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Conservative leadership candidate backed by controversial FairFuelUK — pledges 50% fuel VAT cut

Penny Mordaunt said she was "glad" to have the backing of the pro-motoring lobby group which boasts to have stopped £165bn in fuel duty rises...

Conservative Party leadership candidate Penny Mordaunt has announced the support of pro-motoring lobby group FairFuelUK, which calls for lower fuel duty for motorists, along with the news that she would cut fuel VAT by 50 per cent "immediately".

Mordaunt, who this weeked was backed as the early front runner in the race to succeed Boris Johnson in a poll of young Conservative members and is the current second favourite with the bookmakers, spread the news of FairFuelUK's backing on social media, saying she is "glad" for it.

"Penny has been a staunch and loyal backer of UK's 37 million drivers and as an MP, is a founding supporter of FairFuelUK," Howard Cox, founder of FairFuelUK, said.

"I have known her for 12 years and truly believe she will deliver on the need for lower and fairer fuel taxation. She will introduce fairer incentives to drive cleaner, instead of inflicting ill-informed cliff edge, idealistic and costly punitive bans.

"I am also certain she will bring a large dose of common-sense fiscal tactics to reduce the pain of the cost-of-living crisis. Our leadership survey shows she is a popular choice to lead her party to what millions of new Tory converts wanted back in 2019.

"I am looking forward at long last, to working with a kindred spirit in creating an effective road user strategy that benefits the economy and UK's much-villified drivers."

FairFuelUK, which is funded by the Road Haulage Association and Logistics UK, boasts that it has saved drivers £165 billion in planned fuel duty rises.

In August last year the lobby group paid for and produced a report on behalf of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Fair Fuel for UK Motorists and UK Hauliers titled What does the 2030 fossil fuelled new vehicle sales ban really mean to the economy, environment, and UK's 37m drivers?

In the report were repeated references to it aiming to give a voice to "the UK's 37 million drivers" – described as "hard-pressed" and "perennially demonised" and all for the benefit, apparently, of cyclists, supported by the policies of a "virtue-signalling government" and a "political bias […] towards cyclists, particularly in urban areas."

Just a week after the report's publication, Mr Cox accused Jeremy Vine of "politicising" cycling and "fuelling a war between drivers and cyclists".

One month later, Mr Cox blamed a "militant cyclist" for marking his house as a petrol station on Google Maps during the shortages of last September. While in February the lobby group's founder wrote that the "lunatic Highway Code" encourages road rage and gives cyclists carte blanche.

Mordaunt's campaign got off to a high-profile start after Paralympic athlete Jonnie Peacock was one of several public figures who asked to be removed from a promotional video.

The video also used footage of South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius, convicted in 2014 of the culpable homicide of his partner Reeva Steenkamp after she was shot dead at the couple's home in Pretoria.

[Main image: Michael Hughes / DFID / CC Attribution 2.0 Generic]

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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brooksby replied to AidanR | 2 years ago

Not just VAT: they're all talking about slashing taxes all across the board.

Someone remind me, but aren't taxes the main source of income for a Govt/State?

So, lower taxes means the wealthy will have more money; it means they can afford all that private healthcare they'll need when the Govt announces, 'sorry - no more money for the NHS, we're selling it'; 'no more money for social services/benefits, we're outsourcing so a US company will run a workhouse for us', etc etc.

eburtthebike replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

The sole principle of the tory party is to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich.  Anything else is just fluff.

hawkinspeter replied to eburtthebike | 2 years ago
eburtthebike wrote:

The sole principle of the tory party is to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich.  Anything else is just fluff.

Don't forget tax evasion/havens

Hirsute replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

Discovering the lack of dental care this week. Was offered an emergency appointment in september or ring 111.

ktache replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

Tax cuts also add to inflationary pressures.

Rich_cb replied to ktache | 2 years ago

As does virtually all government spending.

Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago

It's all irrelevant posturing as they won't be called upon to deliver any of their promises as the only ones who get a vote are Tories who have been supporting a lying liar for the last 3 years.
Though if someone twisted my arm she's relatively sane compared to some of the gibbering loons in the running.  

ktache replied to Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago
1 like

I don't know about relatively sane, but she does seem to be a bit smart and not as bat shit crazy as some of the other swivel eyed loons.

She will appeal to the frothers on the back benches, the first electorate she has to win with and probably to the elderly Tory party voters, who's numbers must have been affected and lessened by COVID, and who are the second set.

And she is probably better than Truss. Watch The Cheese speach.

Steve K replied to Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago

I've never met Penny Mordaunt, but a number of my colleagues have and they generally have a good opinion of her.

Eton Rifle replied to Steve K | 2 years ago
Steve K wrote:

I've never met Penny Mordaunt, but a number of my colleagues have and they generally have a good opinion of her.

She certainly seems to lie as well as any other Tory.

Rendel Harris | 2 years ago

Oh, typical nonsense. Why on earth would the fact that our potential next PM is glad to have the backing of a group that has been shown time and again to oppose active travel measures and indeed promotes aggressive attitudes towards cyclists have anything to do with a cycling website? More echo chamber dog whistle leftist woke drivel.

IanGlasgow replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago
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Rendel Harris wrote:

Why on earth would the fact that our potential next PM is glad to have the backing of a group that has been shown time and again to oppose active travel measures and indeed promotes aggressive attitudes towards cyclists have anything to do with a cycling website?

I assume this is sarcasm

Hirsute replied to IanGlasgow | 2 years ago

You can tell that from the last sentence you dropped !

Rendel Harris replied to IanGlasgow | 2 years ago
IanGlasgow wrote:

I assume this is sarcasm

Just a smidge, though not far off the reality of a small coterie of PBUs and rightist fellow travellers who think a cycling site shouldn't do politics (unless and until they feel like introducing a bit of politics, then it's fine).

EddyBerckx | 2 years ago

I kinda wanted him to stay because I knew he'd lose the next election and also...his replacement will be even worse...

eburtthebike replied to EddyBerckx | 2 years ago
EddyBerckx wrote:

I kinda wanted him to stay because I knew he'd lose the next election and also...his replacement will be even worse...

Yes, every subsequent tory PM has been worse than the previous one since Maggie.  Which begs the question "Who could possibly be worse than Boris the Liar?"   The answer being almost any of the declared candidates.

Backladder replied to eburtthebike | 2 years ago
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eburtthebike wrote:
EddyBerckx wrote:

I kinda wanted him to stay because I knew he'd lose the next election and also...his replacement will be even worse...

Yes, every subsequent tory PM has been worse than the previous one since Ted Heath.  Which begs the question "Who could possibly be worse than Boris the Liar?"   The answer being almost any of the declared candidates.


Rendel Harris replied to eburtthebike | 2 years ago
eburtthebike wrote:

Yes, every subsequent tory PM has been worse than the previous one since Maggie. 

Can't believe I'm going to write this as I would never in normal circumstances defend a Tory, but John Major did abolish the Poll Tax, push through the Maastricht (sp?) Treaty in the face of strong opposition from his own party and laid pretty much all the foundations for the Good Friday Agreement, so I'd rate him significantly better than Thatcher.

Hirsute replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago
1 like

Oh Yes !

Car Delenda Est replied to EddyBerckx | 2 years ago

Basically. People who complain about an incompetent Tory PM don't remember how much damage a competent Tory PM can do.

Hirsute | 2 years ago

Judging by the number of short journeys and the amount of idling I see, fuel is too cheap.

Has she abandoned net zero by 2050?

brooksby replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

I think they all have.

IanMK | 2 years ago

The lack of imagination from all the candidates is horrendous. Didn't Penny Maudaunt say how proud she was that Portsmouth pioneered food banks. I can't think of a more fucked up world view than that.

AllegedlyAnthony replied to IanMK | 2 years ago

She also lied to parliament to get the vote to change (cut) the firefighters pension. Check Hansard for the final exchange before the Labour spokesman, having had her lying assurance then said "In that case we can support this bill".

Sniffer replied to AllegedlyAnthony | 2 years ago

....and peddled the lie that the UK didn't have a veto on any future Turkey membership of the EU.

Mungecrundle | 2 years ago

She's not even the worst of them, not by a long chalk. Not that we get any say in who becomes our next PM.

NOtotheEU replied to Mungecrundle | 2 years ago
Mungecrundle wrote:

Not that we get any say in who becomes our next PM.

Not that we EVER get any say in who becomes our next PM.

We will have a choice of two only after the two main parties have picked a leader and then graciously allowed us to vote for one, the other or any third party who won't win anyway.

In recent years I can only think of two leaders in the UK or USA who had huge support amongst their parties regular members and who might have actually gone against their corporate and media backers and actually kept their promises but both were removed or sabotaged by their own parties elite.

chrisonabike replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago
NOtotheEU wrote:

We will have a choice of two only after the two main parties have picked a leader and then graciously allowed us to vote for one, the other or any third party who won't win anyway.

Not true - you can move to Scotland (SNP) or Northern Ireland (who knows?).  Or even - Seigneur help you - the likes of Sark.

Actually, Sark doesn't have cars.  hmm...

NOtotheEU replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago
chrisonatrike wrote:
NOtotheEU wrote:

We will have a choice of two only after the two main parties have picked a leader and then graciously allowed us to vote for one, the other or any third party who won't win anyway.

Not true - you can move to Scotland (SNP) or Northern Ireland (who knows?).  Or even - Seigneur help you - the likes of Sark.

Actually, Sark doesn't have cars.  hmm...

Scotland & Northern Ireland are still all part of the UK though, at least for now anyway.

No cars & better weather? Sark sounds like paradise! I'm planning my retirement there already.

HarrogateSpa replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago



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