Tens of billions of additional bicycle trips per year will take place in 2022 over 2019 levels, according to a recent report by Deloitte. The global consultancy firm says that a shift towards cycling will be necessary with more and more people moving into the world’s cities.
Forbes reports that Deloitte’s Technology, Media & Telecommunications Predictions 2020 report anticipates that cycling will become “faster, easier and safer” due to an array of technological innovations.
The report states: “Growth in urban bicycle use can drive profound societal changes: reductions in traffic and pollution, less-crowded public transit systems, and improvements in public health.
“The need for more effective transportation is particularly acute in cities. Every week, an estimated 3 million people move into cities around the world.
“By 2050, 2.5 billion more people are expected to be living in cities than today. Moving all these people around may strain capacity on existing transport options. Bikes can pick up some of the slack for shorter journeys.”
E-bikes seem to be at the heart of the firm’s reasoning. The foreword says that improved batteries mean that bikes no longer need to be optimised for weight.
“A bike with a battery can be reinvented as a compact multi-person vehicle, powered by pedalling, but assisted by battery power, particularly for starts, uphills and headwinds.
“It can become a delivery vehicle, an urban taxi or a powered wheelchair. We predict that the proportion of commutes that include a cycle ride could double over the next three years, resulting in tens of billions more cycle rides per year.”
The report goes on to say that the fastest selling electric vehicles in the years ahead will be e-bikes. “Between 2020 and 2023, we expect over 130 million electric bikes to be sold worldwide, reaching 40 million units and £16 billion revenue in 2023.”
It also says that cycling on prescription will become a growing trend.
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So which is the free one then? All the ones I can see in this list will cost.
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Absolutely. Even with everyone behaving as they should there isn't enough room for everyone to be able to keep moving....
They can't spell "stupider"
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