We’ve just got a bunch of clothing from Cervo Rosso in for review and that’s prompted us to let you know all about the Swiss company’s Test Team.
We’ve reviewed quite a few items of clothing from Cervo Rosso – that’s Italian for ‘red deer’ (we like to inform as well as entertain here at road.cc, you know) – over the past year or so.
If we were to sum up the clothing, we’d say it’s technical kit with classic styling. To us, it looks cool – but you can obviously make your own mind up on that. All of the products we’ve reviewed have been performance-led, designed for sports-type road riding, but Cervo Rosso do some urban kit too – T-shirts and the like. They do a women’s range as well.

“The Cervo Rosso Test Team is for the active road rider who wants to belong to the peloton without the pressures and commitment required of traditional teams,” says Cervo Rosso head honch Carlyle Ware.
As a member of the team, you’ll be invited to various international Test Team events listed in the CR Test Team Event Calendar. Go to the calendar and you’ll see events like the TDF Reconnaissance Tour, and Italy’s Grandfondo la Magnifica listed, among several more over the summer.
Test Team members also save 20% on future orders from the Cervo Rosso online shop over a 12 month period. So, if you’re planning to buy a few items from Cervo Rosso over the next year, you could save yourself quite a chunk of cash.

“The element that has made the programme work very well is that we are attracting riders from all around the globe, particularly Australia, UK, North America and mainland European countries including Belgium and Switzerland,” says Carlyle. “Aside form the generous membership discounts, the Test Team programme is bringing riders together from all over the place to ride in various international Gran Fondos.
“Our members can arrive on their own at a Gran Fondo like the Tour of Flanders in Belgium, and find themselves riding within a Cervo Rosso bunch of up to 20 riders where a team spirit and camaraderie is quickly established.
“We hear from our members that many riders would not normally attend such events on their own and are very pleased to ride within a team of well identified riders of varying abilities. Enjoying a post rider beer or refreshment in our Test Team riders’ zone from one of our programme sponsors adds to the ambience and friendships that are developed between our members.”

So how do you become a member of the Test Team?
You fill in the pre-selection form and, following review, Cervo Rosso send you an invitation to join the team by way of a promotional Test Team Bundle offer. So, you need to buy this bundle of clothing to become a member. The bundle is then shipped along with your Test Team Membership (credit card) and your are officially signed up.
For more details go to www.cervorosso.com.
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Having been a member of the Cervo Rosso Test Team for the last two years I could be accused of being somewhat biased but at the end of the day, I want my kit to look good and perform well and Cervo Rosso does both. If it wasn't good stuff, I'd have gone somwhere else for my kit, test team discount or not. The shorts are up there with the best in terms of all day comfort and are easily the best thing in the range. The jerseys are evolving all the time with materials and fit but every jersey I've had has looked good and performed well. Feedback, positive and negative is always gratefully received and fed into the next range of kit which gets better and better. After all, that is the idea of the test team. With the 60 day 'satisfaction guarantee' on function, style and performance, there's no risk and you can be sure that the kit fits and performs to your liking. I don't know of any other retailer that backs their products so well. In terms of meeting other Test Team riders, I was invited to the Winter photo shoot in November and yesterday I was out with a bunch of Cervo Rosso Test Team members and Carlyle, the founder, for a great ride with new friends.
Kinda looks a bit castelliesq me finks
It's this one, notfastenough
We reviewed it last year and it's still in the range.
That pale blue jersey is smart.