A Yorkshire cyclist who was running low on water while out on a ride got a shock when a woman who refilled it for him asked for £3 – then tipped out the water when he explained he didn’t have that much money on him.
Neil Holloway, who is a member of Leeds & Bradford Triathlon club, posted an account of what had happened on Twitter, saying “Staggered this happened in Huby this week." It’s not clear whether he is the cyclist involved.
The post read: “Just getting this off my chest … 60km ride out on my new road bike this evening. 40km in and realisation that two bottle cages would be better than one as I run low on water.
“I pulled up near a row of cottages near Huby where a middle aged lady was digging the garden. I politely asked if she could refill my water bottle which she duly did.
“Upon handing it back to me she said: ‘That will be £3’ …
“Shocked, I explained I only had about £1 in loose change. She stared at me and without breaking gaze she emptied the bottle over the garden and handed it back empty.
“I was shell-shocked and speechless as she retreated into the house.”
The author added: “Morale of the story … God help us or bring more water in future.”
Granted, not all cyclists would feel confident enough to approach a stranger and ask them to fill a water bottle, and might prefer to have enough money on them so they could pop into a shop, café or pub instead.
But while charging someone to fill their water bottle may seem unusual in the first place, filling it up then tipping the contents out when the money demanded isn’t forthcoming sounds quite frankly bizarre.
Have you come across anything like this before – or any other bizarre behaviour when you’ve asked someone for a helping hand while out riding?
Let us know in the comments below.
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What a horrid mean thing to do.
I can only think she got stuck behind some cyclists on a very important drive to the garden centre earlier in the day or something.
I'm quite curious as to how she settled on £3. I can only think she's been doing this for sometime and has determined the market rate. Either that or the chap was wearing Rapha
From a legal perspective, it is possible that an implied contract was formed for the sale/ purchase of the relevant quantity of water at the point at which the bidon was handed over.
As no price had been agreed, the law would imply a term that the price was to be a reasonable price.
The woman would be entitled to exercise a lien over (keep possession of) the water, and, possibly, the bidon, until a reasonable price was paid, or at least tendered.
However, prima facie, title/ property in the water would have passed to the cyclist when the bottle was filled. (Plainly, no retention of title or "Romalpa" clause was agreed.)
The exercise of the lien did not entitle the woman to pour out the water which was, at that point, the cyclist's property.
By pouring it out, she was probably guilty of the tort of conversion, entitling the cyclist to sue for the market value of the water.
However, the woman would have been able to counterclaim for the price which remained unpaid. As a "reasonable price" and the market value of the water would probably be the same, absent special circumstances such a rapid change in the water markets between the handing over and/or filling of the bidon and the pouring out of the water, the two claims would probably cancel each other out.
That'll be £500 for the advice, please.
Is soliciting allowed on this site?

Is soliciting allowed on this site?

I have absolutely no idea why my comment was double posted; I can only apologise to you all for the inconvenience and throw away a mouse which seems to have acquired an independence of ideation along with a rebellious and disobedient attitude.

Ah, good old friendly Yorkshire folk.
I remember same situation in Finland, the guy who was working in garden, pointed to his house, and said - "go there it open"...
It's sad that someone wouldn't spare water for another person. This site looks like an interesting initiative to promote the use of tapwater:
That's pretty depressing to be honest. We're virtually all guilty of using treated drinking water to flush our loos or clean the car, so sparing bottle full to help someone in need should be the least we're prepared to do. The bitterness inside that woman's head must be shocking.
Ridiculous. What a bitch. For the sake of a minute of your time and some free corporation pop I don't see why you'd behave like that.
When I rode to Holme Moss last year to see the TdF I knew I'd need to pick up some water on the return leg. As I set off back towards Glossop I passed a dad and his daughter with a table set up at the bottom of their drive with a big barrel of water and some of those folding plastic camping bottle things just offering water to anyone that was passing. They weren't asking for donations or anything. And when I've ridden Liverpool-Chester-Liverpool I've passed houses offering free cake. That's more like it.
Perhaps she's peed off with complete strangers stopping to get their bottles filled. My Mrs would tell you to ride on.
Your 'Mrs' sounds like an utter arsehole.
If my Mrs did something as petty and small minded as that I'd feel a bit ashamed of her.
Top tip:
Find a church. There's almost always a tap in the churchyard for the gardener to use.
Useful tip, thanks for that.
Seriously? What a miserable person.
I've done this a couple of times, once in the UK and once in Iceland, both times they were very friendly. I can't imagine anyone being that horrible and feel sorry for them. They must lead a very unhappy life.
Maybe she used to work for Nestle?
Living in Sheffield, I can imagine one of the locals doing this. Probably a tongue-in-cheek joke to be fair. Yorkshire humour is quite direct.
"Whaaa dint ya bring enuf watter wit ya, anyhow? bluddy saaaclists!"
n.b not a serious suggestion.
Water is obviously at a premium in Yorkshire. To demonstrate the generosity of the cycling community, perhaps her address could be published. Anybody passing could then stop & take a leak in her garden to help water her blooms etc !
First reaction to this was WTF, but this is quite funny in actual fact.
If true as described, the interuppted gardening woman must have had some serious front to do that !
A lesson learnt methinks - think twice asking yorkshire lasses for owt! And take two bidons
A bit steep for 'council pop' maybe it was Evian?