London Mayoral candidate, Christian Wolmar, is targeting the cycling vote by putting 50,000 spoke cards on bicycles across the capital.
As further proof the cycling vote matters, Wolmar is keen to target London's approximately 400,000 cyclists, and to do so Wolmar's helpers will be hanging around bike racks across the capital getting their hands dirty in order to try and entice some of those votes.
The spoke cards include phrases like "10% of all journeys in London by bike by 2020", "A 20mph default on London's roads that is properly enforced" "Cyclists at the heart of every road junction redesign", "A network of safe, segregated, Dutch-style cycle lanes on major roads"
He also proposes to replace the controversial Garden Bridge with a cycle bridge, introduce 50,000 more bike parking spaces in the capital, and make the cycle hire scheme "cheaper and more extensive".
Wolmar said: “There are an estimated 400,000 cyclists who use London streets every day. As the Wolmar for London campaign has already shown, we can reach hundreds of cyclists during a single rush hour. With our vision for a more affordable, liveable and sustainable city, we are attracting people to Labour who like our ideas.
“We have a fresh and inspired message that appeals to real Londoners. We’re going to splash our bicycle spoke cards out across London over the summer, recruiting new supporters and members.”

Wolmar's spoke card
Wolmar's key areas are housing, the environment and transport. He has been outspoken about issues like Oxford Street, one of the world's most polluted streets, which he would pedestrianise. In his monthly #askwolmar Q&As, many questions come from cyclists, some of which are easier to answer in 140 characters than others. Some answers are more controversial than others.
Wolmar on shared space
Ahead of the 2012 London Mayoral elections all the major candidates signed up to the London Cycling Campaign's Love London, Go Dutch campaign, which attracted 40,000 signatures and called on the next mayor to introduce three flagship infrastructure schemes, which became London's mini Hollands, improve the cycle superhighways to Dutch standards, and improvements to junctions, all of which have happened to some extent.
Wolmar certainly won't be the only candidate courting the cycling vote ahead of next May's elections.
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He gave me one of these at the Bank protest the other week. Got to hand it to the guy who personally hands it to you.
I've love to see more bike + pedestrian bridges. East London could use at least two more, and then where the Garden Bridge carbuncle was intended to go (I think that 'project' is now dead and done).
Hopefully he's not proposing a direct replacement of a cycle bridge where the garden bridge might be going - instead Waterloo bridge needs the off-peak parking on the cycle lanes to be stopped.
Tell you what - he's right to say we need more bike parking. Cities all across the UK build new multi storey car parks, or muck about with on-road parking to make it easier to park, but have you tried riding a bike into most shopping areas? I thought it would be quicker to cycle down from my office to the local shopping area at lunchtime, but it actually takes longer than walking once you take into account having to actually find somewhere to park!
If I was a London resident I'd possibly be joining Labour to vote for him as candidate. He's not just strong on cycling- his background is in rail journalism, look out for him wooing public transport users too.
Very encouraging, and as others have commented he actually probably means it.
Let the bidding war begin!
Wolmar's polling has improved significantly, which seems to have surprised the other candidates as he began as a complete outsider. It's going to be interesting to see how they adjust policies to respond to that, including on the Tory side.
Well, he's certainly nailing his colours to the mast. Or... threading them through people's spokes. And quite splendid colours they appear to be. It's heartening to see walking and cycling being used for serious electoral bargaining power.
Wolmar won't be only candidate courting our votes, but likely the only one who'll act decisively, he's got form.