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Cyclist filmed riding wrong way on motorway slip road … while texting

Rider was spotted on M8 in Glasgow during morning rush hour with footage caught on dashcam

Following yesterday’s video of a cyclist going the wrong way up a road in Scotland, another rider has been filmed doing exactly the same thing – except this time, it was on a motorway slip road and the man was using his mobile phone at the time.

> Video: Van driver has to swerve to avoid cyclist on wrong side of the road

The video was shot on a dashcam during morning rush hour today with the person who uploaded a picture of it to Twitter branding the rider a “clown” as he rode against the flow of traffic that was heading into the city centre.

It was taken on the slip road leading from Waterloo Street onto the M8 – the same motorway where, last month, a cyclist described as “fearful and in tears” was filmed riding – this time with the flow of traffic – across the city’s Kingston Bridge.

> "Fearful and in tears" cyclist filmed riding on Glasgow's M8 motorway

Cyclists are banned from motorways under Rule 253 of the Highway Code, although it is far from rare for riders to end up on them, possibly due to ignorance of the law, inadequate signage or – as in this example we reported on last week – because they decide to use the hard shoulder of the M56 in Lancashire to take a short cut.

> Cyclist fined for riding on M65 near Blackburn

​Even the pros can get caught out – at Paris-Roubaix on Sunday, UAE Team Emirates rider Andrea Guardini was escorted off a motorway in France by Gendarmes as he sought to ride to the finish after abandoning the race.

> Lost in France – rider ends up on motorway after abandoning Paris-Roubaix (+ video)

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BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago
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And yet despite attracting so much attention/not being legal he won't harm anything, unlike the other motorists supposedly doing something legal that killed 5 and seriously injured 60 others today and tomorrow and so on ad infinitum.

Nope, let's focus on the one person not actually hurting anyone, nor, in this instance possibly could harm anyone unless you're driving distracted whilst filming/rubber necking.


Deeferdonk replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago

Cyclist filmed riding wrong way on motorway slip road … while texting


barbarus | 7 years ago

Nothing wrong with this, he's just taking the lane

no0bzrus | 7 years ago

Maybe someone who ended up on the sliproad without intending to and rode back down so he didn't have to go on the motorway? 

I cycle this that road most days, theres a shared use bridge just to the left of the slip road, if you are riding in the bus lane you basically have to ride up to the entrance to the slip road and turn sharp left onto the shared use path. You can see it here:,-4.2660934,3a,75y,251.97h,67.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soLy9V9c3izBJM0NYNv6Paw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

If you don't know exactly where you are going it can be pretty easy to miss the entrance to the path, expecially if it's busy and a lot of traffic behind you. Suprised it doesn't happen more often. 

Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Is it me or all the cycling down motorway stories from Scotland?

Simon_MacMichael replied to Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

Is it me or all the cycling down motorway stories from Scotland?

Not unless they've moved Blackburn, but given your name I'll forgive you for ignoring a reference to somewhere the other side of those hills  3

tritecommentbot | 7 years ago
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Not sure what's more tragic, that guy going the wrong way or AM 5-1's Twitter feed.

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