After our previous poll asked what it is that irritates readers most about your fellow cyclists, provoking a lot of debate about red light jumpers, fixie riders (expert and otherwise) going brakeless and people cycling without lights or on the pavement, it seems that you are easier to please when it comes to what you like most about cycling.
In our latest poll, which garnered nearly 250 votes, only 4% outed themselves as out-and-out Lycra fetishists, while by far the most popular response, getting almost half the votes, was “All of the above… especially the Lycra,” although that did give rise to some discussion about alternatives to the skin-hugging, man-made fabric.
Within that catch-all option were two choices, “stops me blowing up like a barrage balloon” – we know you read, Herr Ulrich – and “cheaper than driving, cheaper than the bus, cheaper than the gym,” each of which gained the thumbs up from fewer than one in ten.
The most popular specific response, however, was “the sense of freedom,” voted for by one in three readers, and here’s to spring coming soon so we can enjoy the breeze in our hair and the open road along with a little bit of good weather, too. It’s about time.
Our new poll asks you what you consider to be the biggest danger on Britain’s roads, and we’ll be interested to see how your responses compare to those regularly flagged up in cycling and mainstream media.
Deansway crash: Driver fears traffic chaos over wall fix...
I replied to him too, SRAM on a roadbike is a bad choice .It seems everyone who's building bikes thinks 2 cables that take 2 mins to fit is too...
Here in the UK this stuff is £42 a litre...
Agreed. The selection process could be made a lot easier....
Unlike those year-round balmy, warm conditions in Denmark and Sweden where cycling to work, school and the shops is normal?
I guess we can take some solace that, a year on, it's down to 'only' £7,999....
Need to take your daughter and her very expensive instrument to her lesson with the best cello teacher in Kent?
Of course, to get a tougher sentence, you have to first secure a conviction:...