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Reasons to be cheerful

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wtjs | 1 year ago

Fair enough, but the article itself and related articles are dated 2019. The important point is whether this exemplar for cycling infrastructure has supported Trump since then and is likely to support him in the near future. That would tell us all we need to know.

mark1a replied to wtjs | 1 year ago

wtjs wrote:

Fair enough, but the article itself and related articles are dated 2019. The important point is whether this exemplar for cycling infrastructure has supported Trump since then and is likely to support him in the near future. That would tell us all we need to know.

Wow. Seems like sweeping generalisations and assumptions *are* OK sometimes. Personally I don't give a monkeys who they support, or when. I'm able to read an article and make my own mind up based on the content rather than the author. 

NOtotheEU replied to wtjs | 1 year ago

wtjs wrote:

Fair enough, but the article itself and related articles are dated 2019. The important point is whether this exemplar for cycling infrastructure has supported Trump since then and is likely to support him in the near future. That would tell us all we need to know.

I would consider which President or ex President he supports is completely irrelevant as they have all been lying, cheating war criminals.

I already know he's part of a corrupt system where regular people get screwed whoever is in charge so all I want to know is has he made local peoples lives better?

Your post also illustrates the point I made in my other post quite well.

wtjs replied to NOtotheEU | 1 year ago

You have missed the point! 'Supported Trump' = a majority of people in the vicinity have voted directly for Trump, or for a politician who supports Trump. That means a high proportion of nutters around on the roads, which means 'not a good place to be a cyclist', independent of whether there's a showcase cycle lane somewhere in the city, or whether some local leader seems reasonable. If that local leader supported Trump that, as I wrote, tells us all we need to know. It's not quite possible to make the same type of judgements about Tory areas here.

NOtotheEU replied to wtjs | 1 year ago

I thought I understood your point perfectly but I'm happy to be corrected if I got it wrong.

You hate Trump because you think he's worse than the other Presidents and you hate his supporters because you think they are more likely to be dangerous drivers.

Poor Americans haven't seen significant improvements in their lives under any recent leader and I doubt the families of dead cyclists killed by drivers or dead children killed by drone strikes care much who was President at the time or who the driver/drone pilot voted for.

As I tried to imply with my other post, it's easy for as all to hate 'others' even though they are going through similar daily struggles as us caused by a corrupt system (and as cyclists we are the others in many peoples minds). This is made easier when the media constantly bombards us with reasons to hate while ignoring/supporting the corrupt system causing the problems for us all, whoever we vote for.

ErnieC replied to wtjs | 1 year ago

wtjs wrote:

Fair enough, but the article itself and related articles are dated 2019. The important point is whether this exemplar for cycling infrastructure has supported Trump since then and is likely to support him in the near future. That would tell us all we need to know.

Fancy that, being able to determineif a person is a good or bad driver depending on who they voted for. That mean I can determine is if a person is a good or bad driver based on the colour of their skin, religous denomination, sex ?

lonpfrb replied to wtjs | 1 year ago
wtjs wrote:

The important point is whether this exemplar for cycling infrastructure has supported Trump since then and is likely to support him in the near future. That would tell us all we need to know.

No, completely irrelevant to the point that infrastructure has to be relevant i.e. connect people to where they need to go rather than an Active Travel box ticking exercise.

That there is a strong economic benefit for connected infrastructure as well as the sustainability benefits is an insight that could increase support to the advantage of people everywhere.

I respect your freedom of expression but this is a cycling forum not a political one so I suggest that is the primary lens through which to view...

NOtotheEU | 1 year ago

I find a very confusing website. 

Where are the articles telling me who I should hate, who hates me and what pointless crap I should buy to impress other people?

ktache | 1 year ago

Good find.

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