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Urgent admin attention required: Team selection broken all competitions

Dave et al

Servers seem to be screwed when trying to pick a team or make transfers for any competition.

Will this be fixed before the giro start?  102

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Wildcard | 9 years ago

Looking forward to hear what you find out! Not to enter a team has been very frustrating. I tried friday evening/night, and saturday morning/day.

Stage 1 should be neutralised and all transfers from stage 1 to stage 2 should be free. It's the only fair solution.

crikey | 9 years ago

I'm quite enjoying the combination of middle class angst, #firstworldproblems and passive-aggressive whining. I suspect a number of extra glasses of Merlot will be consumed tonight in the shires...

dave atkinson | 9 years ago

the email:

As you may be aware, we had some issues with the Fantasy Cycling site which affected some users' ability to select a team for stage 1 of the Giro d'Italia. The outages were caused by a database configuration issue. We're sorry if it has affected your enjoyment of the game. There will be some downtime to the Fantasy Cycling server at around 10am tomorrow, after the Giro stage 3 deadline, while we make some updates to the server to ensure it doesn't reoccur.

Over 1,600 teams were registered for stage 1 of the Giro, and we'll continue to run the competition as planned.

Premium users

We've extended everyone's premium subscription by one month by way of an apology, and if you missed out on entering a team for the Giro we'll be offering you a partial refund on your premium subscription. Log into the game and go to for details.

simon F | 9 years ago

Also, I don't have a paypal account, I just use the occasional one-off payment mechanism. It's not worth the hassle to try and get a refund so if you think you should, please give mine to charity - something like an air ambulance would be good but I don't really care what it goes to - stick a bit of petty cash in the charity jar at your local if that's easier.

smiley_boy2501 | 9 years ago

If it's possible then money to charity for me too please. A good idea.

nemysys | 9 years ago

I'm actually quite disappointed in this outcome...

I don't think anyone mentioned money... and the money really wasn't the point...

The game was unusable for approx. 20hrs before the deadline....

So no Purist team and no Italian team... so two thirds of the 'fun' has gone.

I understand that Dave & Team (and they do a great job !) have to have their days off... but this time I think it has been handled badly... with a solution that doesn't solve the problem a lot of players experienced.

No teams and a reduced number of available transfers.

jova54 | 9 years ago

What's all the fuss about?

Firstly, I've read some of the comments above and you would think someone had fiddled the results of the General Election. If the most important thing in your life is being deprived of the chance to win goodies in a 'Fantasy' cycling game then you really do need to get out more. Get a grip FFS!

Secondly, I managed to pick teams for all three categories before the start of Stage 1 and then for Standard for Stage 2. Didn't do too well on the scores for Stage 2, but that's my fault not the game's.

Finally, I've got Dave's email about the updates and the posibility of a refund. I'm not bothered, the value is so small per competition per event that the cost of refuding will be more than the value. Give it to a charity of your choice Dave.

smiley_boy2501 | 9 years ago

It was unusable. It froze when trying to switch between pages of riders. I tried for several hours in the evening and the morning. I think experiences differed. What's done is done though. Learn from it for next time! I'll definately be getting my tdf team in early. Can we open that now please!
Just wondering about transfers. Since there is just a limited number now instead of penalties I must be 6-7 down already as I had to use 9 on stage 2 just to get riders in..... Thoughts?

Jonas Lorenzen | 9 years ago

Any chance getting my giro purist team in? Or do I have accept my decline in the purist ranks...

dave atkinson | 9 years ago

you should be able to pick a purist team for the rest of the giro now. you'll only get one go though, no changing it once it's done

simon F | 9 years ago

Out of interest, why not stage 3 points? It hasn't started yet. I don't ever expect to do well in purist comps so it's purely a query - no vested interest.

Jonas Lorenzen | 9 years ago

Thx, Dave  4

backflipbedlem | 9 years ago

So apparently I can change my purist team, even after I have gained points for the first 3 stages?
I know it wouldn't be easy to just open it up to people who haven't selected a team yet, but surely this is making it slightly less purist!??

nemysys | 9 years ago

Thanks to Dave and the team...

For adding the Purist and adding a transfer numbers.


Sniffer | 9 years ago

Had 8 riders in my purist, adding a 9th and then the clock ticked over. Probably missed out on stage 3 scores, but thanks Dave.

I have given this even less thought than normal!

Joelsim | 9 years ago

You don't get any transfers. I've just tried to add Matthews, Gilbert & Felline. And I will try again tomorrow to add the winners too.

My name is Nigel Farage.

Gilbert and Sullivan replied to Gkam84 | 9 years ago
Gkam84 wrote:

The forum only ever gets used for problems and complaints, I don't see many of the over 1500 teams who were not affects coming to have their say, only the minority, who unfortunately could not get a team in.

I'm off to bed now. As I keep saying, I suggest you play as the game is at the moment, nothing is going to change before the morning and I doubt it will be neutralised at this late stage.


In golfing parlance "play the ball as it lies" Serial whingers like Simon F are ruining the game,its a fun game ffs!

TERatcliffe26 replied to Joelsim | 9 years ago
Joelsim wrote:

Has anyone emailed Dave? This needs to be sorted out or I can see it being a nightmare every day. The only fair way is to neutralise the stage and start afresh. An email needs to go out to all players tonight and the deadline needs to be made for as late as possible tomorrow. Or I imagine there will be 20 stages of pain.

Everyone who wants to play this competition needs to start on a level playing field due to a error on the playing system. You can't penalise those who tried for hours to get a team in and couldn't in an instance like this. If you look at all the threads there are over 100 posts on this, some of whom are very disgruntled.

i havent read this thread since i last posted, but i spoke to dave earlier and he did what he could to try and get it running again. As for anything i think he has done what he can from his location as i know he is not near the servers etc. So i cant really comment on his thoughts, but he may not have completely solved the issue, but i suspect it may be the morning before dave is back at base and doesnt want to say anything before he has completely sorted the situation. Dave will anounce something but when i dont know

mdavidford replied to Gkam84 | 9 years ago
Gkam84 wrote:

It is countable, Less than 2% of teams

What is that number though? The number of players who didn't get teams registered at all? If so, then it will considerably underestimate the problem. It won't include people like me who struggled through the problems to get some kind of team in, but weren't able to finesse it into the team we would have wanted. Or like those above who put a preliminary team in early and then came back to find they couldn't make changes.

This is reminiscent of last year's 'non-neutralised' snow stage. Like that, it needed a decision taken early, and once it was left too long there really was no fair way to resolve it without penalising somebody. The only fair thing that could be done now would be to neutralise stages 1 and 2 and have unlimited transfers ahead of stage 3, and that would be getting really farcical.

Sure, there's no way that server problems could have been anticipated, but what could have been anticipated was the start of one of the biggest competitions of the season, and that it would be a good idea to make sure that someone who could sort things out should be around in case some - any - problems occurred. Of people's money is going to be taken for the game, then there really should be some professionalism in the level of support available.

Personally, I don't have much right to complain, as I don't pay for premium, so I haven't really lost anything except for a bit of time and frustration that was my own choice. However, I might well have upgraded for next season, but after an incident like this that now seems unlikely, and I can certainly understand why those who have paid for the game would feel aggrieved.

simon F replied to dave atkinson | 9 years ago
Dave Atkinson wrote:

There will be some downtime to the Fantasy Cycling server at around 10am tomorrow, after the Giro stage 3 deadline

Dave - the dashboard deadline is actually 10:30. The "make transfers" page countdown is counting down to an hour later - 11:30. The later time does seem to be the one that actually acts as the deadline.

Gkam84 replied to nemysys | 9 years ago
nemysys wrote:

I'm actually quite disappointed in this outcome...

I don't think anyone mentioned money... and the money really wasn't the point...

The game was unusable for approx. 20hrs before the deadline....

So no Purist team and no Italian team... so two thirds of the 'fun' has gone.

I understand that Dave & Team (and they do a great job !) have to have their days off... but this time I think it has been handled badly... with a solution that doesn't solve the problem a lot of players experienced.

No teams and a reduced number of available transfers.

It wasn't unusable, it was slow, that has been shown by the number of teams who still managed to get teams in while the server was having issues.

We don't have "days off" but if we have events to be at or rides that are scheduled, we take over scoring from each other. It just happens that Dave had something one when the server had an issue, which is not predictable and with Dave being the only one who does the server side of things, we were helpless to do anything to sort it.

There was no simple solution, because the majority of teams managed to put riders into their rosters, if we removed all stage 1 points, it would penalise more than it would help out by about 98/2....with over 1600 teams in, there were less then 50 teams that I can see who were affected.

dave atkinson replied to smiley_boy2501 | 9 years ago
smiley_boy2501 wrote:

Just wondering about transfers. Since there is just a limited number now instead of penalties I must be 6-7 down already as I had to use 9 on stage 2 just to get riders in..... Thoughts?

you'll have automatically been given 9 extra transfers to fill your team, leaving you with 45 for the competition

Sniffer replied to Jonas Lorenzen | 9 years ago

I'd quite like that too.

backflipbedlem replied to dave atkinson | 9 years ago
Dave Atkinson wrote:

you should be able to pick a purist team for the rest of the giro now. you'll only get one go though, no changing it once it's done

I take it they will only get the points for the upcoming stages though? Rather than stages 1,2&3 points.

Only taking an interest as I'm planning on winning the purist comp  4

dave atkinson replied to simon F | 9 years ago
simon F wrote:

Out of interest, why not stage 3 points? It hasn't started yet. I don't ever expect to do well in purist comps so it's purely a query - no vested interest.

if you enter a purist team before the stage 3 deadline, you'll get stage 3 points. i stuck it back an hour to give people a chance to sneak in, as there's normally an hour buffer between the deadline and the stage start

Moist von Lipwig replied to backflipbedlem | 9 years ago
backflipbedlem wrote:

So apparently I can change my purist team, even after I have gained points for the first 3 stages?
I know it wouldn't be easy to just open it up to people who haven't selected a team yet, but surely this is making it slightly less purist!??

try making a change  3

Jonas Lorenzen replied to Gilbert and Sullivan | 9 years ago
Gilbert and Sullivan wrote:
Gkam84 wrote:

The forum only ever gets used for problems and complaints, I don't see many of the over 1500 teams who were not affects coming to have their say, only the minority, who unfortunately could not get a team in.

I'm off to bed now. As I keep saying, I suggest you play as the game is at the moment, nothing is going to change before the morning and I doubt it will be neutralised at this late stage.


In golfing parlance "play the ball as it lies" Serial whingers like Simon F are ruining the game,its a fun game ffs!

In golfing you played the ball your self...

dave atkinson replied to backflipbedlem | 9 years ago
backflipbedlem wrote:
Dave Atkinson wrote:

you should be able to pick a purist team for the rest of the giro now. you'll only get one go though, no changing it once it's done

I take it they will only get the points for the upcoming stages though? Rather than stages 1,2&3 points.

Only taking an interest as I'm planning on winning the purist comp  4


Twybaydos replied to dave atkinson | 9 years ago
Dave Atkinson wrote:

if you enter a purist team before the stage 3 deadline, you'll get stage 3 points. i stuck it back an hour to give people a chance to sneak in, as there's normally an hour buffer between the deadline and the stage start

It's about 5 minutes today - see my previous post. The game clock is running on GMT

backflipbedlem replied to Moist von Lipwig | 9 years ago
Moist von Lipwig wrote:
backflipbedlem wrote:

So apparently I can change my purist team, even after I have gained points for the first 3 stages?
I know it wouldn't be easy to just open it up to people who haven't selected a team yet, but surely this is making it slightly less purist!??

try making a change  3

I dont want to, lol. I dont want to cheat, and I've already picked the winning purist team!  16

What happens?


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