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Landis rages* at UCI Road Worlds organisers…*well, he's quite annoyed

Disgraced drug cheat blasts "soapbox" claims...

Floyd Landis has hit back at organisers of the UCI Road World Championships in Geelong, Australia after they withdrew their official endorsement of a conference at which he was due to speak.

The disgraced rider is scheduled to address  the New Pathways for Professional Cycling conference which takes place at the Deakin University in Geelong on September 27 – 28 on the eve of the worlds event.

A spokesman for the championship committee told Australia’s Herald Sun newspaper: “Providing Floyd Landis with a soapbox to deliver a tirade like he did on the eve of the Tour of California is not something the world championship organisers want. The official imprimatur of the organising committee has been withdrawn.”

Landis subsequently vented his fury on the New Pathways conference website accusing the organisers of the championship of “total disregard of the sport's long-term interests, including those of the riders and fans, which they are charged to protect.”

"By offering an inside perspective of an athlete confronted with decisions regarding the use of banned performance enhancing drugs, I hope to be able to contribute to a better understanding of how those decisions come to be made, and how athletes can be better supported by those in a position to facilitate better decisions and decision making," he said.

Landis stated that he was not going to Geelong to reiterate claims he has publicly made about Lance Armstrong’s alleged doping activities. "I will not and cannot discuss events or circumstances related to the ongoing investigations and lawsuits involving Lance Armstrong and certain of his current and former business associates and teammates, including what I saw and heard during the relevant time periods,"

The World Championships will take place from September 29 to October 3.


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bikedog | 14 years ago

True enough Tony, Armstrong's back story didn't get him on the podium or 'ride his bike'. All elite cyclists train hard & enter races with some hope of doing well. But maybe, rEPO, HGH, and/or blood doping 'helped the process'. Fine, he never 'tested positive'- big deal, neither did Marion Jones. I am new to glad to hear that they don't suffer fools gladly with respect to Armstrong.

The point is the conference is about issues with systematic doping in cycling, not necessarily about what great athletes cyclists are. Landis is on a panel & speaking about his personal experiences with doping; as I stated in my earlier post, I am NOT a Landis-apologist & am curious, but care little about what he has to say. I am, frankly, more interested in Michael Ashendon's comments about detecting doping.

However, since about 2000 I've found it (thanks to Paul Kimmage, Dave Walsh, WADA, Mike Ashendon, LeMond, etc, etc) interesting regarding Armstrong's cycling feats, the laxity of the antidoping system towards Armstrong (among others)in particular, general incuriosity of many towards allegations of doping (aka those drinking the 'compelling backstory koolaid'), and the relationship that he (among others) had with Dr Ferarri, UCI & Verbrugghen. As varied lawyers have said in posts, there's considerable direct and circumstantial evidence regarding Armstrong's and his team's systematic doping.

Recently, Sevilla was accused of doping with some plasma expander and earlier this year, some Italian (I think) was found with excessive levels of some weird oxygen uptake chemical. So clearly these guys will do just about anything to gain an advantage and 'beat the system' or pass doping controls. Finally, you've got Rasmussen trying to sneak in recombinant bovine plasma(~2007) or some such nonsense- it's just a circus.

Tony Farrelly | 14 years ago

Yes raging is over-egging it. Whether he's looked in the mirror etc etc, the plain fact is that Landis has zero credibility, and whose fault is that? More looking in the mirror for Mr Landis.

As for Armstrong, don't think there is any selective amnesia in these parts or starry eyed special treatment. Again though his 'compelling back story' didn't get him on to the podium at last year's Tour, that might have got him a place on the team, but it didn't ride his bike… and pre Tour he didn't have such a bad season this year for an old guy either.

Mark Appleton | 14 years ago

Point well made and taken bikedog. Was probably channelling the inner tabloid sub again. Mind you, "Landis a bit miffed.." doesn't have quite the same ring...

bikedog | 14 years ago

Come on, he's not 'raging'! I am probably the last person that should be defending Landis because I think he is a bit of an odd twisted guy. FWIW, this sport is full of unrepentant dopers. Also, if Armstrong didn't have such a compelling backstory with cancer it's hard to imagine that he would have had the cycling longevity/support he's enjoyed. Frankly, it seems like a bit of a benign ignorance accompanies Armstrong in this affair.

If you read Landis' comments about this issue on other cycling sites, it's pretty clear that he's only going to offer his perspective and without much else. Maybe 6-8 months ago, it appeared he was trying to topple the sport. Now, as thing come to light, he's dusted off the filthy mirror of accepted doping in this sport and forced it to look at how it's run. SHame on you, for this headline.

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