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Adelaide riders targeted with oil slicks and drawing pins

Popular hill climb attacked by anti-cycling saboteurs

Cyclists on one of Adelaide’s most popular riding routes have been targeted with booby traps including tacks and oil slicks.

Norton Summit Road has seen least two cyclists in reported crashes, and dozens have been forced to fix punctures on the climb, with thumb tacks deliberately left on the road.

“This behaviour is irresponsible and idiotic. This prank could go horribly wrong,” Inspector Gus Sickerdick, Officer in Charge of Hills Fleurieu Local Service Area, told Adelaide Now.

“It is well-known that cyclists and motorbike riders regularly use this road. The reality is this disturbing behaviour could easily lead to riders being seriously injured or even killed.”

“In recent weeks there have been a spate of tack attacks on cyclists riding the new Norton Summit Road,’’ a resident said.

“Today I have been told by cyclists the following: Someone has deliberately poured oil in two places along Norton Summit, as well as lots of tacks. Cyclists have come off riding there this morning.

“Apparently the tacks have been there for a few weeks and keep getting topped up, but the oil is a new thing.”
Another cyclist called for riders to stay safe.

“This is awful. All it would take is someone coming down fast and a few pins in the front tyre and they could go over the handlebars before they get a chance to stop.’’

Anyone with information is asked to contact the police assistance line on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or click here.

Back in the UK, we reported last year how competitors in the Redhill Cycle Club road race sustained punctures after riding over drawing pins scattered on the road near Newdigate.

Fortunately nobody was injured, but organiser Adrian Webb told Get Surrey that the culprits were “lucky nobody was killed”.

“This was very serious and hugely dangerous,” he said. “I don’t think the people who did this, probably thinking they were having a laugh, actually thought through the harm that they could have caused.

“If you have someone go over those pins at 20 or 25mph in a peloton of 60 cyclists and they come off the bike, the injuries could be serious or even fatal.

“I couldn’t believe it when it happened. There were riders just walking their bikes with pins through the wheels.”
Surrey’s popularity as a cycling destination has inspired vociferous opposition from what appears to be a handful of residents in recent years.

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Airzound | 9 years ago

Inspector S i c k e r d i c k ……………….  24

antigee | 9 years ago

ongoing problem in Melbourne, Vic, Yarra Boulevard popular training, commuting, leisure route

18 months down the line and not a lot of impact on cyclist volumes, just every one unhappy at the potential for accidents and the inconvenience, a big big lot of cost to local council to clean up and a lot of wasted police time

two minds on posting this one but my conclusion is that for anyone considering this type of action:
It is not affective
When you get caught the recoverable civil costs will be painful

localsurfer | 9 years ago

I wonder what that policeman's nickname was at school...

ron611087 | 9 years ago

If the tacks are regularly topped up in the same place it's time to deploy a concealed Bushnell surveillance camera.

CommotionLotion replied to ron611087 | 9 years ago

My sentiments exactly,

brooksby | 9 years ago

It's not a "prank", Mr Policeman! Can you imagine if this was being done against motorists - someone spreads broken glass and Stingers across the M4 motorway and the police just tut and say about how it's just a prank...? Somehow I think that they'd take a bit more action.

bikebot | 9 years ago

I think their Police might find some suspects in the comments section of that news site.

therevokid | 9 years ago

what is the matter with some people .....

Metaphor | 9 years ago

An awful, awful, awful country.

Boopop replied to Metaphor | 9 years ago
Ramuz wrote:

An awful, awful, awful country.

Ah yes, because we never get psychos spreading tacks in our pleasant land. Oh wait.

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