They went for the long haul in the seond round of Rollapaluza's winter league last night, going double the usual 500m distance with racers battling it out over a kilo on the rollers. Almost predictably the event was won by a bloke called Miles, somewhat less predictably Team Trek Livestrong rider Alex Dowsett turned up to make this his last competive outing in the UK before flying to the US on Friday to start his professional road racing career.
Dowsett chose a good night to hit the rollers, a packed Imbibe bar in South London saw some cracking racing as 150 riders and spectators toughed it out through the cold weather for a fix of roller racing action. The Livestrong rider's presence was a great opportunity for regular Rollapaluza racers and even first-timers to compete alongside a pro cyclist and Alex didn't disappoint, wearing team Trek Livestrong shorts and a Mellow Johnny's tee shirt, (his new boss Lance Armstrong's Austin bike shop) he set the time to beat of 47.67 seconds for the kilometre.
Alex's time stood for a good couple of hours until pre-race favourite and new recruit to top sprinting outfit "Team Terminator", the evening's other star, Miles Stovoid took to the Rollapaluza rigs and set a new Rollapaluza kilo record of 44.58....over three seconds faster than anyone else.
Despite the best efforts of regular Rollapaluza experts Matt Theobalds, Tim Renowden, Jason Humphries and James Sullivan it was the two stars who lined up for the final and indeed it was Miles who took the win, although by now both riders were looking pretty rough after their 5 efforts over the extended distance. Newcomer Ben Moores took third.
The womens racing at Rollapaluza events is becoming increasingly popular and so far the league is being dominated by Dorchie Cockerell, who once again beat her Twickenham CC clubmate Wiesia Kuczha in the final, whilst Rollapaluza CC’s Estelle Rogers finished 3rd.
14bikeco provided the prizes for this round.
The next round will be close to the home of London track cycling at the Half Moon pub in Herne Hill on Wednesday 3rd Feb from 6pm.
Full details of the Rollaplauza league plus results, photos and standings of all rounds here:
Anything a council does always costs far more than if an ordinary company did it . We do wonder it any of that money ends up in someone's pocket ....
Letting one's tyres down by a few PSI to get more comfort grip and speed won't sell more bikes though.
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