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I have to preface this post that I am a 60 miles/week cyclist because having read it back before posting there is a danger that people may assume I am a bike-hating car-owner.
I have no sympathy for the driver's behaviour, and he should have had a heavier punishment but…
Magnatom is an utterly terrible cyclist. Watch his other videos of supposedly bad driving behaviour. He regularly jumps red lights, cuts lanes, rides in the wrong lane, cuts in between traffic, lane hogs, moves into faster lanes and then slows his speed, cuts right hand corners, passes MUCH closer to vehicles than they pass to him …… and so on.
And when any driver reacts to his bad cycling behaviour he stops and behaves aggressively towards them.
And that is just the footage he posts, how badly does he ride in the bits that he cuts?
SMIDSY...just with a lock weighing a couple of pounds intead of a car weighing a couple of tonnes. Odd how its taken seriously when the tables are turned isn't it?
Don't condone violence at all but how many people on bikes face such injury every day with the police being less than interested but this attracts witness appeals?
riding up a hill seeing a car come the other way I heard one behind start to accelerate not brake - they all passed me at once and I was clipped by his wing mirror which smashed all over the road - he stopped and came running down to - I thought - see me as I was quite shaken - I guess he was doing 60mph - he wanted to know where his wing mirror was - for some reason, not sure why at all, he got a spontaneous and quite vicious nose bleed so possibly in shock ran away like a girl...
I am not surprized at all to read this story - reading elsewhere about a badly broken up cyclist seeing his protagonist get a £55 fine - I hope this cyclist is given some understanding...
however - sadly - I doubt he will...
If (and it's only if) there was use of a lock against someone, then the law should be left to take it's course. Any other reaction because one person is on a bike and another is driving a motor vehicle is of no consequence. Escalation is never pretty.
Possible scenario;
driver pulls out from exit and nearly hits cyclist. Cylist remonstrates and hits car with lock causing damage. Driver gets out to remonstrate to cyclist about damaging his car so cyclist then hits driver with lock as well causing severe injuries.
Hope there are witnesses to this incident as without any its one persons word against the other and unfortunately the cyclist might walk.
I wonder how that will be greeted on the forum
Apparently folk on here think assault is amusing...unless its a cyclist who is assaulted.
Agreed, assault is assault. No excuses, I hope the forum doesn't jump on the cyclist pity party again of how its only a poor cyclist defending his rights etc etc
Again? Can you point me in the direction of where the original cyclist pity parties were? They sound like fun.
It was a bit of gallows humour as we've constantly have these reasons rehashed and used as acceptable reasons for the deaths and injuries of cyclists.
It depends whether the person was assaulted or just came second in a fight; there is not enough information to decide what happened here.
My comment was prompted by the bullshit excuses I have heard motorists say over the years to excuse their stupidity.
To be fair we don't know the full story. However, in response to your comment I'd point out a person in a car can cause horrific injuries or death and use the flimsiest of excuses to evade any real justice...check out the stats and the typical 'punishment' handed out.
I suspect the sentiment here is that when the table is turned and the motorist comes off worst the police are suddenly interested. Smacks of double standards and lack of equality.
The motorist gets to use the car to injure or kill on a daily basis and it is automatically assumed to be an accident...as if the driver gets in and the car just takes off by itself with the occupant pleading desperately for the car to behave itself.
The car is an extension of the person inside, it does not operate itself! None of us get in our cars planning to kill or maim but I don't believe the word accident cuts it in the majority of cases.
If I set a gun up on a hare trigger rigged to a door I can't claim accident when someone comes in and gets shot. Get in a car and then drive it into another human being because I'm being an idiot however and that is declared as an accident.
I would call both inevitable, preventable and forseeable incidents...not accidents.
The cyclist and the motorist in this case each brought what they had to the party. One their car, the other a lock. They are both probably guilty of being hot headed and do no favours to the human race in general but on this occasion instead of the motorist accidentally hurting the cyclist (as is the rule 99.9% of the time), the cyclist accidentally hurt the motorist.
I think its all part of a shambolic system that needs addressing, irrespective of death or injury being accidentally caused by a lock or by a car.
Maybe if he just clipped the motorist with the lock in a momentary loss of concentration (or on the 'phone as it is also known) it would be OK?
I'm glad to see the police were on this quickly. It shows that we're all safe.
Well done the filth.
Maybe the sun was in his eyes?
Would like to know more, but possible the drive had to get out of his car to get hit? Was he squaring up an lost out, or is the cyclist just unhinged? Far to many variables to judge....
What he should have done was follow the driver home then got find himself a car wait out side the guys house. Then just run the driver over next time he leaves the house. 3 points and a fine at most even if he had to chase him down the pavement before running him over.
I hit my brother with a chain-lock once, and it definitely was an accident. I'm pretty sure if I was going to cave in someones face with a bike lock, it'd be deliberate. Once is an accident, twice, three or four times - that's assault.
However, if the driver in someway threatened him with the vehicle, he could claim it was proportionate self-defence (I'm not pre-judging the case or saying the cyclist was correct, but that the law allows a plea depending on the circumstances)
That's because hitting someone with a car is an 'accident' presumably because it's hard to prove that it was intentional (as opposed to bringing a d-lock down on someone's head).
Google-car should fix this sort of driving 'accident'
Maybe hitting someone with a bike could be classed as an accident too?
The gentleman got out of his car and as I tried to swing my bike around to flee he happened to run into my chain ring officer...'
Terrible but maybe a case of accidental clipping surely?
Interesting to see what happens here; it seems that you can use your car as a weapon against cyclists and not be charged (see "related stories" above) but what happens if you fight back?
Freaking out is no suprise but actually assaulting someone??? Get back in your car where you belong!...along with red light jumpers.
Not saying it is right but not surprised, the legal system offers no protection for cyclists.