Based in the exciting seaside resort of Maspalomas, the whole area offers incredible diversity for different types of mountain biking.
From technical rocky trails at high altitude to long distance marathon tracks, Gran Canaria suitability for exciting mountain biking is proven as it has already hosted a UCI Marathon World Cup event and runs an annual MTB marathon every year.
Bespoke-Velo and Cycle Gran Canaria have organised a high thrills, quality mountain biking holiday using the best bikes and trails on the island.
A week of MTB cycle training on Gran Canaria
Fully supported, guided MTB riding
What's included:
7 Nights at Cordial Green Golf
Self Service Bed & Breakfast
All Airport Transfers
6 days rental bike Cannondale RZ OneTwenty 2 , thats right no need to bring your own!!
1 Sandwich per tour
2 drinking bottles, water included
1 Trail Tee Shirt
Plus Bespoke-Velo Cycling Musette choc full of goodies.
What to do next?
Click on the link :
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