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Surrey resident launches campaign against closed-road cycle events

“No one has consulted me," says clay-pigeon biz owner, complaining about noisy "lycra louts" with RideLondon in his sights...

A Surrey resident has launched a campaign demanding that the county council not run closed-road events such as the RideLondon 100 sportive, which, he says, turns Surrey roads into a “cycle track”.

An online petition, Stop Surrey Being Turned Into a Cycle Track, was launched by Ian Huggins, 68, from Esher four days before the August 3 RideLondon-Surrey 100. Two weeks later it has garnered 826 signatures. In 2011 the population of Surrey was estimated to be 1,135,500.

Mr Higgins’ primary concern appears to be the effect on local businesses, including his own weekend clay pigeon shooting set-up. He also complained that "lycra louts" rode the route in advance of the event, making lots of noise.

He said: “Last year we were confined to barracks for two days and now I have been told I can’t leave my home unless I leave before 5am or after 7pm.

“No one has consulted me, no one has asked if I mind.”

In a story on several other residents voice their objections to the event. They accuse Surrey County Council and the RideLondon organisers of running the event without public consultation and without formal assessment of the impact on individuals and businesses.

Council and organisers were “riding roughshod” over those affected by turning the ride into an annual event, said one objector, Ian Mason, 59, from West Byfleet.

Former county councillor Ian Lake said: “I am incensed by the whole thing. The consultation has been poor, it is a vanity project.”

“People didn’t really mind last year when it was the Olympics and roads were only closed for a short time. This year, the barriers have been up for the last few days and caused a huge amount of inconvenience.”

A spokesman for Surrey County Council told GetSurrey: “We’ve been working with the organisers to ensure everything is done to minimise disruption, with the help of leaflets, drop-in events and the website, and to make sure vulnerable people are looked after and emergency services aren’t hampered.”

Event organiser Hugh Brasher of London Marathon Limited was unavailable for comment at the time of writing, but his office have has said he will respond as soon as he’s able.

Here’s the unedited full text of Mr Huggins’s petition:

Apart from the obvious dangers to cyclists,Surrey roads are not suitable.Surrey County Council have, without consultation,decided it would be a great idea to use Surrey as a race track. This in it's self is a thoughtless act but far more importantly residents and numerous businesses are being effected by road closures. This prevents residents of Surrey from leaving their own property and going about their normal business. The road closures were a necessary inconvenience during the Olympic Games but now it looks like Surrey County Council are to make this an annual event. This is all very well but residents of Surrey are pestered and annoyed by cyclists ( practising months in advance of the event ) who ride the route in very large numbers from very early in the morning shouting at each other (have you tried talking whilst riding your bike?) and riding in large groups sometimes three and four abreast or in strings of riders making it virtually impossible for the poor old motorist, many of whom are elderly, to overtake.Traffic violations are common and it is only a matter of time before there is a major accident with the possibility of the loss of life. It will of course be the motorists fault. Have Surrey County Council considered the number of heavy goods vehicles using the roads. The route chosen is all enclosing and no provision has been made for vehicular crossing points. So to facilitate a bike ride many Surrey residents are to be confined to their homes from 5 am until 9 pm.

Surrey versus cyclists

The popularity of the Surrey hills with cyclists has become a source of complaints for locals in the last couple of years. In July Councillor David Preedy told the BBC that local councils were exploring ways in which events could be regulated.

Councillor Preedy, who leads the Lib-Dem group on Mole Valley District Council, said the main problem was the “sheer number” of cyclists.

“Every weekend there are hundreds and hundreds of cyclists and then on top of that, big organised events,” he said. “The pressure on residents is just getting too much, they’re feeling imprisoned, they can’t get out.

“A lot of them, particularly in Box Hill, are older people who feel intimidated driving through large numbers of cyclists.”

In April, Mark Davis, chief executive of Vachery Triathlon organiser Brave Events, said that a meeting he called to discuss road closures for the event was hijacked by protesters.

He alleged he was threatened outside and said others there reported incidents to the police - despite the council agreeing to the road closures. He also said that the event would bring £10 million to the local economy over the next three years.

Mr Davis said: “How many events bring top sports people and that sort of money into the area? You can’t believe how selfish people are because they don’t like cycling. Nobody is going to be trapped. People aren’t going to be stranded on an island.”

Brave Events subsequently changed the event to have partially-closed rather than fully-closed roads.

Fortunately, not everyone in Surrey fails to recognise the money visiting cyclists spend in the local economy. In July, the National Trust painted three logos on the Box Hill climb, reading  ‘I love cycling’; ‘I love amazing views’; and ‘I love tea and cakes’.

John has been writing about bikes and cycling for over 30 years since discovering that people were mug enough to pay him for it rather than expecting him to do an honest day's work.

He was heavily involved in the mountain bike boom of the late 1980s as a racer, team manager and race promoter, and that led to writing for Mountain Biking UK magazine shortly after its inception. He got the gig by phoning up the editor and telling him the magazine was rubbish and he could do better. Rather than telling him to get lost, MBUK editor Tym Manley called John’s bluff and the rest is history.

Since then he has worked on MTB Pro magazine and was editor of Maximum Mountain Bike and Australian Mountain Bike magazines, before switching to the web in 2000 to work for Along with founder Tony Farrelly, John was on the launch team for and subsequently became editor in chief of Future Publishing’s group of cycling magazines and websites, including Cycling Plus, MBUK, What Mountain Bike and Procycling.

John has also written for Cyclist magazine, edited the BikeMagic website and was founding editor of before handing over to someone far more representative of the site's main audience.

He joined in 2013. He lives in Cambridge where the lack of hills is more than made up for by the headwinds.

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freespirit1 | 11 years ago

Dear All

Thanks for letting put my twopennyworth in though I feel some of you may not like it!

I am a Surrey resident who has signed the petition you are up in arms about. Let me explain why.

1. On the day of the event the carers for my 86 year old mother in law were denied access by the stewards. I appreciate this is not the fault of individual cyclists but that of the organisers, but it does need to be pointed out.

2. Like most Surrey residents I was extremely pleased about the route being used for the Olympics as a one off and for a rehearsal. At no point were residents consulted about an annual event.

3. Some towns and villages ARE completely isolated by the road closures e.g. Byfleet and Westcott.

4. Please look at the attached link as this is especially relevant on the A25 from Clandon to Dorking.

5. There is plenty of room on the roads if we ALL abide by the simple rules that are in place.

I hope no one is offended by my observations,

Kind regards


freespirit1 | 11 years ago

The road closures and their duration were only announced with 2 to 3 weeks to go to the event. We were not given months and months notice of the that. The event yes, the nitty gritty no.

freespirit1 | 11 years ago

It may have escaped your notice but Wimbledon comes under the Greater London Authority, therefore TFL. I am talking about Surrey, where we did indeed have to wait to find out the exact times of the road closures until 2 to 3 weeks before the event.

arfa | 11 years ago

my notification came from the race organiser. If they did not notify universally along the route then yes that is a failing to fix for next year but it was virtually impossible to not be aware of the event, a bit like the London marathon.

freespirit1 | 11 years ago

I was aware of the event in February and have an e-mail string to councillors and others on SCC asking about the road closures.

It seemed reasonable as they ok'd the idea in the first place!

They all answered that the organisers would let them know and then they would let their electorates know.

Hence it was all confirmed at the end of June beginning of July, even then I found out from a local newspaper site.

pauldmorgan replied to badback | 11 years ago
badback wrote:

“I can see both sides of the argument - his clay pigeon business is loosing out when these events are on and I doubt many cyclists stop to pump money into the local economy when there are feed stations on route.(I'll just retire to put my flack jacket on)

But he's also complaining about cyclists coming at other times to "practice" and I would say that the majority of those will be using a local cafe or pub at some point.

I wonder how he feels about horse riders slowing down the flow of traffic and intimidating older drivers by practicing on his roads?

The closed road ride is a hook to hang his rant upon - he just doesn't like freeloading cyclists riding on the roads he has paid for.

northstar replied to don simon fbpe | 11 years ago
don simon wrote:

The closed road ride is a hook to hang his rant upon - he just doesn't like freeloading cyclists riding on the roads he has paid for.

Unfortunately I've seen groups of cyclist who don't do the cause any favours by not assisting the traffic and, one might say, even going out of their way to be obstructive and even abusive to car drivers.
Let's learn a bit of tolerance on both sides and share the roads like the adults that most of us are.


No rider is under any obligation to "assist the "traffic" ", if people want to drive on roads with riders on then that's their choice, no one is forcing them too, they choose to drive.

Oscarzero replied to Treads CC | 11 years ago
Treads CC wrote:

maybe he is having a dig that if the council planners won't let him shoot then no one gets to use surrey, this was in 2007. So perhaps it's taken him this long to find something to pick on

Genius find Treads CC. Just about says all that needs to be said.

Personally, I would like to see Boris rotate the Ride100 around all the counties that border onto London. Kent has the North downs too and has some great climbs, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire do too - and that way, it gives each county a break of a few years between each event and adds variety to the sportive for those entering. Also why should Surrey get all the glory and money spent from participants?

davidtcycle replied to cat1commuter | 11 years ago

Well spotted  1  1 cat1commuter

Turned down on the grounds of noise not surprisingly

arfa replied to freespirit1 | 11 years ago
freespirit1 wrote:

The road closures and their duration were only announced with 2 to 3 weeks to go to the event. We were not given months and months notice of the that. The event yes, the nitty gritty no.

The road closures were flagged months in advance in Wimbledon and details sent out by post and available on the internet. Perhaps you missed it in the post ?

pwmedcraft replied to freespirit1 | 11 years ago
freespirit1 wrote:

Dear All

3. Some towns and villages ARE completely isolated by the road closures e.g. Byfleet and Westcott.

4. Please look at the attached link as this is especially relevant on the A25 from Clandon to Dorking.

I live in Westcott and it's lovely during these events, the kids can ride and walk in the streets without you having to be a couple of feet away at all times and the spirit on the green is great. It was also possible to drive somewhere on the Sunday of Ride London by leaving a car on Logmore Lane the night before.

What is relevant in that link for the A25? The bit about two abreast?

oozaveared replied to don simon fbpe | 10 years ago

I get where Northstar is coming from. I am also an advanced driver. I like the idea of assisting traffic flow even as a driver but you do need to be careful. I see drivers all the time doing things that they think are useful like stopping to let cars out from side roads. Nice idea until you get rear ended and someone accuses you of "slam on" accident.

Long ago I was hit by a car that was "flashed through" a gap by another motorist that hadn't seen me. They were just being kind and thoughtful and the other motorist was just doing what most of us would also do. Legally it was the fault of the motorist that hit me for not checking themselves that it was clear but a big contribution was made by the other motorist deciding to "help" the traffic and making up their own rules.

As an aside the motorist that flashed just drove off. The motorist that hit me claimed it wasn't her fault as she had been flashed through. Her insurance company tried to blame me and claimed my bike was unroadworthy because it was made up of different parts and wasn't a specific make and model. Luckily my BCF licence gave me insurance and they explained that it was roadworth as had been inspected for a race the previous day.

So be careful giving hand signals or otherwise beckoning people through or giving way when you have right of way. You can't make up your own rules. And if you change the assumptions of the Highway Code whilst trying to be helpful you could easily end up being blamed or even hurt when someone misinterprets your gestures.

Keep it simple. Only use hand signals in the highway code. Keep your lane, occupy your space. It may annoy some motorists that you don't just get out of their way but the principle is clear. You have a right to be where you are. It is safer when you are visible and drivers need to take account of you. The chances that drivers will see you and then just run over you anyway are miniscule (however much they moan) The chances that by trying to be helpful and keeping out of their way or making room for them to squeeze past will result in them misjudging are much higher.

You can be polite and courteous without overdoing it.

TheHatter replied to northstar | 11 years ago
northstar wrote:
don simon wrote:

Let's learn a bit of tolerance on both sides and share the roads like the adults that most of us are.


No rider is under any obligation to "assist the "traffic" ", if people want to drive on roads with riders on then that's their choice, no one is forcing them too, they choose to drive.

yeah DonSimon how dare you ask for tolerence!

Remember when this site had mainly reasoned, intelligent debate?

jollygoodvelo replied to Oscarzero | 11 years ago
Oscarzero wrote:

Personally, I would like to see Boris rotate the Ride100 around all the counties that border onto London. Kent has the North downs too and has some great climbs, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire do too - and that way, it gives each county a break of a few years between each event and adds variety to the sportive for those entering. Also why should Surrey get all the glory and money spent from participants?

Couldn't agree more. Speaking for all of Essex (because apparently that's what we can do on the internet without fear of contradiction, isn't it?) I'd happily welcome the sportive and race coming up through Epping Forest and out to the rolling hills of The Only Way Is Pedalling country.

I'll set up a bacon butty stall.

northstar replied to TheHatter | 11 years ago

LOL, you don't have a clue what you are going on about, especially reasoned and intelligence, keep licking your wounds.

Good luck with "assisting with the "traffic" " it will just create problems.

The Rumpo Kid replied to jollygoodvelo | 11 years ago
Gizmo_ wrote:
Oscarzero wrote:

Personally, I would like to see Boris rotate the Ride100 around all the counties that border onto London. Kent has the North downs too and has some great climbs, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire do too - and that way, it gives each county a break of a few years between each event and adds variety to the sportive for those entering. Also why should Surrey get all the glory and money spent from participants?

Couldn't agree more. Speaking for all of Essex (because apparently that's what we can do on the internet without fear of contradiction, isn't it?) I'd happily welcome the sportive and race coming up through Epping Forest and out to the rolling hills of The Only Way Is Pedalling country.

I'll set up a bacon butty stall.

Agreed. At the risk of sounding like I agree with Mr. Huggins, it seems like every major bike race in the Home Counties takes place in Surrey. The Olympics, last year's ToB, last week's Classic and 100, next month's ToB... spreading them round would be better both for fans and nimbys.

JonD replied to Oscarzero | 11 years ago
Oscarzero wrote:

Personally, I would like to see Boris rotate the Ride100 around all the counties that border onto London. Kent has the North downs too and has some great climbs, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire do too - and that way, it gives each county a break of a few years between each event and adds variety to the sportive for those entering. Also why should Surrey get all the glory and money spent from participants?

As I understand it (not sure where I found the info) Surrey has it for 5 years with the option on another couple. I'd guess after that it may well go in a different direction.

I'm just within the loop just south of the outgoing Walton-On-Thames leg, and incoming Esher/Portmouth road leg. What a lot of people seem to be missing is that even then it was possible to get out of that 'island' by driving down to a local A3 junction at Cobham and travelling via the A3 to somewhere outside the loop.

The organiser of the petition appears, from a brief search, to live on the Portsmouth road - the route runs directly past. If he's that desperate to drive anywhere all he has to do is park in Hawkshill Way and walk the hundred yards or few along portsmouth road - an inconvenience, but not impossible.

And at 68 I rather suspect he's retired or semi-retired, so he *does* have the rest of the week to busy himself elsewhere. Dunno why he seems to think organising this stuff should be down to some kind of referendum...

But judging by his petition, he *does* appear to be a bit of a whiny prat.

koko56 replied to cat1commuter | 11 years ago
cat1commuter wrote:

I wonder if Mr Huggins has a bee in his bonnet about the Council, after they turned down planning permission to expand his clay pigeon shooting?

Mkay, comments can now be closed.  4

Gkam84 | 11 years ago
Low Speed Wobble replied to Gkam84 | 11 years ago
Gkam84 wrote:

Am I missing anything??

Yes. Signatures and support.

5th | 11 years ago

Fortunately this chap's ill conceived rant seems to be getting the stiff ignoring it deserves. I think public opinion was reflected more accurately on the Ride 100 by the numbers of people out cheering by the roadside vs the one grumpy poster I saw stuck on the side of a bus stop (near Box Hill IIRC) moaning about "...not the legacy we wanted...". My memories of cheering crowds along the route have made it a memory that will last a long time.

However, I do sympathise with those living along the route; maybe the best answer is to vary the route subtly each year? After all, Box Hill isn't the be-all and end-all of cycling in the SE. And if Strava is anything to go by the fact that it's had 12,000+ people riding it certainly marks it out as a cyclist / Lycra lout / MAMIL hotspot, maybe people need to be shown some proper hills instead?

georgee | 11 years ago

His house was directly on the course so I think this is his way to vent his anger.

David Portland | 11 years ago

I'm struggling a little to see what direct impact this could have had on the clay-pigeon business. Assuming that this is the business in question:

one venue appears to be outside the loop, and the other is just off J10 of the M25 which I assume was open as usual  1 I guess there may have been clients inside the loop who couldn't get out, but the vast majority of Surrey would appear to have been entirely unaffected.

jarredscycling | 11 years ago

Have to agree with aslongasicycle. A petition is a poor place to rant so luckily for cyclists this one will be ignored

BearstedCC | 11 years ago

Hugely congested roads made worse by cyclists, who pay no road taxes and continually break the law. Many accidents will ensue."

I would be happy to pay road tax, (this on top of my insurance and public liability as a responsible cycle owner...) but as my omissions are way below the Government CO2 target of 100, it would make it free... Lets avoid the admin of processing a cost for nowt in return.

But as cyclist, lets avoid breaking the law.

Low Speed Wobble | 11 years ago

+1 for TheHatter. Huggins has a point to make, yet as TheHatter, and others, have pointed out - he makes his case very badly!

However, some of you guys with your nasty comments (Gizmo, you should be ashamed of yourself) do our cycling cause no good whatsoever! If this thread of comments were taken by anyone as a snapshot of today's cyclists it would be easy to brand 'us' as arrogant, selfish baboons. Really fellas, do us all a favour and reflect before you post.

mrmo replied to Low Speed Wobble | 11 years ago
Low Speed Wobble wrote:

+1 for TheHatter. Huggins has a point to make, yet as TheHatter, and others, have pointed out - he makes his case very badly!

However, some of you guys with your nasty comments (Gizmo, you should be ashamed of yourself) do our cycling cause no good whatsoever! If this thread of comments were taken by anyone as a snapshot of today's cyclists it would be easy to brand 'us' as arrogant, selfish baboons. Really fellas, do us all a favour and reflect before you post.

Whilst i agree with most of what you are saying, haveing a legal system which, to be blunt, offer no protection to cyclists will lead in only one direction. At some point a cyclist will kill a driver in "self defence."

At the moment the attacks are non violent.

I am not saying violence is right, just that if there is no recourse in law, vigilantism is always the result.

Low Speed Wobble replied to mrmo | 11 years ago
mrmo wrote:
Low Speed Wobble wrote:

+1 for TheHatter. Huggins has a point to make, yet as TheHatter, and others, have pointed out - he makes his case very badly!

However, some of you guys with your nasty comments (Gizmo, you should be ashamed of yourself) do our cycling cause no good whatsoever! If this thread of comments were taken by anyone as a snapshot of today's cyclists it would be easy to brand 'us' as arrogant, selfish baboons. Really fellas, do us all a favour and reflect before you post.

Whilst i agree with most of what you are saying, haveing a legal system which, to be blunt, offer no protection to cyclists will lead in only one direction. At some point a cyclist will kill a driver in "self defence."

At the moment the attacks are non violent.

I am not saying violence is right, just that if there is no recourse in law, vigilantism is always the result.

What ARE you talking about? This thread concerns a guy who is attempting to use a legal route block a cycling event from closing the road that goes past his house. And you're talking vigilantism? I think you've been watching too many late-night movies.

mrmo replied to Low Speed Wobble | 11 years ago
Low Speed Wobble wrote:

What ARE you talking about? This thread concerns a guy who is attempting to use a legal route block a cycling event from closing the road that goes past his house. And you're talking vigilantism? I think you've been watching too many late-night movies.

What i am saying is that the tone he is using, the tone in the media, the lack of police interest.

That people are willing to post his contact details to complain about his actions because there is nowhere else to complain. (regardless of whether he has a justifiable argument)

Policing in the UK relies on consent and a belief that the law is there when you need it.

andyp | 11 years ago

'Might I suggest that those here who moan about his clay shoot listen to themselves'



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