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Want more space from overtaking drivers? Wear a hi-vis vest with an arrow, says study

Researchers in Canada wanted to establish role communication can play in protecting riders

Researchers in Canada have said that cyclists who wear high-visibility vests with an arrow pointing to the left results in motorists giving them more space when overtaking.

Academics at the University of British Columbia’s department of engineering gave cyclists participating in their study hi-vis vests from the brand ArroWhere with different designs, while some riders taking part did so without a vest.

> Review: ArroWhere Dark Waterproof Jacket

They wanted to establish the role communication played in cycle safety and whether it was of greater importance than visual aids such as lights.

Publishing their findings in the journal Sustainability, associate professor Gordon Lovegrove and co-author Takuro Shoji said that a hi-vis vest with an arrow pointing left [in the UK, the equivalent would be an arrow pointing right] was most effective.

"Vehicles passing VRU [vulnerable road user] test subjects wearing the arrow vest design showed more respect, and participants' perceptions generally agreed," they said in the study.

One of the reasons the study – claimed to be the first that examines how communication can help protect cyclists – was undertaken was to examine whether “be safe, be seen” style road safety campaigns worked.

Highlighting that the limited sample size meant the results should be treated with caution, the study said that they did suggest “that bicycle safety vests that provide for both conspicuity and communication appear to show promise.”

The authors continued: “’Be Safe, Be Seen’ is an important message, but is often interpreted as ‘The more you are seen, the better’. Some take this message too far and end up creating dangerous situations for themselves and others. For example, purchasing a bicycle light with 1000 lumens of power (car headlights average 700 lumens), aiming it at eye level, and putting it on strobe mode to ‘be seen’ is dangerous. It disorients oncoming drivers and cyclists and will increase the chances of accidents.

“The best chance for VRUs to enhance their own safety is to apply to themselves a message relevant to approaching motorists, visible but simple, and can be immediately understood in its meaning and applied functions. Of course, this ‘solution’ must also be practical and affordable for those using it. Current equipment and apparel with retroreflective material addresses visibility, affordability, and practicality, but does not convey a relevant message.

“The best possible message for a motorist to encounter on the road is one resembling a familiar road sign with universal symbols,” they added, saying that ArroWhere, which is based in Canada, “utilises the psychology of road signs and applies it to VRUs in attempts to enhance their safety on the road by considering both cyclist and motorist positions together.”

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PpPete | 5 years ago

Maybe there is statisitical evidence that this method of communication gets through to Canadian drivers?

I have two different garments onto which I have sewn 50mm wide reflective tape arrows.   One is single arrow as pictured above (except pointing to the right for UK), but on a multi-coloured gilet.  The other is fluo yellow jacket and has TWO arrows.

Evidently the symbology is too difficult for UK drivers to understand because it seems neither makes a scrap of difference to the number of close passes I experience.

Not statistically significant - but contrary to the suggestion in the article, a 1/2 watt red blinky mounted as far outboard as possible on a well stuffed RH pannier seems to be marginally more effective.   

zero_trooper replied to PpPete | 5 years ago

PpPete wrote:

I have two different garments onto which I have sewn 50mm wide reflective tape arrows.   One is single arrow as pictured above (except pointing to the right for UK), but on a multi-coloured gilet.  The other is fluo yellow jacket and has TWO arrows.

Evidently the symbology is too difficult for UK drivers to understand because it seems neither makes a scrap of difference to the number of close passes I experience.

I keep threatening to put a ‘speed camera’ logo on the back of a hi-viz.

When I get round to it I’ll let you know how I get on.

burtthebike replied to zero_trooper | 5 years ago

zero_trooper wrote:

PpPete wrote:

I have two different garments onto which I have sewn 50mm wide reflective tape arrows.   One is single arrow as pictured above (except pointing to the right for UK), but on a multi-coloured gilet.  The other is fluo yellow jacket and has TWO arrows.

Evidently the symbology is too difficult for UK drivers to understand because it seems neither makes a scrap of difference to the number of close passes I experience.

I keep threatening to put a ‘speed camera’ logo on the back of a hi-viz.

When I get round to it I’ll let you know how I get on.

I have considered openly carrying a fake gun, but the hassle from the police would probably make it not effective.  On the other hand, we're constantly told that there aren't any traffic cops any more........

maviczap replied to zero_trooper | 5 years ago
1 like

zero_trooper wrote:

PpPete wrote:

I have two different garments onto which I have sewn 50mm wide reflective tape arrows.   One is single arrow as pictured above (except pointing to the right for UK), but on a multi-coloured gilet.  The other is fluo yellow jacket and has TWO arrows.

Evidently the symbology is too difficult for UK drivers to understand because it seems neither makes a scrap of difference to the number of close passes I experience.

I keep threatening to put a ‘speed camera’ logo on the back of a hi-viz.

When I get round to it I’ll let you know how I get on.

Ignoring the knock off team kits that this site flogs, I've used this to make my own bespoke jerseys. No minimum order

Using the custom jersey function, I came up with this in about 2 mims.

I've thought of using the 1.5m passing symbols & road tax doesn't exist on custom jerseys

I paid £16 each for my custom jerseys, and the quality is fine for what I paid. Next time I might use the better quality fabric. Sizing is on the Italian scale


AlsoSomniloquism | 5 years ago

For me it was a Merc on an island who decided to that I had pulled away too slow, over took me j and then left hooked without indicating when I was going straight on. Luckily I was expecting it so took avoiding action. Unluckily it turned out my go-pro wasn't recording. 

Zebulebu | 5 years ago

Jeez - if only I'd known about this last Friday. I'm sure that if a white hi-vis arrow was painted on my (already white) jersey, it would have prevented the BMW driver overtaking me in broad daylight, with perfect visibility, at 35k/h then cutting straight across me to turn left, resulting in me crunching into her car, hitting the deck and fucking my bike, shoulder, arm and leg up

FFS - how many of these stupid studies will there be before someone gets to the root of the problem (people who drive like cunts need their licenses taking off them permanently)

burtthebike | 5 years ago

Another useful message to drivers would be "if you knock off a cyclist, you will be prosecuted and lose your licence."

Instead, our courts tell them that if they knock a cyclist off, they'll get a slap on the wrist, even if they kill the cyclist.

Did the Canadian researchers consider that method of communication?

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