Arm warmers as the name suggests are usually worn to keep arms warm, but StantoVelo’s Protective arm warmers come with an extra function… can you guess what it is? Okay, I'll tell you then. They are designed to provide protection in the case of a fall. They were conceived when Guy Stanton got an armful of road rash and decided to do something about it and he did by designing his own protective arm warmers.
The StantoVelo Protective Arm Warmers then are very much like a regular arm warmer but have a strategically placed pad so if you do hit the deck, there’s a bit of extra protection. The pad is flexible so it doesn’t feel restrictive to wear.
The pad doesn’t add much extra weight or bulk over a regular arm warmer, so you could comfortably wear them all-day, as Guy tells us: “It was important that I could use the warmers as normal, able to wash them, sweat in them, roll them down my arms and still cycle, ready to roll it back up when I do a descent. It was most important that they were streamlined and so would not affect my performance.”

We can envisage these as being ideal for daily cycle commuting where the extra protection they provide could be reassuring. We’ve got a pair in for test so we’ll be trying them out, with an interest in just how much protection they offer (which we hopefully won’t test in a real life situation) and whether they can be comfortably worn instead of normal arm warmers.
The test of course will be whether they peform in every other respect like a standard pair of arm warmer right up to the moment you have a crash. If you feel you need that extra protection, these are worth a look. We’ll let you know how we get on with them.
They also have a reflective logo for added visibility. One size fits all and they cost £25.99 a pair.
You can find out more at
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What's next leg warmers with shin pad inserts .
Rule V.., that is all.
The thin end of a wedge is becoming visible
First its crash hats and now protection - soon we'll all be wrapped up like motorcyclists
Exactly - because cycling is so dangerous and weird that you need all sorts of protective gear to do it.
Needed !
Well I don't cycle commute to be honest, but I was thinking about the number of close passes etc that I get when in traffic.
Commuting? Seriously?! I can understand maybe if racing cat 4 crits or something, but does anyone seriously have regular offs commuting?!
It can be very tricky to design protective gear which doesn't move around either while riding or in the event of a crash and is still comfy. Why not get the same thing cheaper, from people who know what they're doing? 661's Rhythm pads look like just the ticket, unless the bright blue design isn't to your taste.
Look very useful to me, especially for commuting. Road rash is just a PITA, like when it sticks to the bed sheets etc.
So. They're elbow pads with a longer than normal sleeve. Nice marketing twist though and given my main concern is being run over by cars/trucks/buses in town, I don't know if these are the solution.