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Phil Liggett: "They all seemed to have been cheating"

Having long fought Armstrong's corner he is slowly coming round to the allegations...

One of Lance Armstrong's most loyal supporters has said that he is slowly coming to the realisation that his hero was involved in doping.

Phil Liggett, who in August claimed that Lance Armstrong was the victim of a conspiracy after USADA imposed its life ban on him, had hinted that he was yet to be convinced of Lance's guilt.

But in an interview in the Independent this weekend, Liggett, veteran of some 40 editions of the Tour de France first as a journalist and more recently as a commentator, who is for many the ‘voice of cycling.’ appeared to have changed his mind.

"I hate the thought that I built these people into superstars in the minds of the public when they cheated," he said. "But if you look deeper down, they all seemed to have been cheating.

"I'm totally bemused by the whole thing now. I cannot believe it was so endemic – I didn't know it was going on.

"I'm not a friend of Lance's but I have been close to him in that I have worked with him on his cancer gigs. I have seen the other side of him when he has been so deeply embroiled in fighting cancer and helping others fight it. His other side is of course pretty evident too – that the whole team has taken drugs to succeed.

"He told me to my face in 2003 that he didn't do drugs. His words to me were that he'd been on his deathbed and he wasn't going back. I had no reason not to believe him."

Previously, Liggett had said that USADA was a "nefarious local drugs agency," claiming among other things that pressure had been put on potential witnesses and bribes offered to them.

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sprite | 12 years ago

Okay, so Phil Liggett should have known what was going on. But isn't it so easy in hindsight to point the finger. To be truthful, we all should have realised that doping was involved in these super-human efforts, both during Lance's era and also before and after. Please don't be so naive to think that doping is not going on now, in cycling, athletics, football, or prior to LA. It was quite openly admitted in the 1950s/60s, Bobet, Coppi, Simpson, Anquetil. etc. Let us just move on if we are ever going to clean up sport from the problems of performance enhancing drugs.

Morpheus00 | 12 years ago

"When Floyd Landis doped, Liggett's default position was to cast doubt on the reputation of the labs, and invent a French anti American conspiracy. In Armstrong's case he went on Ballz with a bizarre tale (which he said he could prove) of "agents" offering massive sums of money. Phil Liggett is (hopefully was) the "Go to" cycling commentator for the English language media. As long as he did not acknowledge there was a problem, he was part of that problem persisting."


WolfieSmith | 12 years ago

Rumpo. I was commenting on the stream as a whole not your contribution per se.

I feel my sense of perspective rushing back. I'm having an argument with people I don't know about something that a year from now won't matter.

Right or wrong - Liggert deserves a little respect: not that he cares what you or I think - and thank god for that.

On your bikes.

festival replied to WolfieSmith | 12 years ago
MercuryOne wrote:

Rumpo. I was commenting on the stream as a whole not your contribution per se.

I feel my sense of perspective rushing back. I'm having an argument with people I don't know about something that a year from now won't matter.

Right or wrong - Liggert deserves a little respect: not that he cares what you or I think - and thank god for that.

On your bikes.

Considering how he makes his living, I suggest its pretty damn important what people like you and the rest of the cycle sport public think of him and he better care or he is finished.

Colin Peyresourde | 12 years ago

I'm sorry Mercury, I think that while some of the comments are abusive, Liggett, as the voice of cycling does have a case to be heard against him.

I don't know if you've ever youtube'd the Tour de France, but he is the voice of the Tour not only in the UK, but the US and Australia if not elsewhere (at some point or other). He is (or was) the trusted voice of all things cycling to much of the world at some point or other. His refusal to question or doubt what has happened in cycling has only made it harder for clean cyclists. If he does not pass comment on the state of things for the public to understand the story unfolding - how does Phil explain the zipped lips?

If you reflect on Armstrong's 'zipped lips' after hounding Ferrari, or other rumours abounding over Basson and Armstrong, the situation with David Walshe, the rising speed of the peloton, or any of the countless rumours surrounding cycling should surely make you have reservations. To not do so is effectively naive at best, and self-serving at worse (do you think he feared TV coverage might be pulled if people suspected drug taking). Liggett no doubt knew of these rumours having an 'interest' in the sport. Without knowing the precise evidence I knew much of this, but obviously without tests and testimony it wasn't enough to 'convict' Lance, though made it more than probable. The Hamilton testimonies and those of others have only really embellished it.

Liggett has for a long time shown himself to be out of step with the cycling community and I personally enjoyed the commentary more from Eurosport. More in depth, more interesting, less closed minded. Liggett's time has passed and he should move on or be moved on. His constant support for Armstrong (and selective myopia) has meant some questionable commentary.

JohnS | 12 years ago

Bring back Duffers!

Super Domestique | 12 years ago

Is there not a case that Phil was a cycling fan at heart, who wanted (incorrectly it now seems) to have hero.

Loads of people do that in their team kit, etc every weekend. Phil just had a job that was 'living a dream' for him.

As silly as his blind defence might be (silly is perhaps harsh. Childlike maybe?) the anger of cyclists should be aimed at the cheats not the cheated.

Seoige replied to Super Domestique | 12 years ago
Super Domestique wrote:

Is there not a case that Phil was a cycling fan at heart, who wanted (incorrectly it now seems) to have hero.

Loads of people do that in their team kit, etc every weekend. Phil just had a job that was 'living a dream' for him.

As silly as his blind defence might be (silly is perhaps harsh. Childlike maybe?) the anger of cyclists should be aimed at the cheats not the cheated.

I am inclined to agree with you but we are talking 15 years in the abyss. Surely no one can be that dumb  39

Seoige | 12 years ago

The guy admitted his mistake and maybe we might let him off!! He was naieve though given that he was so close to the sport, inexcusabe some might argue? I simply just do not feel confident in his reporting abilities any more. He justified a position that was untenable in light of the USADA report. We the grass roots cylcists are not bemused. what you see as endemic we see as pandemic. There was nothing nefarious about the Tygart report. The reasoned decision was in fact reasonable. LA was a liar and a cheat and a convincing one. We do not need propaganda Phil, we live in a democracy and expect you to be more thorough in reporting events. Sorry Phil! going to Henry the V111 th your ass.

lesliejames | 12 years ago

Phil saw cycling through rose tinted glasses no doubt.

Morpheus00 | 12 years ago

Merc1: nobody's arguing that Phil isn't a nice chap to know or that he didn't promote cycling in the UK, but his comments re the USADA show that he's an integral part of the omerta culture, which is why it took so long for this to come out and why so many people got damaged along the way. There's no place for him in cycling anymore.

Seoige | 12 years ago

We are not wearing perfuntory jewelery/ Lets all draw our swords and off witht their heads  13

The Rumpo Kid | 12 years ago

Sorry MercuryOne, I just don't buy it. Liggett's forty years of constant denial that there was any orchestrated doping is one of the reasons pro cycling finds itself in this current mess.

WolfieSmith replied to The Rumpo Kid | 12 years ago

Oh come on Rumpole. Sorry Rumpo.  4

Liggert's responsible for doping - because he didn't comment on it? You're right. If only Phil had taken the peleton aside 40 years ago and had strong words with them we could have been spared the pain... That was his job after all.  3

Part of me is pissed off with Liggert for not being sharper - or more honest about his suspicions. Looking back over his career what did you expect him to do - start shouting "That guy's obviously on drugs!" at every suspiciously fast summit finisher? It would have been get your coat time.

There has to be a difference between commentator and investigative journalist. Quite a few people on here are confusing the two and lashing out like chavs at a bus stop at a weak target.

Do you hear Harmon or anyone else questioning races as recent as this years Vuelta - or for that matter questioning Kelly either?

I trust if, or when, Kelly holds up his hands you'll all be quick to call Harmon a c**t as well?

Bearing in mind the hidden iceberg that is football's doping and image rights tax dodging I do hope a few of the self righteous zealots on this string will be picketing Gary Lineker's house when the time comes. I would imagine Sir Alex's dealings are going to make Armstrong look like Anne of Green Gables...

The Rumpo Kid replied to WolfieSmith | 12 years ago
MercuryOne wrote:

Oh come on Rumpole. Sorry Rumpo.  4

Liggert's responsible for doping - because he didn't comment on it? You're right. If only Phil had taken the peleton aside 40 years ago and had strong words with them we could have been spared the pain... That was his job after all.  3

Part of me is pissed off with Liggert for not being sharper - or more honest about his suspicions. Looking back over his career what did you expect him to do - start shouting "That guy's obviously on drugs!" at every suspiciously fast summit finisher? It would have been get your coat time.

There has to be a difference between commentator and investigative journalist. Quite a few people on here are confusing the two and lashing out like chavs at a bus stop at a weak target.

Do you hear Harmon or anyone else questioning races as recent as this years Vuelta - or for that matter questioning Kelly either?

I trust if, or when, Kelly holds up his hands you'll all be quick to call Harmon a c**t as well?

Bearing in mind the hidden iceberg that is football's doping and image rights tax dodging I do hope a few of the self righteous zealots on this string will be picketing Gary Lineker's house when the time comes. I would imagine Sir Alex's dealings are going to make Armstrong look like Anne of Green Gables...

I never called Phil Liggett a c**t, and nobody calls Harmon the voice of cycling. Of course I do not expect ANY journalist or commentator to go public with unsubstantiated rumour, but they should report events uncompromised by how they wish the situation was. When Floyd Landis doped, Liggett's default position was to cast doubt on the reputation of the labs, and invent a French anti American conspiracy. In Armstrong's case he went on Ballz with a bizarre tale (which he said he could prove) of "agents" offering massive sums of money. Phil Liggett is (hopefully was) the "Go to" cycling commentator for the English language media. As long as he did not acknowledge there was a problem, he was part of that problem persisting. I probably will not be picketing Linekers house for the simple reason that he has not suggested anyone giving evidence was bribed, or that Ferguson looked deep into his eyes and said he was clean, and that's that. And there's the difference.

festival replied to The Rumpo Kid | 12 years ago
The Rumpo Kid wrote:
MercuryOne wrote:

Oh come on Rumpole. Sorry Rumpo.  4

Liggert's responsible for doping - because he didn't comment on it? You're right. If only Phil had taken the peleton aside 40 years ago and had strong words with them we could have been spared the pain... That was his job after all.  3

Part of me is pissed off with Liggert for not being sharper - or more honest about his suspicions. Looking back over his career what did you expect him to do - start shouting "That guy's obviously on drugs!" at every suspiciously fast summit finisher? It would have been get your coat time.

There has to be a difference between commentator and investigative journalist. Quite a few people on here are confusing the two and lashing out like chavs at a bus stop at a weak target.

Do you hear Harmon or anyone else questioning races as recent as this years Vuelta - or for that matter questioning Kelly either?

I trust if, or when, Kelly holds up his hands you'll all be quick to call Harmon a c**t as well?

Bearing in mind the hidden iceberg that is football's doping and image rights tax dodging I do hope a few of the self righteous zealots on this string will be picketing Gary Lineker's house when the time comes. I would imagine Sir Alex's dealings are going to make Armstrong look like Anne of Green Gables...

I never called Phil Liggett a c**t, and nobody calls Harmon the voice of cycling. Of course I do not expect ANY journalist or commentator to go public with unsubstantiated rumour, but they should report events uncompromised by how they wish the situation was. When Floyd Landis doped, Liggett's default position was to cast doubt on the reputation of the labs, and invent a French anti American conspiracy. In Armstrong's case he went on Ballz with a bizarre tale (which he said he could prove) of "agents" offering massive sums of money. Phil Liggett is (hopefully was) the "Go to" cycling commentator for the English language media. As long as he did not acknowledge there was a problem, he was part of that problem persisting. I probably will not be picketing Linekers house for the simple reason that he has not suggested anyone giving evidence was bribed, or that Ferguson looked deep into his eyes and said he was clean, and that's that. And there's the difference.

Well said Rumpo.

georgee | 12 years ago

You utter chump Phil now get out of doing anything with cycling

Max_headset | 12 years ago

Phil it's time you hung up the mike. Your comments this year including those about the merits of BMX in the Olympics on twitter and your defence then neutrality on Lance's woes make the average farmyard sheep dog a more likely cyclists friend than yourself. Your worsening waffle, even be it you did once have a great canal holiday in Norfolk, no longer interests us on the terrestial Tour coverage, I now often have to watch the itv4 show with the sound off to avoid your prattle and possibly have a live internet stream from a french channel to provide audio relief. There has to be a time when you and dear Huw realise its time to take up gardening / fishing/ charity work and remove the risk of the trueman showesque experience of watching the two of you age any further and die on air.

Seoige replied to Max_headset | 12 years ago
Max_headset wrote:

Phil it's time you hung up the mike. Your comments this year including those about the merits of BMX in the Olympics on twitter and your defence then neutrality on Lance's woes make the average farmyard sheep dog a more likely cyclists friend than yourself. Your worsening waffle, even be it you did once have a great canal holiday in Norfolk, no longer interests us on the terrestial Tour coverage, I now often have to watch the itv4 show with the sound off to avoid your prattle and possibly have a live internet stream from a french channel to provide audio relief. There has to be a time when you and dear Huw realise its time to take up gardening / fishing/ charity work and remove the risk of the trueman showesque experience of watching the two of you age any further and die on air.

I second Mercury all those in favour say Aye.

pj | 12 years ago

and shits in the woods.

Some Fella | 12 years ago

Breaking News : Phil Liggett Shocked At Revelations That Pope Appears To Be Catholic.

Morpheus00 | 12 years ago

Oh and p1ss off Phil, after all you've said about the witch hunt and USADA's veracity you should bow out gracefully. If you're commentating on the tour next year I'll stick with Harmon thanks.

WolfieSmith replied to Morpheus00 | 12 years ago

Harmon? that's like reading The Sun with your lips moving.  4

I bet half the people kicking Liggert now bought a yellow wristband - not for cancer support - but because it was a little link to Lance to show off down the pub. It made you fell a little bit special, a bit different.

There's a lot of hypocrites out there.

Like I said. Liggert's down more for cycling in the UK in the past 40 years than any of us. Especially those that have only known him through the TV in the past 5 years.

Trolls on bikes. Not a pretty sight.

Max_headset replied to WolfieSmith | 12 years ago

dont wear jewellery never had a wrist band something for the ladies I always thought... the ITV4 Vuelta shows we dont need Phil, there is enough talent around I'd give his work to Matt Rendall

James Warrener replied to Max_headset | 12 years ago
Max_headset wrote:

the ITV4 Vuelta shows we dont need Phil, there is enough talent around I'd give his work to Matt Rendall

absolutely this. Boulting and Rendell for me.

WolfieSmith replied to James Warrener | 12 years ago

Eh? This is the same Rendall and Boulting who've made a few comments on their podcasts about Larry but never commented formally on ITV4 about their suspicions? I love the pair of them and they are great commentators - but like Liggert they know what pays the bills.

According to the 'logic' of this string they are as guilty as Liggert of covering up doping and should walk.

Stumps | 12 years ago

"I hate the thought that I built these people into superstars in the minds of the public when they cheated," he said. "But if you look deeper down, they all seemed to have been cheating"

No shit Sherlock !

40 yrs covering cycling and you just worked that out  41

WolfieSmith | 12 years ago

What did Armstrong say in 2005? 'I pity those who can't believe..' Time to cut those that did some slack. It's nice to believe. It's positive to believe. I tell my kids It's still right to try to believe. If I knew Armstrong and he told me he didn't dope, would never dope- I, like Phil,would take that on face value.

Phil Liggert is a gentleman. Unlike some in this comment stream. He isn't just a commentator - he kept the Milk Race running in the bad years and has my thanks and respect.

He also asked Armstrong whether he doped - something plenty of others didn't and I imagine many of us wouldn't have either.

Carbon Kev? You're some nobody ( like me ) venting on a website. Phil Liggert is Phil Liggert. And we'd all be the poorer without him.

james-o | 12 years ago

"OK, who unplugged Phil Liggett from the Matrix?"

: ) brilliant

Argy replied to james-o | 12 years ago
james-o wrote:

"OK, who unplugged Phil Liggett from the Matrix?"

: ) brilliant

Ditto!! LoL  1

He is a really silly/dim old man!


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