The government is regularly accused of not understanding cycling and the role it can play in improving the nation’s health as well as reducing pollution, with campaigners regularly calling for more investment to be made into active travel.
This morning, the Department for Transport has announced funding of £20 million for new routes upgrades to sections of the National Cycling Network, which is developed and maintained by the sustainable transport charity, Sustrans.
Projects that will benefit include re-routing the Fylde coastal path to become traffic-free, between Blackpool and St. Anne’s, a community-led re-design to improve the quality of the existing Bristol and Bath railway path, and traffic-free paths on the HS2 route between Sheffield and Doncaster as well as in Buckinghamshire.
All well and good, even if the money is a drop in the ocean compared to what would be needed to bring cycling provision here up to Dutch or Danish standards.
The DfT’s remit in funding cycling projects, as you may know, applies to England outside London (where TfL is responsible for funding, while in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, it falls to the devolved administrations in those countries).
Curious, then, that the DfT’s website carries a photo of one of a piece of cycling infrastructure that it had no involvement in … one of London’s Cycle Superhighways …
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Nice pace and shoulder checks in the Police filtering video, however at 50 seconds he passes to the left of a black car approaching a left t-junction (which isn't indicating).
Isn't that something to avoid in case they wipe you out by turning left without seeing you/looking?
I'd pass on the left if the car is stationary but hang back if it's rolling ...
he actually mentions about that in the text of the tweet. #watchthewheels. So he checks the front wheels to see if they turn, plus he also didn’t attempt to pass until he was sure they had gone past the ‘normal’ turning point of the junction.
Loads of KOMs are now garbage. People loading bikes up and forgetting to turn off Strava but then don't want to lose the ride they did do so they save it anyway.
I'd go out on my motorbike to get some KOMs but I'd be grassing myself up to the cops.
It's perfectly possible to edit the length of a ride. Not everyone does though.
As I understand it there'll be so few cycle crossings along the HS2 route that you'll probably need to ride from Buckinghamshire up to Sheffield just to get from one side of the railway line to the other...
Outside filtering: More comfortable if you are used to doing the same as a motorcyclist. But without the benefit of clearly being marked as a Police cyclist there is a distinct probability of getting caught on the offside as traffic moves off and drivers closing the gap to prevent you filtering back to the inside.
I don’t worry about KoMs much - not at my age and weight. I like to to beat PBs or friends times. However, I did get a KoM on a stretch in AZ on a day I was riding my hybrid to go and collect my car from servicing. I was riding ahead of an approaching AZ summer monsoon storm and had a 35-40mph tailwind! So does that count as cheating? I know I wasn’t the quikest bike rider around. Perhaps Strava needs accurate weather data for all our rides too?
My mistake, thank you for the correction.
I wish PC Steve Hudson all the best, good luck.
I looked several times and I could not see a left indicating white car, there is the land rover at about 12 seconds when the brake lights come on, please tell us when?
I suspect thats the one as I thought it was an indicator at first but the left turn isnt anywhere near,and it doesnt seem to be flashing either, could be an offcoloured lense,or faulty wiring
Filtering policeman, looks like he went on the inside of a left-indicating white car. Cyclists should never do that, surely.
Are you named after the excellent Glasgow restaurant?
If people want to cheat by using ebikes to take Strava KOMs, that’s their lookout. They’re only cheating themselves, and it’s usually very obvious when someone has done. I was riding a route, close to where I live, with a ‘cat 4’ climb on it. Everyone on that day was within a couple of seconds of each other, and the closest anyone got to the ‘KOM’ was about 5 seconds. Then an entry appeared which topped the KOM, by 1 minute 45 seconds. Righto, they would have had to have been averaging 25mph, up a 15% incline. I’d wager it just may have been done on a moped, let alone an e bike
I’ve no idea why anyone would bother, but hey ho, each to their own.
My finest KOM theft was the hill on the race circuit in Lincoln. I was handsomely assisted by the ambulance with blue lights to which I was firmly strapped at the time. My ride as a whole had a very idle period of an hour and a half, waiting for said ambulance to turn up. I did the decent thing the following morning - screenshot and delete ;o)
After a similar event, for a week or so I was KOM of a new segment running between J8 and J7 of the M11...
Yeah, looks like the perfect filtering video. I’m guessing PC Hodson was wearing his uniform and riding a bike with police markings all over it judging by the coeurtesy shown to him by virtually all drivers...perhaps dressing similarly would be the single most effective way of reducing cycling road deaths?
worried about Strava KOMs not being accurate? GET A LIFE
because ALL methods of recording such segments are 100% accurate aren't they?
Nearside filtering, yuck. You're invisible for so long with modern vehicles due to high beltlines and massive C-pillars. I was taught to check my nearside mirror when moving off, and in stop-start traffic, but I wonder how many drivers actually do that?
Offside all the way for me, even/especially in urban traffic like that.
do you ride a motorbike when not cycling ? the problem for me offside is as per how those cars are positioned,they force you to filter towards oncoming traffic, who arent always as appreciative of you being there, and being left between a rock and hard place isnt a good space to be as a cyclist, and if you misjudge the traffic queue you are in, the obstruction clears, or the light changes, you can be left hung to dry on the outside by the impatient so and so's youve just "out queued", as the traffic can out accelerate you.
none of those problems really impact motorbikes filtering offside as you are bigger presence on the road, and can out accelerate anyone trying to cut you up on the inside before youve regained your place in the queue...hence the question as I believe motorbike cyclists favour the offside more as thats what they are used to than car cyclists.
but Id have filtered exactly as PC Hodson did there, though personally Im more impressed he cycles on what looks like a godawful two lane roundabout with heavy traffic/lorries as Id not be going near that unless I had a flashing blue light on my bike
Some fine filtering by PC Hodson there, I'm hoping he can overcome his cancer as effectively as he has that traffic.
Wrong one. Steve Hudson is the one unfortunately diagnosed. The filterer is Dave Hodson. I'm glad he is patrolling those roads, however it doesn't stop people and I have uploaded three really bad close passes and / or left hooks to their portal with no responses months later.
Great to see the mayor of New York finally stop blaming cyclists and putting responsibility where it belongs, all based on irrefutable data. I'm sure there are plenty of local cyclists who will be only too happy to put him right and point out that neither helmets nor licencing make cyclists safer.
I dont worry too much about KOMs anymore, more like "am I in the top 1%" of riders on this segment", so if I'm right up there, then thats good enough. Maybe they could show what percentile you are in.
If you install the Stravistix plugin (now seems to be called "Elevate") for Chrome/Firefox/Safari, you can see exactly that, by segment. As well as the delta between your latest effort and your all time best and current year best.
Heartily recommend the "Elevate" (formerly Stravistix) Chrome browser add-in for Strava - when you look at an activity, it injects your position ranking and % ranking into every segment listed on that activity.
Among a few other nice features, it also has a fitness/form/fatigue chart which gives an indication of your training load, which I find personally matches quite well with how I feel.
Free to use - donation to the author if you like it.
The strava ebike problem is nothing new, it's just that people are moving from cars/motorbikes to ebikes to do it.
Legal ebikes will only kom uphill due to the 15mph speed restriction, otherwise they will be de-restricted and essentially motorbikes (I chatted to one e-mtb'er with a massive motor/battery on his that could approach 40mph with him sitting upright. The obvious ones like that can be flagged...non obvious ones would be a problem.)
This is why we can't have nice things, always someone around to spoil the fun and troll endlessly!
I believe they are only allowed to power assist up to 15mph and anything above would be ride effort. So in theory they could go fast enough to get down hill or flat segments (can't bring my self to say KOM
). I doubt their riders could go fast enough thoug given the bike's weight penalty 
If someone has their ride flagged 3times as an Ebike but recorded as a normal bike make their default ride ebike and have to make them change it to bike every ride if it was a bike. Next
The point of the KOM rankings on Strava is to see how you match up to other cyclists, isn't it? If you don't really care, that's fine, but for people who do care, Strava should be ensuring that the rankings are sound. Obviously there will always be cheats, but instead of asking users to tick half a dozen settings, why don't they simply suggest they tick a box when creating the 'bike used' to say it's an ebike, which automatically removes it from non-e leaderboards?
I guess you want people to point out if they had their pal give them a good lead out or had a generous tail wind? It's absolutely pointless trying to use Strava to see how you match up with other cyclists anyway, isn't it?