Rather than shy away from the great outdoors during the seasonal cold snap, embracing the elements and getting active over New Year can do wonders for lifting the spirits, burning off any Christmas excess, and getting into shape ahead of the summer.
To help provide inspiration for exploring the great outdoors whilst cycling away the winter blues, Sustrans is offering cyclists a free tailored cycle route information pack for their local area.
Suitable for the solo cyclist, couples and families, the Free Your Bike pack is full of handy information including safety advice, top tips for bike maintenance, and a National Cycle Network guide tailored to specific regional areas.
The pack includes suggestions for short or long rides along the Network’s traffic-free railway paths, canal towpaths, coastline and woodland.
Sustrans is welcoming cyclists and would-be cyclists from all over the UK to discover the best places to pedal on their doorstep by requesting a Free Your Bike information pack via www.freeyourbike.org.uk.
Susie Lea, Co-ordinator of Sustrans’ Active Travel projects, said: “January can often be a bleak month following the build up of Christmas and New Year celebrations, not to mention the dreaded ‘Blue Monday’ on 25 January which is deemed to be the most depressing day of the year. By cycling and walking to keep active during the cold season, the chances of feeling down in the dumps are greatly reduced.
“Surveys show that physically active people feel happier and more satisfied with life, so for anyone feeling the post-Christmas strain and in need of an inexpensive day out, try dusting off an unused bicycle or show off a new one to enjoy a leisurely ride along the many scenic routes on the National Cycle Network.”
I hope his lawyers got plenty of screenshots of the engagement stats of those posts. Multiplies up the damages.
For the quality below the line, obvs.
There is a theory that the majority of crashes in the pro peloton are due to disc brakes. The theory being that because they are better at stopping...
DCI Mark, neck height is worse...
Thankfully the video seems now to have been taken down.
One of the things that causes a lot of crashes is the managers telling the riders to 'get to the front, get to the front, get to the front'.
Aren't immigrants supposed to respect the law of the land that they settle in?
The publicity for the fine is more free advertising, no? It says look at us, not only are we so cool film stars use us, we're so socially...
It doesn't, look at the boycott of Israel, for example, a country with the closest possible ties with the USA. Back in the day, the boycott of...
Nice of them to put an internal storage space behind the head tube, should be able to get a few gels in there!