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Cyclist appeals for return of stolen Isaac TT bike

£8,500 bike stolen from garage in Newmarket

A cyclist in Suffolk has appealed for the return of an Isaac Joule Aerotic time trial bike worth £8,500 that was stolen from the garage of his Newmarket home last Monday morning.

Michael Lowther, a firefighter and member of Newmarket Cycling and Triathlon club, quoted in the Newmarket Journal, said: “I am absolutely gutted as the bike was my pride and joy.

“I had only bought it in October and it has only been used in one time trial. I had it all custom-made and race- ready for this season.
“If I replaced the bike like- for-like, you are looking at around £8,500.”

According to the newspaper, it is thought that the thieves made off with the bike as Mr Lowther’s wife was moving back and forth between the house and the garage to load the tumble dryer with washing.

“When my wife went back to the garage with a second load of washing for the tumble dryer she noticed it had been unplugged. It was then that she saw the bike had gone,” Mr Lowther explained.

“She phoned me and asked if I had my bike. I thought she was joking at first, but then it soon turned out she wasn’t.

“The whole incident has made my wife feel a bit uneasy as someone must have been watching her movements.”
While the bicycle was security marked, Mr Lowther said that he was not optimistic about his chances of getting it back.

“It has been secure coded on the frame but this could be scraped off and rubbed down,” he revealed.

“News has spread of its disappearance to other cycling and triathlon clubs like wildfire but I don’t hold out too much hope of finding the bike.”

Anyone who has information regarding the bicycle is asked to contact Suffolk Police on 101.

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andrew streit1 | 12 years ago

Agree with the above. How do you not lock an 8.5k bike properly?!! Jikes. 10% of the value of the bike means he should have had 850 quids worth of security and lord knows if I ever owned a bike that expensive that would be the minimum I would spend.
I disagree about the insurers not paying off. It depends on his contract but I have a high suspicion he voided it with a lack of proper security.
How many people would leave a Ferrari unlocked on their driveway?

colinth | 12 years ago

Feel sorry for the guy but why wasn't an £8.5k bike locked up ? An extra couple of hundred quid on some good locks and floor or wall anchors surely ?

sam_smith | 12 years ago

Bike theft is a blight on this country and will get worse as more people start to cycle, the police need to get it together and sort this out.

KNOWNOTHINGBOZO replied to sam_smith | 12 years ago

A timely reminder that even in a garage a bike is not secure if the door is left open and it's unattended. A good steel cable attached to a wall or floor bolt, and as much effort as practicable to make the opportunist theif think twice is what's needed.
I do hope the gentlemans insurers do not kick off and cause what's already a rotten even to get worse.

joemmo | 12 years ago

my sympathies to the victim but aren't you setting a bit of a dodgy precedent putting this a front page story? I know it's an expensive bike but plenty of other people are equally gutted when their less costly pride and joys are stolen and would love a bit of publicity like this.

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