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Driver fined £400 after almost crashing into group of cyclists

The motorist was also given nine points on his licence for the appalling driving

A driver has been fined almost £400 and given nine points on his licence for a 'careless' close pass on a group of cyclists.

The impatient motorist was trying to get past the riders as they approached a traffic island.

One of the cyclists even had to swerve to avoid being hit as the driver sped by on the A4054 in Pontypridd, Wales. 

GoSafe, which aims to ensure safety on Welsh roads, said the manoeuvre 'severely increased the risk to the safety of the cyclists involved'.

The motorist pleaded guilty to driving without due care at Cardiff Magistrates' Court, where he received a fine of £386 and was given the maximum amount of points you can receive for that offence.

Teresa Ciano, GoSafe Partnership Manager said: "We all have a part to play in keeping our roads safe for everyone. 

"Careless close passes, like the one recorded in this incident, risks the safety of cyclists.

"The consequence of this careless incident reflects the seriousness of the offence. 

"We all share the road and should be able to do so confidently. When approaching a cyclist, be patient and wait until you can overtake safely."

While this latest incident is clearly a step in the right direction, recently reported on the fact that Gwent Police confirmed cyclists who experienced a close pass and submitted video footage, may themselves face prosecution if they are heard swearing or seen acting aggressively. 

> Gwent Police confirm cyclist submitting close pass footage could face prosecution for swearing (+ video ... which includes swearing)

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Secret_squirrel replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

There is an answer and it's given here. Fine and points until they get the message. 

It would be nice if this Government produced a set of public safety announcements for drivers around Pedestrians, horses and bikes but unfortunately I can't see it happening  soon, except maybe in Scotland. 

Until drivers are continually reminded that driving a 1 ton lump of steel is a privilege not a right we can only rely on the courts. 

I'd like to form a cycling organisation like the RSPCA that aggressively brings private prosecutions where the police and DPP fail to act. 

wtjs replied to Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago

Fine and points until they get the message

It's all very well that all of us continue to live in this dream world, except that it's not reality and it doesn't happen. Nobody's getting either because of the police failure to take any of these offences seriously. I haven't yet achieved any fines or any points, and even my detractors on here must admit I'm trying pretty hard. Lancashire simply ignores letters about what is being done about cases, and what is happening with the few prosecutions which are going ahead. My view is that at least some of them were just pretend prosecutions which they never intended should progress- they rely on people giving up and just forgetting about them. However, the complaint about these corrupt practices is in with the Lancashire PCC right now.

wycombewheeler replied to Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago
1 like
Secret_squirrel wrote:

Until drivers are continually reminded that driving a 1 ton lump of steel

not many cars as small as 1 tonne these days

Milkfloat | 2 years ago

I am glad the maximum penalty was given for the offence prosecuted, I wish other forces would do the same. Even better, try for dangerous driving. 

The Gavalier | 2 years ago
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How is that careless and not dangerous?

the infamous grouse replied to The Gavalier | 2 years ago
The Gavalier wrote:

How is that careless and not dangerous?

it's my understanding that 'dangerous' requires the act to be deliberate and motivated, whereas 'careless' is just stupidity.

giff77 replied to the infamous grouse | 2 years ago
the infamous grouse wrote:
The Gavalier wrote:

How is that careless and not dangerous?

it's my understanding that 'dangerous' requires the act to be deliberate and motivated, whereas 'careless' is just stupidity.

also a careless driving charge is more likely to receive a guilty verdict from the judge or jury as no one believes that somebody's driving has deteriorated to a level that it could be considered dangerous 

The Gavalier replied to the infamous grouse | 2 years ago
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Well it wasn't by accident!!! And was motivated by MGIF mentality 

GMBasix replied to the infamous grouse | 2 years ago

"Dangerous" means "the way he drives falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver, and it would be obvious to a competent and careful driver that driving in that way would be dangerous." - as per Road Traffic Act, s2A.

It doesn't have to be deliberate (although, if it does, driving a car is unlikely to be attributable to an unintentional action).

Careless is simply below the standard. It could also be "inconsiderate" if other people are inconvenienced by his lack of consideration.

mdavidford replied to The Gavalier | 2 years ago
The Gavalier wrote:

How is that careless and not dangerous?

The bollard reported that it never really felt under threat.

pockstone replied to The Gavalier | 2 years ago

Exactly, the driver took care not to plough into the traffic island...cyclists... less so.

A choice was made.


bobbypuk replied to The Gavalier | 2 years ago
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The Gavalier wrote:

How is that careless and not dangerous?

I never understood a scale that went from acceptable->careless->dangerous

It is possible (and pretty much guaranteed) for careless driving to be dangerous.

Maybe we need need the two levels to be "careless dangerous driving" and "mindful dangerous driving".


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