Five weekly rounds begining 21st June 2017 on the Trinity Park closed road circuit, Ipswich.
Online entries close Friday 11.45pm each week ahead of the Wednesday race i.e. entries for the first round on the 21st Jun 2017 will close at 11.45pm on 16th June 2017.
For the full 2017 SCRS details click CALENDAR or RACE DETAILS.
Novices and 4th Cat, E123 and Womens racing begins from 1840.
Go Ride U12's and Youth racing begins from 1800.
If you have never raced and are not sure what to expect, why not marshal for a round and see the race environment and set up before committing and at the same time fulfill an essential role, without which racing would not be able to take place.
Contact me via the email if interested.
You put a (not really a) hashtag on it - that automatically qualifies it as a rant.
It's not the casual health effects I'd be worried about - more the ones with a long-term commitment.
In what?
Turns out they prefer video evidence to prove beyond doubt a car is parked on zig zag lines; a still won't do...
Mix of good and not so there. Overtaking stuff all sounds sensible (if people remember...), not sure on the compulsory PPE....
But this one goes up to 1511 lumens, though?...
L&M stopped making bike lights a couple of months ago. I remember wondering at the time how they were going to be able to carry on making dive,...
We'll get a league done when TDU launches.