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Sussex cyclists under attack as eggs thrown from passing vehicles

News follows road rage attack in Worthing last week in which 60-year-old cyclist was attacked with hammer

Cyclists in Sussex are being targeted by people throwing eggs from passing vehicles, according to a report in local newspaper The Argus. The news comes just a week after a cyclist in nearby Worthing was treated in hospital after being attacked by a motorist wielding a hammer, in what police are viewing as a road rage incident.

The newspaper says that “angry drivers” are to blame for the egg-hurling incidents, although quite how the newspaper is able to establish the motive is unclear, given that no-one seems to have been caught yet.

One cyclist, 49-year-old Denise Banks from Portslade, managed to take down the registration number of a white van from which an egg was thrown at her in Upper Beeding near Shoreham-by-Sea earlier this week, and police are said to be investigating the incident.

“I don’t understand why anyone would want to do it but it has happened to me twice and I’m sure other people have had the same experience,” Ms Banks told the newspaper.

Another cyclist, Adrian Imms, aged 27, was targeted during August as he rode his bike on London Road in Brighton.

“This is people going out specifically to chuck eggs at cyclists,” he told the Argus. “That’s quite a sad way to spend your Friday night."

The newspaper quoted a spokeswomen for Sussex Police as saying: “We take any reports of assaults on cyclists very seriously.”

Meanwhile, last week, a motorist was arrested following a suspected road rage attack in Worthing in which a 60-year-old cyclist was hit as many as 15 times with a hammer.

Samuel Brownson, aged 20, from East Preston, was charged with attempting to cause grevious bodily harm and released on police bail. He is due to appear at Worthing Magistrates Court on Monday.

Following the incident, which took place on the afternoon of Wednesday 7 September, a police spokesman, quoted in The Argus, said that the cyclist had initially been struck by a Vauxhall Astra car, and an argument ensued.

The driver then retrieved a hammer from the boot of the car and hit the cyclist on the head with it, before driving off.

The victim of the attack, who suffered cuts to his head, was taken to hospital for treatment and subsequently discharged.

A further report in The Argus the following day filled in additional details of the incident, including that the cyclist was not wearing a helmet, presumably deemed relevant in this case since wearing one could have helped lessen the extent of his injuries.

The report added that police believed that the attack happened because the driver had become frustrated at the slow speed at which the cyclist was riding uphill, and added that the assault had been witnessed by at least four people.


Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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kevarino | 13 years ago

I have been cycling in and around brighton for a while and have yet to experience any of this behaviour, other than the normal cutting up and stopping in front of you etc, I dont think it is any better or worse than most towns to be honest

FatCycleRider | 13 years ago

I had eggs thrown at me from a moving car where I live in Eastbourne. I've also had large chunks of snow thrown at me from a moving vehicle twice in 20 minutes.

The eggs missed me but the first lot of snow hit me quite hard in the chest.

Bob_k66 replied to FatCycleRider | 13 years ago
FatCycleRider wrote:

I had eggs thrown at me from a moving car where I live in Eastbourne. I've also had large chunks of snow thrown at me from a moving vehicle twice in 20 minutes.

The eggs missed me but the first lot of snow hit me quite hard in the chest.

Had eggs thrown at me on 2 occasions in the past year from outside my local chinese takeaway on my trip home by, er....shall we say "Transit van utilisers" which I use on a fairly regular basis and also targetted 3 times(2 glancing blows ) from the same sect with snow in the last winter period. Considering my commute is barely 3 miles I must be too conspicuous or there`s scum aplenty round our way.

drnolittle | 13 years ago

Outrageous! I can't believe that anyone who would attack a someone 15 times with a hammer could be bailed.

whizzkid replied to drnolittle | 13 years ago
drnolittle wrote:

Outrageous! I can't believe that anyone who would attack a someone 15 times with a hammer could be bailed.

I ditto that

The _Kaner | 13 years ago

I've had the washer jets, an old lady clip me with her Micra wing mirror...and the strangest of arse slapped by a 'crowd' of boy racers in a Suzuki Swift whilst on my mountain bike (commuting)...unfortunately there is a funeral in my town tomorrow for a 60 yr old cyclist killed by a hit and run sad.

WolfieSmith | 13 years ago

One or two motorists have put their washers on when they've passed our club ride recently - combined with frantic beeping and fist shaking. We find that a cheery wave is the best response. Don't give the buggers the satisfaction...

The recent saveacyclist campaign on twitter has been laudable but I worry about it presenting cyclists as victims to be 'saved' by motorists emboldened with a choice.

I'm seriously contemplating having "Share the Road" stencilled on the back of my gilet It sums up the whole issue in clear terms I think.

We are living in a world where my local lolly pop lady gets threatened twice a week.

It isn't going to get any better unless we can tip motorists support in favour of sharing and slowing down. Another rider killed on one of our local roads. Details a scarce but knowing the corner it was a combination of rider error - compounded by a motorist using to use Police speak " speed inappropriate for the corner. "

Anyone want tog et behind a 25/50 campaign and "Share the road"?

notfastenough replied to WolfieSmith | 12 years ago
MercuryOne wrote:

I'm seriously contemplating having "Share the Road" stencilled on the back of my gilet It sums up the whole issue in clear terms I think.

Hi Mercury - you've seen these though right?

andylul | 13 years ago

Had someone throw a bog roll at me from an A Class Mercedes on Box Hill and another guy in my cycling club had a Macdonald's bag thrown at him in Redhill, having already been spat at up Reigate Hill and cut up by a White Van person (hesitate to use the word 'man')

Surrey police have made a point of leafleting riders around here, advising that inconsiderate cycling may incur fines up to £1000 - people understandably upset that cyclists are on 'their' roads and are delaying their school run-coffee morning-WI meeting schedule, polluting the air with their synthetic fibres and awesomeness - but no statement that they are looking to prosecute drivers who choose to ignore the Highway Code (rule 163 springs to mind) and endanger other humans with their tonne of screaming metal and plastic.

Apparently Surrey police are reacting to the increase in cycling traffic due to the Olympic Route round Box - jeez, what's it going to be like next July when we'll be 10-deep at the road side?

OldRidgeback | 13 years ago

So the car driver was frustrated at the delay caused from the cyclist pedalling slowly up the hill and stopped and took the time required to attack the cyclist with a hammer. And this saved the driver how much time?

The bloke in the car sounds as stupid as he is aggressive.

Simon_MacMichael | 13 years ago

Thanks for the local info, Hamevans - updated the location info in the story

Hamevans | 13 years ago

upper Beeding is nowhere near Brighton! The Argus tend to make up stories from snippets of rumour and tall tales.. The supposed London road incident involved and was written by an Argus reporter namely Adrian Imms, again this paper is renowned for making up stories with no verification or substance all the time..

dmillar | 13 years ago

I despair

Dr_Death | 13 years ago

Are cycle helmets tested against hammer attack?

Simon_MacMichael replied to Dr_Death | 13 years ago
Dr_Death wrote:

Are cycle helmets tested against hammer attack?

Well, I imagine they are more resilient than a peach is...  39

(No-one under the age of 40 will have a clue what I'm talking about)

sc129806 | 13 years ago

unbelievable  2

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