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Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to announce £214million additional funding for cycling

Money to be split between 8 Cycle Ambition Fund cities and the Highways Agency

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will today announce £214 million in funding for cycling at a summit in Bristol. The money will be divided between the eight cities which have already received Cycle City Ambition funding and the Highways Agency to improve conditions for cyclists on its roads.

£114m of additional money will go to Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Cambridge, Oxford, Norwich and Bristol to continue progress over the three years 2015/16 to 2017/18. The formula for deciding how much each city gets has yet to be announced.

£100m of funding is earmarked for the Highways Agency to improve cycling conditions along and across the Highways Agency’s network of major trunk roads. The Agency, soon to be turned in to a company owned by the Government, is also responsible for the country's motorway network. Cyclists are not of course allowed on motorways, but the possibility of cycle routes alongside motorways is something that is likely to arouse interest amongst campaigners. Recently we reported how the Belgian region of East Flanders plans to invest in a 600km network of fast cycling routes linking up major population centres for fast riding cyclists.

Cycling organisations have welcomed news of the expected funding announcment. However, Sustran's Chief Executive also contrasted the amount being given to cycling with the £24 billion the coalition has earmarked for spending on roads, while CTC Chief Executive Paul Tuohy reiterated the organsation's call for the equivalent of at least £10 per person per year to be spent on cycling.

In a statement responding to the announcement Mr Tuohy said:

"“This new funding certainly moves the Prime Minister’s ‘cycling revolution’ up a gear, and the three years of committed funding will be very much welcomed in the 8 cities due to receive it.

“This has been a hard fought interim victory, not just for the cycling campaign community but also for the Department of Transport staff and MPs who’ve worked hard with us to Get Britain Cycling.

“We now need to keep pushing leading politicians in all parties to raise the annual funding for cycling up to the level of at least £10 per person, increasing progressively to £20 as cycle use rises – not just for 8 cities but for the whole of Britain.

“So our message to local authorities and campaigners everywhere is, ‘Let’s keep up the pressure, it’s starting to work!’  The public, the media and around 100 MPs of all parties have all supported calls for annual investment in cycling of at least £10 per person, wherever they live. If we want to be confident that Britain’s long-awaited ‘cycling revolution’ is truly underway, that’s the next milestone to aim for. This would provide huge benefits for our health, wealth and well-being.”

The Government recently published evidence showing that investing in cycling delivers over £5 of health and other benefits for every £1 spent.

Sustrans, the charity based in Bristol where today's conference is taking place, says it welcomes the investment, but urged the government to commit itself to consistent spend on cycling.

Its chief executive, Malcolm Shepherd, said: “This is an invaluable commitment from government to cycling at a time of local spending cuts that spans this and the next Parliament.

“This must be a call to action for local decision makers at a time when the government is committed to spending £24 billion on roads and wider investment priorities are being set."

He added: “Longer term, dedicated funding of at least £10 per head is the key to transforming Britain into a cycling and walking nation and we look forward to working with government to secure this.”

Last year’s Get Britain Cycling report from the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group called for annual spending of a minimum of £10 a head to provide safe infrastructure for cyclists.

However, the government’s Cycling Delivery Plan, published last month in draft form, said only that it would “explore” how to raise funding to that level.

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bikebot replied to Recumbenteer | 10 years ago
Recumbenteer wrote:

A3 near Ripley in Surrey

Site of photo grom Google maps

I love that feature of the A3. Anytime I drive down it with a passenger, I always point out the "cycling lane", and absolutely no one believes me!

The national cycle network is the right idea. We need safe routes that go from the same A to B as the major trunk roads, but they don't necessarily have to be part of the main road. A quiet (but still direct) route is preferable to being a few feet away from a major A road. I think there is a lot of opportunity in creating routes parallel to the railways, and those tend to be both straighter and flatter than the road network.

And as with my harsh comments towards Sustrans yesterday, it shouldn't be in he hands of charities, but a core function of the DfT and the highways agency.

LarryDavidJr replied to Recumbenteer | 10 years ago
Recumbenteer wrote:

"cyclists are not of course allowed on motorways" - Technically, this is correct, but in reality, some multiple-carriageway A-roads are effectively indistinguishable from a motorway.

Well said. More and more A roads are becoming this way. The A23 for example, a road I drive every day for work. You'd have to be an absolute fool to mix it with the 70mph traffic on there. Now and then you see an obviously out-of-county cyclist struggling along there wondering where they went wrong as rush hour traffic zooms by at 70mph plus.

The plus side for this route is that the cycle 'route' (not a dedicated lane all the way) that sort of shadows this road doesn't take you too far out of your way, and is in fairly good condition, though just last week there was a Merc in the hedge the other side of the cycle path where it runs next to one of the slip roads.......

It's time these roads we re-categorised, given a new category, or change the rules about A roads and 'downgrade' the more suitable ones to B class. All too easy for an unsuspecting person not from the area to end up in an entirely unsuitable traffic situation because from a map (or GPS device) you can't tell a nice trundling back road from a two or three lane monster.


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