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Cyclist who hit tandem after pulling wheelie while going through red light pleads guilty to dangerous cycling

Teenager turned right without signalling or even looking where he was going

An East Lothian teenager who injured two tandem riders when he rode into them has pleaded guilty to dangerous cycling at Edinburgh Sheriff Court, reports the Edinburgh News. 16-year-old Luke Horne was pulling a wheelie while riding through a red light when the incident took place.

Christopher Laughton and and Kay Boulton were cycling through Gullane on a tandem when they were struck by Horne in June last year.

The court heard that Horne, on a £1,400 mountain bike, rode through a traffic light on one wheel before making a right turn without signalling. He failed to look where he was going and rode into the couple.

Horne pleaded guilty to a charge of cycling dangerously, but Sheriff Welsh deferred sentencing until April.

Under section 28 of the Road Traffic Act 1991, "a person is to be regarded as riding dangerously if (and only if) (a) the way he rides falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful cyclist, and (b) it would be obvious to a competent and careful cyclist that riding in that way would be dangerous."

Last week a Cumbrian cyclist pleaded guilty to dangerous cycling after injuring himself while riding the wrong way down a one-way street. Thomas Thompson went over the handlebars and collided with a taxi, fracturing his arm. He was fined £60 with £85 costs and a £20 surcharge.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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DaveE128 | 10 years ago

I can't believe the comments have basically turned into vilifying mountain bikers in general. This is mad.

I've seen some pretty appalling driving around cyclists from cars with very fancy road bikes on the back. Some people just seem to be unable or unwilling to perceive the effects of their own actions on others.  2 It's nothing to do with what kind of bike they ride.

Any news on how the tandem riders are doing? Hope no serious injuries?

This guy is obviously a bit of an idiot who needs to have a long hard think about how his risk taking impacts other people. Hope he learns from this before he starts driving a car.  7

FluffyKittenofT... replied to DaveE128 | 10 years ago
DaveE128 wrote:

I can't believe the comments have basically turned into vilifying mountain bikers in general. This is mad.

I've seen some pretty appalling driving around cyclists from cars with very fancy road bikes on the back. Some people just seem to be unable or unwilling to perceive the effects of their own actions on others.  2 It's nothing to do with what kind of bike they ride.

Any news on how the tandem riders are doing? Hope no serious injuries?

This guy is obviously a bit of an idiot who needs to have a long hard think about how his risk taking impacts other people. Hope he learns from this before he starts driving a car.  7

Agree entirely. What next? People on blue-coloured bikes vs people on black ones? Who cares about this stuff?

But I suspect your final sentence is a forlorn hope.

I suppose that's the one bright spot in the story - that this anti-social fool had a mountain bike and not a car.

It would be nice if this event would be taken into account if he ever tries to get a driving licence.

armb | 10 years ago

I'd rather see someone use a mountain bike round town than use a car round town. The sort of bike he was riding doesn't matter. That he was riding like an idiot does.

(The proportion of mountain bikes I see around town with their rear brakes disconnected because the owner can't be bothered to adjust them properly or get the wheel trued does annoy me, but that's a separate issue, and it's not just mountain bikes. And it's not £1,400 bikes.)

GrahamH | 10 years ago

on a £1,400 mountain bike


fuckin' chav

Not exactly the sort of bike your average chav would have or ride (unless he'd just nicked it)

Quince replied to GrahamH | 10 years ago
GrahamH wrote:

on a £1,400 mountain bike


fuckin' chav

Not exactly the sort of bike your average chav would have or ride (unless he'd just nicked it)

As an average chav, I find this comment offensive.

Olionabike replied to Quince | 10 years ago
Quince wrote:
GrahamH wrote:

on a £1,400 mountain bike


fuckin' chav

Not exactly the sort of bike your average chav would have or ride (unless he'd just nicked it)

As an average chav, I find this comment offensive.

As someone who believes in treating others with respect and not discriminating on class grounds I do to.

Although mountain bikes used as town bikes do annoy me

skull-collector... | 10 years ago

fuckin' chav

Stumps | 10 years ago

Stupid buffoon, i hope he gets hammered at court.

J90 | 10 years ago

Mountain bikes on the road annoy me.

kwi replied to J90 | 10 years ago
J90 wrote:

Mountain bikes on the road annoy me.

Then how do they get to trails without a car?

Does it really matter what type of bike someone rides, as long as they ride a bike?

Or has our sense of tribalism gotten really out of hand?

Flying Scot replied to J90 | 10 years ago
J90 wrote:

Mountain bikes on the road annoy me.

What annoys me is getting cut up by cars with serious mountain bikes on the roof.

Their day out is more important than yours.

glynr36 replied to Flying Scot | 10 years ago
Flying Scot wrote:
J90 wrote:

Mountain bikes on the road annoy me.

What annoys me is getting cut up by cars with serious mountain bikes on the roof.

Their day out is more important than yours.

Mountain bikers all over, if the large number of local ones are anything to go buy.

Airzound | 10 years ago

RLJing and pulling a wheelie! What a twat.

velodinho | 10 years ago

Idiot. Dangerous idiot.

Housecathst | 10 years ago

whats the betting this chap will come away from court wishing he done the same thing in car because all he would have had to do is utter any number of "get out of jail free" motorist platitudes, "the sun was in my eyes" or just "I didn't see them"

The jury would just shrug their shoulders and hand his back his keys.

Not to take away from the damage and injury that was inflicted on the Tandem riders, I hope there both back in the saddle with out any lasting effects.

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