With winter well underway we marked National Pothole Day by asking you, our readers, for your thoughts on the state of Britain's roads. And while we posed the question fairly confident of the answer, the unanimous nature of the replies suggests no matter what corner of the UK you ride your bike, potholes are likely to be a problem...
> Is there a pothole crisis on Britain's roads?
There's a serious side to the issue of course. Just two weeks ago we reported the death of 84-year-old Harry Colledge, the former president of Cleveleys Road Club and a "much loved" member of the north west of England cycling community who died after the front wheel of his bike got stuck in a deep crack in a rural Lancashire road.
His wife, Valerie, has since called on the government and local authorities to do more to repair potholes on the UK's "woefully inadequate" roads, comments backed up by the response to our call out...
You get the picture. In fact, of 53 comments we spotted clearly expressing an opinion on whether Britain has a pothole crisis or not, just two suggested we do not while 96 per cent believe there is. Hardly the most scientific research, granted, but the consensus of thought stands.
One reader called the roads where he rides, in Surrey, a "total disgrace".
[📷: Simon Kroner]
"Found this one yesterday full of water," he said. "Hit that at speed and it's going to do some nasty damage to car or bike and rider."
Notably that is the same county where, in October, we reported a coroner is to submit a report raising concerns about Surrey County Council's lack of action in repairing dangerous potholes, one of which caused a fatal cycling crash in June 2020.
> Dangerous pothole that caused fatal cycling crash was reported multiple times without action
Dr Karen Henderson said there had been a "lack of reflection by Surrey County Council", management of potholes had not improved and asked for better steps to make inspectors aware of complaints, risk assessments and better communication between the contact centre and highways department.
And it is not just Surrey where our readers have spotted the problem getting worse...
Wayne Reyneke: "Roads in Wales are just as bad. Spot the road amongst the potholes."
Andrew Barnes: "No crisis here in Poole, we have loads of potholes and more seem to be appearing everyday."
Steve Brill: "I'm constantly reporting dangerous pot holes here in Northamptonshire to the local council. Some are so big, you'd fall into an abyss!"
Mark Ternent: "Northumberland roads are no better, it's endemic in this country, not attempting to rectify issues, until they are too far gone to fix, absolutely shocking."
Nic Delves-Broughton: "The roads are f****d. Everywhere."
Chris Hill: "Somerset Roads are more hole than road. You have to ride round the remaining Road surface in many places. Pop over the border into Dorset and their roads are 'better' but not amazing. Getting worse rapidly."
Nick Bell: "I'm fortunate enough to cycle regularly in a range of Western European countries and every time I come home I'm shocked by how bad our roads are. We are way behind in the quality of road surface!"
Andrew Ebbage: "The roads in Derbyshire are a disgrace. The councils need to do more (County and City) but not just in terms of repairs. They have to be stronger in holding the service companies to account on the quality of their repairs after work has been carried out on the carriageway and also be more proactive in cleaning the roads of debris and clearing drains."
Meanwhile a reader from Edinburgh shared their local favourites, the latter on a brand new, yet to open, cycle lane...
[📷: chrisonatrike]
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We have a number of long standing potholes here in Stafford including this one on the top of the bridge on the Newport Road coming from town:
The most irritating thing about this hole is that “they” closed this road completely around 8 years ago to lay a new main or something and then resurfaced with the best bit of blacktop I have ever seen… one week later “they” came back and cut a slot to do some final work, resulting in this mess which despite them throwing some tarmac down every few weeks, is never closed completely. (I never use this bridge when cycling from town…far too narrow and dangerous with those railing there to trap you against). Its quite funny if you go back over the years on Google Maps... you can see the hole coming and going!
And then there is this hole on the Wolverhampton Road heading to J13 of the M6
Lovely bit of off roading before you get to the Chase.
Finally as I am on a rant… the council spent a load of money on “Chip and Seal” and this the result:
It wears off in weeks leaving the roads worse off than before.
I don’t pay my “road tax” (its true…. I’ve got an EV) but if I did…..
The roads will never be perfect, however where I ride, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire the roads have improved dramatically since 2019 when Boris delivered his £2 billion manifesto pledge of filling in potholes. Lincolnshire is the second biggest county in the UK and is mostly rural, for a long time the county was neglected, sure there are some bad stretches like elsewhere, but head to the Isle of Axholme or anywhere North of Scunthorpe and you'll find plenty of silky smooth tarmac.
"Same question every winter"
Yes, but it's not as if winter is predictable or happens regularly. How are the authorities supposed to guess when it's coming?
Or this?
How's this for a great place to stand your bike up?
Apparently the road crew came and patched a few potholes on this local road earlier today. I think this is testament to the accuracy of modern cartography and GPS that they can identify the hole they were sent to fill and totally ignore the other.
Imagine how furious local taxpayers would be if all the potholes were just fixed without an unnecessarily rigorous, long winded and expensive process to make sure their money isn't being spent effectively.
Needs more pen is working artwork
Is there a pothole crisis on the UK's roads? Probably.
Is there a pothole crisis on cycle tracks that are never touched by motor vehicles? Doubtful.
Solution for road.cc'srage reader? Build more proper cycle lanes that don't interact with motor vehicles. They're lower maintenance once built I'm sure, even if we all started riding fully laden Urban Arrow/Bullit cargo bikes!
Yeah, interesting point, how much is from 'bad' weather and how much is from traffic. Electric cars are generally bigger/heavier than ICE cars so is this going to make road damage worse?
Point a single area in the UK that's not in crisis.
It's a great time to be a conservative party donor. Or so I hear.
Graft? Headline-writing? Grumbling?
Meanwhile in Sheffield, their contract with Amey has turned some of the most shocking road surfaces into relative boulevards. It has taken several years to achieve this but Shef is now a fit place for cyclists, at least as far as the road surface goes. Well done Sheffield I say!
Surrey's roads are mainly in a right old state but aren't significantly worse than in a lot of areas of the country. Crisis to me suggests a start and end point - potholes have been in the news for decades but there is no sign of the problem being fixed. Stay safe out there.
The backlog of road repairs needed in the UK has an estimated cost of £12.6 billion. Between 2009 and 2018, 24 cyclists were killed due to road defects, including potholes.