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Drivers to be fined and given penalty points for range of careless driving offences starting from today

New regime partly aimed at ensuring drivers breaking law don't go unpunished - but IAM says education, not fines, is key to road safety...

From today, motorists face a £100 fine and having 3 points put on their licence for a range of road safety related offences, including some related to driver distraction or emerging from a side road into the path of another vehicle. But road safety charity IAM says it’s driver education, not fines, that could have a bigger influence on road safety for all users.

In June, the government published its response to a consultation on the proposed amendments to the law first mooted a year earlier, and confirmed it was seeking to make some careless driving-related offences subject to £100 fixed penalty notices, or offer the driver in question remedial training.

One of the reasons behind the change in approach is that all too often, such offences are not prosecuted due to the cost, both financial and in terms of police time, in taken them all the way to court.

The new rules come into effect today. One that is receiving media attention is that motorists will face fines for staying in the middle lane on motorways, but several others touch upon issues of relevance to the safety of vulnerable road users such as cyclists or pedestrians.

Besides the introduction of fixed penalty notices for careless driving, there has also been an increase in the level of fines for some offences already subject to them.

Using a handheld mobile phone, whether for voice calls or to send texts, emails, or check apps or websites – all found by research to be more of a threat to road safety than driving over the permitted alcohol limit, particularly given the rise of smartphone ownership – will now be punishable by a fine of £100, up from £60; as was previously the case, driving licences will be endorsed with 3 points.

Potentially, the prospect of those penalty points could give teeth to the law, since it would be likely to result in higher insurance premiums for the motorist concerned if caught and hit them harder in the pocket, but only if the rules are properly enforced, something that was queried by IAM at the time the chang

In a press release today, IAM summarises some of the aspects of careless driving that will now be subject to a fine as including:

overtaking on the inside
driving inappropriately close to another vehicle
inadvertently driving through a red light
emerging from a side road into the path of another vehicle
tuning a car radio; when the driver was avoidably distracted by this action
selecting and lighting a cigarette or similar when the driver was avoidably distracted by that use.

Its chief executive, Simon Best, cautioned however that the approach to enforcement needed to be carefully targeted if the changes were to have maximum impact.

“If the police target the worst and most persistent offenders this could be good news for road safety,” he explained.

“If, however, it just becomes another numbers game with thousands of careless driving tickets issued then the impact will be limited. 

“The IAM believes that driver retraining courses have a much bigger potential to actually improve poor driving than simply issuing a standard fine and should always be offered as the first stage of prosecution.”

Announcing the changes to the law in June, road safety minister Stephen Hammond said: "Careless drivers are a menace and their negligence puts innocent people's lives at risk.

"That is why we are making it easier for the police to tackle problem drivers by allowing them to immediately issue a fixed penalty notice rather than needing to take every offender to court.

"We are also increasing penalties for a range of driving offences to a level which reflects their seriousness and which will ensure that they are consistent with other similar penalty offences."

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therealsmallboy | 11 years ago

Animal, it's that kind of stupidity that causes pile-ups on the motorway. You are a middle lane hogger and most of the people on the motorway hate you!

All traffic should be on the inside lane unless overtaking, or approaching a junction, in which case move out to whichever of the other two lanes is best.

Also, the word 'limit' means maximum. saying 'I'd do 75mph at most' still means that you're breaking the law. Not only that, but you're advertising it on a public forum. Just because there are people behind 'making' you drive faster doesn't mean it's ok.

Utter stupidity, there should be mandatory motorway training/ testing as part of the driving test.

northstar | 11 years ago

This is well and good but it seems police numbers are being deliberately cut and apparently the "country" is in debt so how they are going to fund all this.

A monster has been created and they have no clue how to deal with it other than put up cameras for everything.

mrmo | 11 years ago

change the law as much as you like, make any calls for advanced training, But it is all pointless unless you can enforce it! No police, no point in the law.

Animal | 11 years ago

It's mostly good. But "staying in the middle lane"????

W. T. F??????

I mean, I will go back to the left side IF POSSIBLE. But I'll do 75 at most on motorways because I won't grossly flout the law. And there will be several miles of slow lorries. I will need to stay there.

And even if there is a 400 yard gap into which I could DIVE for a few seconds, then I'd be trapped by the CONSTANT stream of lunatics behind me.

This expecting you to either sod off into the 50mph lane, or drive at FULL THROTTLE pisses me right off! They can all sod off!

This one is particularly ill thought out.

Colin Peyresourde replied to Animal | 11 years ago
Animal wrote:

It's mostly good. But "staying in the middle lane"????

W. T. F??????

I mean, I will go back to the left side IF POSSIBLE. But I'll do 75 at most on motorways because I won't grossly flout the law. And there will be several miles of slow lorries. I will need to stay there.

And even if there is a 400 yard gap into which I could DIVE for a few seconds, then I'd be trapped by the CONSTANT stream of lunatics behind me.

This expecting you to either sod off into the 50mph lane, or drive at FULL THROTTLE pisses me right off! They can all sod off!

This one is particularly ill thought out.

I think you are being misquoted by others - I don't suppose you NEVER use the slow lane, and NEVER use the fast lane.

The problem with these rules is that there is no specific guidance for their operation. You may overtake slower moving traffic (sub-70mph) in the slow lane and there be a space between it and the next vehicle, with no one using the fast lane, but fast vehicles approaching behind. Who determines if you are hogging the middle lane if you remain in it to overtake the next vehicle you are gaining on?

I know from experience that there are people who expect you to clear the road for them driving at 80+mph, but this is clearly not driving legally.

As other people have said, this is clearly unenforceable, and seemingly very subjective. What will no doubt happen is that many 'law-abidding' citizens will be caught and pay up these FPNs, until someone with enough money and righteous indignation challenges it and wins in a court of law.....though actually in principle I do agree to the police taking issue with inconsiderate driving.

Dr_Lex | 11 years ago

With the increasing numbers of dash-cams, as well as head/bar cams, is there provision for FPNs to be issued on photographic evidence supplied by other road-users?
Or can someone put up a link to the new legislation, please?

Mattrb78 | 11 years ago

Lol this is yet something else that will never be enforced. Good idea but just like driving whilst using a phone, the police will turn a blind eye to it all and nothing will change!

On the other hand though, if this was enforced and lots of drivers started getting fines and points for doing things that are dangerous and inconsiderate then we really would see a change.

If training/education is the key I don't know a single driver who has ever done any sort of advanced driving course once they have passed there test. The only further training I have ever heard of anyone taking is a speed awareness course after being caught speeding, even then that was just an attendance course that made no difference!

notfastenough replied to Mattrb78 | 11 years ago
Mattrb78 wrote:

Lol this is yet something else that will never be enforced. Good idea but just like driving whilst using a phone, the police will turn a blind eye to it all and nothing will change!

On the other hand though, if this was enforced and lots of drivers started getting fines and points for doing things that are dangerous and inconsiderate then we really would see a change.

If training/education is the key I don't know a single driver who has ever done any sort of advanced driving course once they have passed there test. The only further training I have ever heard of anyone taking is a speed awareness course after being caught speeding, even then that was just an attendance course that made no difference!

When I had a company car years ago, one of the insurance requirements was a defensive driving course. It was only half a day, but it was spent actually driving with an instructor. I still use the skills now (16 years later), would be good if more people took this.

newtonuk | 11 years ago

"introduction of foxed penalyt notices"... Sounds interesting!

A V Lowe | 11 years ago

Now I would be impressed if more FPN's were issued to drivers for s.72 Highways Act 1835 offences - across UK 54% of drivers admit they break the law but to date we only see cyclists being fined for same offence. Any figures on cyclists % for s.72 offence?

Clearly with less than 1 fatality per year caused by s.72 cyclist, and over 40 per year hit by a motor vehicle being driven on a footway, the offence of driving a motor vehicle on a footway is one to tackle.

Photographic evidence can be used to prosecute the keeper of the vehicle if the vehicle is photographed speeding, ignoring a stop signal, or a number of other traffic offences but not for being driven on a footway! This needs to change.

msw | 11 years ago

“The IAM believes that driver retraining courses have a much bigger potential to actually improve poor driving than simply issuing a standard fine and should always be offered as the first stage of prosecution.”

Would that be the same Institute of Advanced Motoring that sells driver retraining courses?


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