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2024 season standard competition

Hi guys, just to let you know, that I have decided to pull the plug on the 2024 season, except probably for the grand tours. I just don't have the enthusiasm that I once did.

In the last 9 years, in the standard season comp, Iv'e come first, six times, second, once and third, twice, so I feel I don't have a lot left to strive for. Probably my best year was 2022 when I won the TdF and the Vuelta.

Iv'e enjoyed the comraderie of the forum, the banter, the ideas and generally polite conversations.

Iv'e also found setting up comps and scoring has increased insight into the races. has stood the test of time and I think the scoring rules and operation are just the best. Thanks Dave.




If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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Condor Andy | 2 weeks ago

I didn't have time to play standard this year. I stuck in teams for the purist stuff and even won the Spanish only Vuelta comp! A much calmer way to enjoy the game.

Dr Watson | 3 weeks ago

After a lot of turmoil these past two years I've really enjoyed being back for the Vuelta. I fully intend to play a full season next year and hope Tony returns for a full season as well. It's been good fun... and so nice to see so many regulars. 

11waterloo replied to Dr Watson | 3 weeks ago

I too intend to be back but the game needs a bit of TLC. My understanding is that we are meant to play all the world tour races but the Renewi Tour and the Autumn Classics haven't appeared in the game this year. The Guangxi Tour wasn't played last year so I guess that it won't appear this year either. There maybe needs to be a bit of communication in advance about which races are going to be played as the season just seems to be petering out. I think the game format is great but it just feels a bit unloved currently. 

Sniffer replied to 11waterloo | 3 weeks ago

I am definitely keen to continue.  Maybe one year I'll close that gap to the very top players.

nightwol replied to 11waterloo | 2 weeks ago
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Yes, the game seems to have been quietly put to rest after the Vuelta. A great shame! I had hopes of a good showing (by my standards) in the Autumn Classics. I've been playing at Premium level for twelve years now but I won't renew my subscription if the game isn't back (with a full WT calendar) next year.

tony kappler | 3 weeks ago
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Well guys, that will do me for the year. I might try for a full year next year. Congratulations to Waterloo for another outstanding season in the standard comp. Note though that if I equalled Waterloo's score for the comps I didn't do, (Paris-Nice, Tirreno, stage 1 Catalunya and Poland), my season score would be 20640. (20636 for Waterloo). Could have been a cliffhanger.

11waterloo replied to tony kappler | 3 weeks ago

Appreciate that Tony. Seems odd that I am Waterloo.... I am happy to known as Paul! As I have said previously, you set the benchmarks in the game and I feel I am just a placeholder when you aren't playing all the races. I fully intended to pick and choose my races this year but having started very well, I couldn't bring myself to drop out! 

Daniel Norton | 7 months ago
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It does feel like a shame that so many of the top players are not seriously trying to win the overall at the minute.  Perhaps it will motivate a few different players to work harder at it?  I already missed a stage as I expected to.  Too much travel makes it next to impossible for me to put a team out every day.

Some "newcomers" doing really well might motivate some of us to have another crack at the overall next season.

Will miss the competition and the camaraderie.

stevemarks | 7 months ago

Absolutely no question the first guy I go to to see who he's picked to beat me so comprehensively. I have learnt so much chomping distantly at your heels Tony, Its just a shame that now a chink of light will appear at the top, similarly I am thinking of tipping my hat for the last time.

Bon Chance!

11waterloo | 7 months ago

That is sad news but I fully understand your reasoning Tony. I was thinking of doing something similar but have started the season quite well so am hanging on in there for now. You are the benchmark against which I have always judged myself and suspect most other players do also. As you rightly say, you have nothing left to prove. If the game had a hall of fame you would be the first name in there! Hopefully we can still lock horns in the grand tours. 

runaroundsioux | 7 months ago

Sad news indeed my friend. Your record speaks for itself, and you are right, you have nothing more to achieve.   We will have a beer sometime soon and I will fill you in with what you are missing 


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