful perspectives on how building more roadways has failed to provide any solution to increasing traffic, pollution, respiratory diseases, etc.
She's always tried to be controversial to stir up publicity.
Sadly, nobody cares about her opinion on any subject.
Thankfully for her, she'll always have her looks to fall back on!
Failed to "save" the high street, blames cyclists for everything. She hasn't a clue about anything two wheeled.
That's Mary Portas you're thinking of.
Too disabled to use a wheel-chair (or a hand-cycle) in a good-quality dedicated bike lane, but fit enough to get a chair around the cars parked on the narrow, broken, pavements?
I know this is entirely down to "selection effects" (and in no way at all, a representative sample) but most of the disabled people I know, cycle. The rest use public transport. I don't think any of them drive.
If only her article had as much teeth as she does
Shouting and stampingher feet, sounds like shes on a menstal cycle......
Why is that whenever a woman says something stupid, some commenteer has to say something equally stupid like this?! Men can be stupidly anti-cycling too!
It is particularly sad that JSP has come out with this. She's been part of the Ramblers Association for a couple of decades. You'd think that cyclists and walkers could come together to improve the lot of non-motorists on our roads.
Why are the misogynistic idots so often terrible at spelling?
[[[[[ What's an "idot"? But sieriusly,, thay doan't lyke wimmin, I spose.
I clearly don't look at things deeply enough. I'd thought that the OP here was trying for humour rather than blatant misogyny: menstrual cycle sounds a bit like bicycle, geddit?
(That said, I don't know any women who have the mood swings so beloved of 1970s sitcoms...).
“What about the young, the elderly and the disabled who may not want or be able to cycle and who cannot use public transport?”
Disabled enough not to take public transport but fit enough to drive a car ? hmmm
We don't have powerful backers, just very stupid opposition.
'You can rent a bike and potentially kill pedestrians or other road users'
I can see it now: 'Car killed by deadly cyclist'![](/sites/all/themes/rcc/images/smilies/33.gif)
Never mind her comments about there not being enough space for traffic. Er, that's kind of the point isn't it? Discourage car use? Or would she prefer to breathe in all those pollutants while walking? (Let's face it, her gobs big enough to take in more than her fair share
Substitute "hire a bicycle" for "borrow a wheelbarrow" or something similar and it shows how daft it really is.
Perhaps people like JSP shouldn't be allowed out into the countryside. They don't understand how it all works and the air is far too clean. Ramblers wreck the place with their big boots, queueing up to clomp over stiles, turning footpaths into quagmires, insisting they have "Rights of Way" and getting in the way of other people who are trying to earn a living.
If a "media face" wrote an article supporting the abolition of access to the countryside for none private land owners JSP would be up in arms. And for someone I've seen many times castigating folk who don't walk it's strange to see her supporting car ownership & use. "Do as I say, not what I do". As said we shouldn't really respond to these proffesional trolls, it just gives them the exposure they can't live without.
What's all the fuss about - we've got our powerful backers so why do we care what some noisy irrelevant old fool says?
to be fair she is an expert in toy boys and ex husbands; apart from that she knows not a lot![1](
That actually made me shiver.![](/sites/all/themes/rcc/images/smilies/31.gif)
Guys, population, everybody - please think of the children!
Janet's thinking of the children.
Its early days yet, give it a year and the fuss over the first of the decent cycle superhighways will die down, people will shut up when they realise it makes thigs better at relatively little cost.
Pure clickbait. Please don't give JSP or the Indie the clicks that they want to float under the noses of the online advertisers.
The sad thing is that I used to quite like JSP, then she switched to that terrible mockney accent and it all went down-hill, though presumably not her earnings.
Thing is, it's not just clickbait. I'm sure she genuinely believes that she's right in what she says. Plenty of people who are similarly self-righteous and unresearched, or just not interested enough to peel away the layers of the onion, will be reading her words and agreeing.
Just a noisy gobshite always has been.