John has been writing about bikes and cycling for over 30 years since discovering that people were mug enough to pay him for it rather than expecting him to do an honest day's work.
He was heavily involved in the mountain bike boom of the late 1980s as a racer, team manager and race promoter, and that led to writing for Mountain Biking UK magazine shortly after its inception. He got the gig by phoning up the editor and telling him the magazine was rubbish and he could do better. Rather than telling him to get lost, MBUK editor Tym Manley called John’s bluff and the rest is history.
Since then he has worked on MTB Pro magazine and was editor of Maximum Mountain Bike and Australian Mountain Bike magazines, before switching to the web in 2000 to work for Along with founder Tony Farrelly, John was on the launch team for and subsequently became editor in chief of Future Publishing’s group of cycling magazines and websites, including Cycling Plus, MBUK, What Mountain Bike and Procycling.
John has also written for Cyclist magazine, edited the BikeMagic website and was founding editor of before handing over to someone far more representative of the site's main audience.
He joined in 2013. He lives in Cambridge where the lack of hills is more than made up for by the headwinds.
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sorry to hear of this awful attack, hope it doesnt put Mark off cycling.
if i got rammed every time i shock my head at a drivers bad driving in london i'd be dead by now!
i wont hold my breath about catching th guy and giving him a meaningful sentence, as from seeing other video footage on cycling forums it is my understanding even with hard evidence drivers normally get let off. but i will keep my fingers crossed the driver is at least found...
Mark - get well soon
I had a range rover driver take the time to inform me that there was a cycle lane next to the road (by inform, I mean pull in close alongside me and shout 'Cycle Lane!' with an angry look on his face. Dick.
By that 'logic', surely the Range Rover shouldn't be on the road either.

Ha ha true, I wish I had the quick-wit to shout "FIELD" at him. I did shake my head-though, which is all Mark did in this case. Crazy.
TBH I think that in cases where a car is used as a weapon then the charge should be attempted murder. I mean, if you deliberately run someone over in a car it's total luck whether you kill them or not.
Just the words Range Rover make me cringe...always seem to drive just that bit too close to me on the bike...
Really hope they find the idiot driving it.
As Matt_S says it should be a requirement to have 'CUNT' tattooed on ones forehead prior to purchasing one.
I do a bit more than shake my head. Think Cav just after he's been cut off from a sprint. Well if I'm going to risk them stopping to accost me, I might as well make them think I'm volatile! I also usually have a handlebar camera.
Yes, it's condescending, but someone's got to challenge bad driving before they T- bone someone or worse and the traffic police are too busy with non- issues like ticketing cyclists who ride to parking spaces in ped zones.
I hope this chap's back on his bike soon and his attacker is punished.
its Derbyshire Police, there track record on reacting to being purposefully shoved of a bike is poor in my personal experience.
Save money on a Range Rover as a statement of your personal status by simply having "CUNT" tattooed on your forehead.
Theres a good chance the vehicle driver is local. A check on the police database for registered green range rovers of an old age should create a manageable list. These records also show insurance details and sometimes the policy holders date of birth, which will narrow down the search further. If you get suspects from that then it may go to ID procedures. There's lots that can be done to identify the driver and it usually pays off, it just takes time.
Speedy recovery.
wouldn't hold my breath, the CPS are bunch of idiots. They wouldn't know the term 'prosecution' if it hit them in the face.
Feel terrible for this poor cyclist.
Focussing on the head shake - it is extremely condescending and irritating to receive if I'm honest, and I try to avoid it as it only ever escalates a situation. Not that it deserves being run down by a 4x4, but we all use it in a way that can be seen but not easily responded too. I've had it from someone who rolled up next to me at an ASB and saw I was wearing tracksuit bottoms in the January snow rather than proper cycling tights. It was totally unnecessary and I was instantly happy to think of the guy as a complete knob. To do it to a 4x4 who's already driving badly is only going to make the driver angrier. Again I'm focussing on the the head-shake in general rather than for this specific circumstance where the driver's action is wild and criminal.
No registration number for the vehicle?
BCSD. Big Car, Small Dick.
Get well soon, Mark.
From experience possible offences would be dangerous/careless driving along with abh (due to the level of injuries). The police will try and charge with the most severe offences however the decision on charging is down to the CPS, who are (contrary to popular opinion) nothing to do with the police. If they decide there is enough evidence, the punishment he will receive will be down to any admission of guilt or lack of and previous criminal history. The magistrates (most likely) can only imprison up to 6 months if they feel a more severe sentence is necessary they will pass it over to the Crown court and a judge will decide.
Incidentally there is no such thing as an accessory to an assault in England. That is an offence in the American justice system.
Oh and just to add my personal thoughts I hope he gets found soon and meets a judge who just so happens to own a bike!
Hmm, shaking my head is currently my favourite way to react to poor driving. Strange how touchy some of these drivers are. It's as if criticising someone's driving is the worst possible insult!
Unless the woman comes forward, she should also be done as an accessory.
Surely voluntary GBH is the minimum that should be applied here. Let's see, eh?
Absolutely appalling and my positive thoughts are with Mark Canning. Shouldn't be that difficult for the Police to find the driver!
And once they get him? How much will the paltry fine be? God forbid he gets convicted of assault or similar.
He’s going to be a nightmare to track down. The vast majority of Range Rover drivers are fat middle aged men. The rest are orange women.
You forgot about footballers
Hope they find the Range Rover driver, he sound like he shouldn't be driving.
Shouldn't have liberty more like.