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Danger warning to Hampshire cyclists as drain covers stolen

Thieves looking to cash in on scrap metal value are putting lives at risk, says council

Cyclists and other road users in Hampshire are being warned to be especially vigilant following the theft of drain covers across the county.

Hampshire County Council said that last year, it had to replace 68 drain covers – also known as gully covers – that had been stolen, at a cost of  more than £100,000.

The thefts have continued into the New Year, reports Hampshire Live, with a resident of Fareham warning social media users that a drain cover had been taken in the town’s Dryden Close.

Hampshire County Council says that drain covers are being stolen for their scrap value, but stressed that it was a mistake to consider their theft as a victimless crime, due to both the cost of replacing them, and the danger that uncovered drains can pose to people including those on bike or on foot.

Councillor Nick Adams-King, the council’s executive lead member for universal services, said: “In order to bring those responsible to justice, we need residents to be our eyes and ears on the ground.

“I would ask anyone who sees any suspicious activity involving highway apparatus or has any information about a drain cover theft to please report this to the police as soon as possible.

“I would also be grateful to anyone who spots that a drain cover is missing to let us know quickly so that the Highways team can take appropriate action to keep our roads safe.

“While those responsible for the thefts might think this is a victimless crime, they are profoundly mistaken,” he continued.

“They are risking residents’ safety and stealing from the public purse. In 2021, for example, the cost to replace 68 stolen drain covers was in excess of £100,000.”

“As soon as we become aware that a cover has been taken, our Highways team will deploy cones or barriers to reduce the risk of harm to road users and they’ll assess the type of replacement drain covers needed so new ones can be ordered and fitted as soon as possible.

“Our teams are also exploring the availability of replacement items made from innovative composite alternatives that have no scrap value. However, these are unlikely to be suitable for all sites and they are generally only intended as a temporary fix.

“Please therefore take extra care on the roads while we do all we can to make the affected areas safe as quickly as possible.”

The council also urged people to call the council to report missing drain covers on 0300 555 1388 from 0830-1700, Monday to Friday, or outside those hours to call police on 101 or – if lives were believed to be in imminent danger – 999.

A number of incidents involving theft of drain covers have been reported across the country over the past 12 months, with thieves often targeting a specific area over several days.

In March last year, police in Doncaster arrested a 26-year-old man on suspicion of theft and criminal damage after 25 drain covers were discovered in the boot of a car.

That arrest came as South Yorkshire Police investigated the theft of more than 200 drain covers in Doncaster two months earlier.

At the time, Councillor Mark Houlbrook of Doncaster Council, said: “Not only is replacing these covers costing the taxpayer thousands, but drains which are not safely covered can be really dangerous.

“When drain covers are stolen, holes are left in the road or the pavement which can result in serious harm and injury to drivers, pedestrians, children and cyclists.”

Other parts of the country that have been targeted in the same way over the past year include Walsall in the West Midlands, where almost 350 drain covers were stolen over several months, with the council having to spend more than £110,000 to replace them.

In response to those thefts, Mike Bird, leader of Walsall Council, pledged to “come down heavily on scrap dealers who allow these to be ‘weighed in’, as a drain cover’s purpose is patently obvious,” and said that the council would be replacing the stolen drain covers with ones that are much harder to remove.

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grOg | 2 years ago
1 like

The scrap value of steel is minimal; nothing like copper, brass, or catalytic converters; what loser goes to that trouble to make a small amount of money? and any scrap metal dealer that accepts obviously stolen material should be criminally charged for dealing in stolen goods.

wtjs | 2 years ago

any suspicious activity involving highway apparatus or has any information about a drain cover theft to please report this to the police as soon as possible

The appropriate phrase is: Good luck with that!

brooksby | 2 years ago


replacement items made from innovative composite alternatives that have no scrap value.

So - plastic?

chrisonabike replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

Last season's livery road bikes.  Warranty-expired Teslas.

(Tesla say they recycle all the materials mind you!)

brooksby | 2 years ago
1 like

£100,000/68 = £1470 per drain cover 

Steve K replied to brooksby | 2 years ago
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brooksby wrote:

£100,000/68 = £1470 per drain cover 

But in Walsall, £110,000 buys you 350 covers.

mattw replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

These should be about £75-100 each plus fitting, or less for a Carncil.

Unless I'm missing something.

LeadenSkies replied to mattw | 2 years ago
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mattw wrote:

These should be about £75-100 each plus fitting, or less for a Carncil.

Unless I'm missing something.

Specification Light Traffic
Small Private Car Parks so possibly not suited for roadways where 44 tonne artics may run over them all day.

OnYerBike replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

I assume the cost isn't just the procurement cost of the drain covers themselves but also all the associated activities as mentioned in the article.

mattw replied to OnYerBike | 2 years ago

OnYerBike wrote:

I assume the cost isn't just the procurement cost of the drain covers themselves but also all the associated activities as mentioned in the article.

I'm sure it does, but that brings us back to the paperclips for which the US DOD paid $15000, and NHS prescriptions costing £9.00 for aspirin which cost 32p (these have I think been dealt with some time ago).

(OK - not paper clips).

chrisonabike replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

Probably they're making them square, not round, and it's all just going down the drain.

Dnnnnnn replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

I know a bloke wot can get you as many drain covers as you need - £50 each to you, guv.

bob zmyuncle | 2 years ago

I thought this sort of thing only happened in Albania?

Queue someone praising Cruella's efforts to stop it.

HLaB replied to bob zmyuncle | 2 years ago

There was a spate of it a few years back in the Clackmannanshire/ Stilingshire area a few years back.  I was glad I discovered that in the light :-o

LeadenSkies replied to HLaB | 2 years ago

The scumbags nicked 42 of these over a 6 mile stretch of a local A road. They need to clamp down on the metal recyclers who weigh these in. There is no legitimate reason anyone would be weighing in 42 perfectly good drain covers all with white lining paint over them.

chrisonabike replied to LeadenSkies | 2 years ago

Didn't they bring in some kind of scheme which was supposed to address this (when people were nicking cabling from railways and hospitals)?

(Blimey - that was in 2013...)

Safety replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago

The scheme involved requirements to make all transactions paid via bank transfer and not in cash. Allegedly to make it possible to trace. But there was a ridiculous exemption clause which is easily abused.
Bottom line is crooked dealers find a way round it and police are too busy to catch criminals.

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