Greater Manchester Police has come in for criticism after its Twitter account for the Denton/Droylsden area said that it would be challenging and fining cyclists who did not follow ‘good practice’. The statement was accompanied by a picture apparently recommending that cyclists make extensive use of reflective materials, including on seat stays and forks.
Whoever was manning the account was apparently inspired to post due to ‘increased reports of inconsiderate cycling’.
The response from cyclists was as swift and wholehearted as you might imagine.
GMP Denton/Droylsden followed up by clarifying:
Nevertheless, Greater Manchester’s walking and cycling commissioner, Chris Boardman, questioned the tweet.
GMP Denton/Droylsden has since apologised and made a second attempt at the tweet.
Greater Manchester Police last week apologised to “anyone offended” after another of its Twitter accounts advised cyclists “not to weave in and out of traffic at speed” following the region’s second cycling fatality in a week.
Speaking at the time, Boardman said he had “met with the GMP roads leader to discuss that the enforcement resource focuses more squarely on those that can do the most harm to others.”
In February, the GMP Longsight Twitter account said officers had “strongly advised” a cyclist for riding on the pavement despite “millions spent on cycle lanes in Manchester”.
The man in questoin had been nowhere near any of the bike lanes which have been built, while government guidance states that cyclists may ride on the footway provided they do so considerately.
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I wonder what sort of inconsiderate cycling they thought would be solved by pedal reflectors? I thought GMP were after all those evil pavement cyclists and RLJers, so wtf do reflectors and shiny tape have to do with anything??
This actually flies in the face of their sowrn oath, yet again discriminating, yet again not being impartial, yet again not keeping the peace or protecting offences against people because they're too fucking busy yapping on about reflectives and other shit that isn't law but keep spending a ridiculous amount of resources on something that does next to sod all harm.
"I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law."
The police would rather fine a cyclist for not having reflectors on his SPD pedals than actually go after the problem cyclists and dangerous drivers.
I guarantee that problem cyclists are most likely to be wearing a tracksuit and baseball cap.
And riding a vandalised MoBike or something they've just stolen.
Anyone know where they found that cartoon of a cycling dunce? Or did they actually commission and pay for it?
I like the aero water bottle.
and no mudguards ? thats finable on club rides
seems the original GMP Denton/Droylsden tweet has since been deleted.
If you're easier to see, you're easier for Addison Lee drivers to hit you
Due to increased reports of apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the middle of the motorway GMP would like to take this opportunity to remind pedestrians to wear reflective tabards.
Would be nice if GMP investigated the real menace on our roads, namely dangerous drivers, instead of targetting cyclists without reflectors.
Sadly, it seems they have their priorities wrong:
I know you shouldn't criticise what people choose to wear whilst cycling, but I point blank refuse to go out looking anything like the gimp depicted in the illustration.
Couldn't agree more, though I think if you went cycling in a latex suit with a plastic ball stuffed in your mouth, you wouldn't look as silly!
...and, for a moment, I thought I'd just wear my normal clothes, rather than dress up as the Pope.
GMP once again showing that their copy of the Highway Code went missing at the same time as their IQ tests for officers was lowered to that of a cretin.
Being covered in reflective shit will not stop people riding like a total arse.
--- Particularly since most (not all though) of the worst cycling I see tends to be a combination of the Strava-Kings racing at full speed whatever else occurs, or the older generation with their new found freedom of an E-bike dropping off a footpath into a cycle lane without a glance forcing other cyclists to dive out the way.
Reflective junk on the bike also doesn't help against drivers, most of the worst "SMIFSY" cases I've had have all beenwhen I'm lit up light a Christmas tree.. Had one almost pull out on me and stop at the last minute, only to stop at the next junction alongside me and berate me for not having lights. Hmm, Lemme think.... Luggage rack mounted light on constant, 350 lumens rear on slow flash (so as not to risk any driver claiming it might cause a siesure), front smaller LED on flash and a steady 1000 lumens out front. I asked if he maybe forgot tocharge his eyes the night before and headed off.
Ah the police not knowing their left hand from their right hand.