Ladies only cyclocross training Peterborough
An introduction to cyclocross, whether or not you intend to actually ride any cross races, it will still improve your bike handling. One hour session with some cross bikes that can be borrowed, refreshments and changing facilities available. Takes place at The Embankment Athletic Track on Bishops Road, using the surrounding grassed areas. Note there will be two more ladies only dates to follow and mixed gender sessions will be offered later as well. Run by qualified British cycling coaches in a safe off road environment.
You can register via british cycling
Herein lies difference between cyclist and just people that happen to ride bikes. If it did happen, the person riding the bike wasn't a cyclist,...
The Bible is wildly-popular propaganda whose message is not agreed-on by virtually any two people who are familiar with it. That is a profound...
No, there are not. Not even close to that many involving vehicular killings by small-town cops....
Wrong again....
That's nearly as bad as 'wall crashed into car'.
A 7" spike to replace the steering wheel airbag, perhaps?
I think you need to flip the page in your Roget. The one you're on doesn't seem to fill you with Joie de vivre. Think grey and all you'll get is...
Bit reminiscent of the MTB world Jones bar. About the same price, too!
Well I was inspired by this discussion to try a 20 minute FTP test on Zwift yesterday and found to my surprise that according to it I'm not the 195...
But wouldn't you basically get the same information just by comparing the times it took you to ride it?