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'Downright dangerous' roundabout on A27 to be monitored by Highways Agency

Have you cycled the route in question? Let us know

Worthing residents have complained that the A27 cycle lane routes them onto a dangerous roundabout, and have asked the Highways Agency to change it.

Last year, the Highways Agency created the new path across the Lancing Manor Roundabout, where a sign simply reads ‘cyclists rejoin carriageway’.

Sally Jordan told the Worthing Herald: “I’ve been doing this route for years, but now to access the path legally, I have to negotiate the Lancing Manor roundabout.”

Anthony Cartmell of Worthing Cycle Forum said the route was ‘downright dangerous’.

“I was going to Shoreham Airport with my two children, but we he had to ride illegally on the pathway to avoid the roundabout,” he said.

“There was no consultations,” he said. “They are expecting people to take on one of the most busy roundabouts in the area.”

A spokesperson for the Highways Agency said it was ‘aware’ of residents’ concerns. “We will continue to monitor the situation and we aim to include improvement works to the roundabout in future plans,” the agency said.

As we reported last year, the London-based direct action cycling campaign group, Stop Killing Cyclists, said that it has secured a commitment from transport minister Robert Goodwill to consider amendments to the Infrastructure Bill, currently going through Parliament, which would see cycling included within the responsibilities of a restructured Highways Agency - and possibly renamed the National Cycling & Highways Agency.

Steven Routley and Donnachadh McCarthy, who founded the group last November when six cyclists lost their lives in London in the space of a fortnight, met with Mr Goodwill, whose portfolio includes responsibility for cycling.

Afterwards, Mr McCarthy said: “We welcome the Minister’s commitment to considering such an amendment from MPs. It is crucial that a National Cycling & Highways Agency takes the lead for funding and overseeing the creation of a National Cycling Infrastructure.”

Mr Routley added: “Cycling must be included in the title and remit of the reformed Highways Agency.

“For too long cycling provision has been the invisible Cinderella of Britain’s transport investments despite its enormous potential to reduce epidemic levels of diabetes, lung and heart diseases from traffic pollution and obesity, improve economic competitiveness through congestion reduction, making our roads safer for pedestrians and other road users and reducing carbon emissions.”

However the Bill recieved Royal Assent last month without the proposed changes, although it did oblige the Secretary of State for Transport to set a ‘Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy’.

Have you cycled the A27 route? Let us know in the comments below.

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congokid | 10 years ago

The Highways Agency said it was ‘aware’ of residents’ concerns. “We will continue to monitor the situation and we aim to include improvement works to the roundabout in future plans"

In other words, some vulnerable road user (or perhaps several) has to die here before they'll do anything about it. That's a rather cynical approach to road safety.

ibike | 10 years ago

I've driven past the "cyclists rejoin carriageway" sign on my way to the seafront cycle route (with bikes on the back of the car). I would never attempt riding here myself, let alone with children in tow.

It's a great shame: the new section of cycle path along the A27 is quite good but without a safe way of negotiating the roundabout it's just another useless cycle lane.

jollygoodvelo | 10 years ago

"National Cycling & Highways Agency"?

Dream. On. Increasing the profile and consideration of cycling as a viable transport choice - great. But do you seriously think that the Highways Agency will get a title that makes it looks like bikes are the only vehicles on the road? It's the sort of crackpot proposal that gets people laughed out of the room.

Something like "Highways and Road Users Agency", great.

Simon Walker | 10 years ago

I have absolutely no intention of taking on this death trap! It's crazy.

I thought the roundabout on the A421 near Bedford was bad, but this one takes the prize.  2

VecchioJo | 10 years ago

i negotiate it with extreme caution in a car, i've never even considered it on a bike

Kim | 10 years ago

By "monitor" they mean check that no one is cycling on it, then declare it "safe"... that is what the design guidance calls for.

ianrobo | 10 years ago

that island is nothing attempt the Island at the A470 at Nantgarw near to Cardiff !

Argos74 | 10 years ago


From Google Maps. Looks fast and nasty. Whole heaps of nope unless you're comfortable with cars flying at you from every direction.

AJ101 | 10 years ago

Theres a section of the A27 towards Lewes that is great to ride, fully segregated. Unfortunately it runs out pretty quick, if ever there was a road in the South East to provide a cycle path alongside its whole length then this is it. Some lovely countryside around there and the road is pretty wide to accommodate too.

runskiprun replied to AJ101 | 10 years ago

I used to cycle through Brighton to Lewes and this section is indeed segregated.

still shit scary with buses and trucks driving towards you at speed!  13  13  13

velodinho | 10 years ago

If the road has an A in front of a number, avoid, if at all possible.

atgni replied to velodinho | 10 years ago
velodinho wrote:

If the road has an A in front of a number, avoid, if at all possible.

Not that helpful (or reasonable) as a rule.

jezza666 | 10 years ago

I ride it almost every day, and almost every day it scares the s**t out of me, but there are no other options, especially since even four year olds aren't allowed on the pavement anymore!

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