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Times editorial urges standing up to “anti-cycling NIMBYs” over infrastructure plans

Newspaper says plans to get more people cycling risk “being strangled at birth”

An editorial in The Times has warned that politicians must stand up to “anti-cycling nimbys” if a “new golden age for cycling” heralded by Prime Minister Boris Johnson in April is to become reality. In response, Chris Boardman says it is a “moral imperative” to seize the chance to try out temporary measures to encourage walking and cycling “before we buy.”

The newspaper’s editorial, published yesterday, was written by Jawad Iqbal, who said that plans to get more people in the country cycling following the coronavirus pandemic risk “being strangled at birth” due to the opposition they attract.

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“The culprits are the usual motley crew of vested interests, from vocal residents to motoring lobbies, supported by pusillanimous local politicians who go weak at the knees when faced with an online petition,” he wrote.

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“This short-sighted resistance to change threatens to derail progress on tackling air pollution, which is estimated to cause up to 36,000 deaths every year.”

Iqbal said it was ironic that when asked, most people support schemes aimed at making the roads safer and reducing motor traffic and air pollution.

“The problem is that they often don’t want any changes in their own neighbourhood,” he continued. “Even fairly minor cycling schemes quickly encounter fierce opposition, with residents taking to social media, gathering names for an online petition and badgering their local councillor or MP. The disastrous results are all too evident.”

He highlighted examples of pop-up cycle lanes in Trafford, Greater Manchester and in Filton, South Gloucestershire, that we have previously reported upon here on that were removed days after opposition following complaints from drivers, as well as the difficulties of ensuring a co-ordinated approach in London where Transport for London, individual boroughs and even the Royal Parks could all be involved in a single scheme.

“The pandemic offers a once-in-a- generation opportunity to bring about lasting changes to urban transport,” Iqbal said. “Overhauling the layout of roads will create benefits for our cities and our quality of life in the long run.

“Study after study shows that cycling improves physical and mental health, yet far too many cycle schemes are abandoned before they have had a chance to bed down.

“Politicians at the national and local levels must start to treat cycling as a serious form of mass transport and face the anti-cycling nimbys down,” he added.

Boardman, in a letter published in the newspaper today, highlighted that reallocation of road space to create cycling infrastructure was not primarily aimed at existing bike riders, as opponents claim.

“This road space is not being given up for cyclists,” he said, “it is being made available for shop workers, carers, NHS staff and childminders. It is not even a transport decision, it is a moral imperative.

“This provision also offers us a unique opportunity to ‘try before we buy’: a trial lasting several months to see if we want to use our streets differently.

“One they experience it, I am willing to bet that people will want to keep it,” he added. “Ultimately, we have much to gain embracing these measures and little to lose.”

Another letter published in the newspaper today came from Duncan Dollimore, head of campaigns at the charity Cycling UK.

“The lockdown gave a glimpse of a cleaner way to live and travel, which we risk losing,” he warned, pointing out that councils need to give schemes aimed at encouraging active travel “time to bed in.”

With some temporary cycling infrastructure removed just days after being installed due to complaints from motorists, Dollimore said: “Behaviour change won’t happen on day one but it will happen with commitment and capital.

“The government will back those English counties with bold and ambitious visions for the future with the emergency active travel fund,” he continued.

“Councils have until 7 August to decide whether to maintain the status quo or build a better future,” Dollimore added. “It really shouldn’t be a difficult decision.”

AA president Edmund King – signing his letter off with the words, “also a cyclist” in parentheses – called for an end to divisive rhetoric that views motorists and cyclists as distinct, mutually exclusive groups, an issue he has highlighted regularly in the past.

“Many drivers are cyclists and many cyclists are drivers,” he wrote. “We are not tribes going to war.”

He outlined how in the early stages of lockdown, “one third of AA members said they would cycle and walk more after the lockdown” and how the motoring organisation had “asked ministers and councils to set up ‘park and pedal’ facilities for car drivers.

“Empty car parks and venues offered the chance of pop-up parking next to cycle superhighways. It will never be for everyone, but a commuter on a bike is not a commuter in a car and that means more efficient use of road space and less pollution,” he explained.

“It never happened and in many areas we have ended up with a piecemeal approach,” King added.

“People and planners need to cast aside prejudiced groupthink and work together.”

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eburtthebike | 4 years ago

Anti-cycling nimbys are the nimbiest of all the species of nimby.  They all say they are in favour of cycle provision for all the usual reasons, but suggest something in their own area and they start foaming at the mouth and finding every possible reason to oppose it.  I've seen far too many good schemes be scuppered by irrational, emotional opposition.

Like the proposed route through Blaise Castle, Bristol.  The Friends of Blaise produced leaflets saying that it was the thin end of the wedge and it would lead to a three lane motorway through the estate.

Anti-cycling should be declared a disease and be treated on the NHS; by making them ride a bike for a month.

David9694 replied to eburtthebike | 4 years ago

A month on a bike - just what the doctor ordered!  Sign me up as the Hattie Jacques figure, "back on your bike, Mr Bigger".  I've been slugging it out with the NIMBYS in a couple of my local newspapers comment column in the past few weeks.

I'll whisper this next point, though: my old boss used to say that if you want to get things done, you've got to be subtle about it - and some of these re-allocations are a bit of an affront to people. Oh, don't me wrong, I want all this to happen and crucially, to remain in place. But, some laid down schemes lack subtlety. Question is, are they getting used? 

I could go on about the various tacks the NIMBYS come in on, "Mr Oh, So Reasonable", peddling an 'each unto his own' message - reality = roads are for cars. Mrs "well, the pollution will be even worse if we have to drive slowly" - yeah, thanks a flipping bunch for that Missus, and of course "will somebody please think of the less able" - yep, we're all disability rights campaigners now.  And for some reason, now we've got all these lanes, we all need insurance and helmets. 

One other point, I forget when there was promised that review of road traffic legislation - clearly, that's gone into the long grass.  I'm at the point where I think this country has lost its reason to such an extent that I think we need to be very careful about what we wish for.

We need solid reasons why mandatory insurance, helmets, cycle lanes, etc should not be put in place. The clamour for these things seems persistent and widespread - there must be a wild, unruly end of cycling that really upsets people, that fuels this, although when pressed, they have to go back months or even years to describe just one incident.  

The fact that these things would be disproportionate to need, etc doesn't count as a solid reason. 

Awavey replied to David9694 | 4 years ago

youve got more patience than I have debating local paper anti cycling nimby commentators, I get the feeling in ours youd be prying the steering wheels out of their cold dead hands long before they ever gave so much as an inch to cycling.

and thats the point, they can be presented with solid reasons or solid facts till the end of time, road tax,emissions tax, insurance, helmets, hiviz, registration,testing, ban filtering,max speeds,too hilly,too much rain,jumping red lights, its endless , when youve answered one set of  questions, they simply move onto a new set, and keep going & moving the goalposts, literally the same people who claim cycle lanes are bad for the less physically able to use, are the same ones who happily park their cars blocking pavements and then wouldnt even see that as a contradiction.

I dont think those nimbys will ever change their mind that cycling can be a positive for them

David9694 replied to Awavey | 4 years ago
eburtthebike replied to Awavey | 4 years ago

Awavey wrote:

youve got more patience than I have debating local paper anti cycling nimby commentators, I get the feeling in ours youd be prying the steering wheels out of their cold dead hands long before they ever gave so much as an inch to cycling.

There was an RAC report about ten or so years ago, which found that drivers exhibited all the symptoms of addicts if you threatened to take their car away.  That's what we're dealing with; car addicts.

Awavey replied to eburtthebike | 4 years ago

Absolutely agree,cars in some peoples lives are way more than just boxes that get them from a to b,youll often hear people say it's their pride & joy,so when you disrupt that link they have with their car through even minor things like pop up lanes or oversized plant pots to create low traffic neighbourhoods these people react exactly like addicts,it becomes deeply personal to them that you've attacked their way of life & they overreact in irrational ways.

David9694 replied to eburtthebike | 4 years ago

And like with many drugs, the high is elusive and the come-down is massive.

For all the sacrifices and investment they, the environment and we, make/ have made to/in motoring, they never seem happy, content, or satisfied. 

kimmcbride replied to David9694 | 4 years ago

I have insurance and wear a helmet they don't have to make it mandatory it's just common sense also the insurance doesn't cost much it comes with my membership of Cycling uk. Motorist seem to think that they own the road because they pay vehicle excise duty and cyclists don't . If we were registered we still wouldn't pay VED because we are a zero  emmision vehicle Don't see many motorists shouting at Prius and other electric vehicles to get off their road because they don't pay VED.


David9694 replied to kimmcbride | 4 years ago
1 like

"It's common-sense" - you sound like Mr Oh So Reasonable (see my post above). Hi viz - common-sense...

brooksby replied to eburtthebike | 4 years ago

eburtthebike wrote:

Like the proposed route through Blaise Castle, Bristol.  The Friends of Blaise produced leaflets saying that it was the thin end of the wedge and it would lead to a three lane motorway through the estate.

Or the one through, IIRC, Hengrove Park.  Which never happened because 'Oh won't somebody think of the children!' and cyclists can just ride around the edge of the park (being, the busy roads that the proposed path was intended to get cyclists off...).

pockstone | 4 years ago

'Strangled at birth' Rod Liddle perhaps?

Or 'Let's decapitate random cyclists for Christmas' Matthew Parris?


brooksby replied to pockstone | 4 years ago

Exactly! They've happily defended the "anti cycling" rhetoric of some of their own journalists, so how can they now come forward and complain about anti-cycling NIMBYs??

David9694 replied to brooksby | 4 years ago

Making amends for past mis-demeanours?

portec replied to brooksby | 4 years ago

@brooksby - Because the articles are written by journalists and not all journalists agree on any given topic.

brooksby replied to portec | 4 years ago

portec wrote:

@brooksby - Because the articles are written by journalists and not all journalists agree on any given topic.

Understood, but I still think my question was valid since they went out of their way to defend their 'anti cycling' journalists' opinions.

Awavey replied to brooksby | 4 years ago

And it doesnt hurt to remind them of cause & effect,you cant hold an editorial line that promotes cycling but then also denigrates cycling as a valid opinion,and be surprised your readership or the greater public at large arent then wholly on board with cycling.

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