Waltham Forest Council is seeking an architect for a £500,000 cycle hub in Leyton Jubilee Park.
A building will be constructed as an extension from an existing cottage in the grounds. Once complete, this modern centre will be home to changing rooms, a workshop space for bike maintenance and recycling, bike racks and storage, an education centre from which cycle proficiency training will be provided, and lastly, a cycle café which will capture cycling enthusiasm across the Borough.
Eton Manor Athletics Club - which currently occupies The Cottage - will share the facilities with the new hub.
The Borough is currently undergoing a £27m investment from Transport for London to reconstruct its roads into more cycle-friendly highways. The park itself is bordered by two key pillars of the Mini- Holland infrastructure: Lea Bridge Road and Church Street.
Lea Bridge road in particular is the single biggest capital investment of the ground-breaking Mini-Holland scheme and the Council is aiming to pursue a project which will embed cycling into the wider park and leisure provision. This hub will be a crucial engagement tool for Mini-Holland, attracting new groups to the cycling community.
The winner of the £30,000 prize for a full feasibility study will initially develop the scheme up to RIBA Stage 2.
The Council is preliminarily seeking to secure funds totalling £500,000 from a variety of sources, including match-funding from the Council itself, and is currently scoping potential funders, including TfL and Landfill Community Funds are to be approached.
In addition, the Council is exploring the possibility of pursuing EU funding opportunities, as well as considering a larger Sport England Facilities bid to support the project.
A concept design, outline proposal, structural design, building services systems, outline specifications, preliminary cost information and high level business plan will all be required.
The deadline for expressions of interest is 4 December.
I for one like your contribution. I mean, it's good to know that Tory ex-Home Secretaries are busy spewing bile into their keyboards at home, not...
"Le ding ding"?
A smidge of £8.5K. Seriously. Someone needs to have a strong coffee.
Business model innit? When they brought in hire bikes in our town, they approached the bike shop I was then running to so the maintence. It was...
Nice, tyre clearance AND 2x AND non-boring paint jobs, a good alternative to Giant Revolt/ Canyon Grizl....
For the first time, the Norwegian government has calculated the value to society of the health benefits of increased walking and cycling. ...
I managed to do 12 200k's over 12 months , but unfortunately didn't read the rulles, two were in the same month and I missed a month..................
Toddle off cynic. A great man posting about extremely awful things and you chose to say that? The UCI needs clinical experts like you ... toddle...
public pressure?
Said the spokesperson for Big Hookless