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London cyclist threatened by man with firearm in “totally random incident”

Metropolitan Police release image of suspect they want to trace

The Metropolitan Police are appealing for help to track down a man who threatened a cyclist with a firearm in what the investigating officer says was a “totally random incident.”

Police say that the victim flagged down officers outside Stoke Newington police station, a short time after the incident which happened at around 13:00hrs on Wednesday, 27 May. 

According to the victim, and to a witness who subsequently reported the incident, the man pointed a handgun at the cyclist between Dalston Kingsland Station and the Rio Cinema.

The victim had been cycling northbound on Kingsland Road, E8, and the suspect was stood on the pavement at the junction with Bradbury Street.

As the cyclist drew alongside him, the man lifted and pointed what the victim said was a handgun at him.

He added that the suspect said nothing during the incident, and the cyclist continued to ride northbound before flagging down police officers to tell them what had happened.

Detective Constable James Readman commented: “This was a totally random incident and involved a completely innocent member of the public being targeted with a weapon in broad daylight.

“The victim was understandably terrified and fled the scene as quickly as possible, but we do have a good description of the suspect.

“We urgently need to trace the man in this CCTV image, as he may be key to our enquiries. We also want to speak to any other witnesses who may have seen the suspect in area between 13:00hrs and 13:09hrs, or thereabouts, in the area of the incident. 

“The weapon was described as a small metallic looking pistol type gun, dark grey to black in colour. 

“Luckily, nobody was physically injured but the psychological impact of such a shocking event cannot be underestimated.

“This is also of course the huge concern that a weapon remains in the possession of someone who clearly should not have it,” he added.

The suspect was described as black, around 6ft tall and of broad build, with a greying black beard. He was dressed in dark clothing, with a jacket and dark trousers described as “tatty looking.”

Anyone who has information is requested to contact officers on 101, quoting CAD 3850/27May, or the charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Panslanepaul | 4 years ago
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“The weapon was described as a small metallic looking pistol type gun, dark grey to black in colour. 

I'm guessing Gunmetal Grey...

LeeOz | 4 years ago

I am targeted with a weapon reasonably often when i ride it's just that the weapon weighs two ton plus and has four wheels attached to it.  Just as deadly if not more so than a piddling handgun.  

Rick_Rude | 4 years ago

I hope the suspect is aware of the grammar crimes this incident has spawned.

iandusud | 4 years ago
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"and the suspect was stood on the pavement at the junction with Bradbury Street."

By whom?

Sriracha replied to iandusud | 4 years ago
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iandusud wrote:

"and the suspect was stood on the pavement at the junction with Bradbury Street."

By whom?

Uh? Why does he have to be stood by anyone. I'd guess he was stood by himself, no?

TheBillder replied to Sriracha | 4 years ago

On behalf of Which Tyler, by whom the Pedants' Revolt was led, I can exclusively reveal that if the suspect were to have been "stood", someone would have to have placed him there. He was standing, I expect.

But then unless you have a top education like what ianusud must of got then youll not know that.

iandusud replied to TheBillder | 4 years ago
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TheBillder wrote:

On behalf of Which Tyler, by whom the Pedants' Revolt was led, I can exclusively reveal that if the suspect were to have been "stood", someone would have to have placed him there. He was standing, I expect. But then unless you have a top education like what ianusud must of got then youll not know that.

My education never got further than O levels but I do admit to being a bit of a pedant when it comes to English grammar. smiley 

iandusud replied to Sriracha | 4 years ago
1 like

I assume what was meant was that the suspect was standing on the pavement. 

Sriracha replied to iandusud | 4 years ago

Actually, you knew that full well. Language evolves. It's not stood still.

LetsBePartOfThe... replied to Sriracha | 4 years ago

“Luckily, nobody was physically injured but the psychological impact of such a shocking event cannot be underestimated."

should not be underestimated 

cannot be overestimated 


iandusud replied to Sriracha | 4 years ago

Sriracha wrote:

Actually, you knew that full well. Language evolves. It's not stood still.

Quite correct if you mean it has not stood still, and neither is standing still but it certainly isn't stood still. 

hawkinspeter | 4 years ago

The suspect was probably just joking (c.f. with Rod Liddle's hate-filled Times articles).

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