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Garmin volume issue

Ok, this is probably a bit niche, but here goes.

I listen to music, radio or podcasts from my phone on open ear earphones while cycling. I also have my phone connected to my Garmin (1030 plus).

Over recent weeks a new issue has arisen. After any spoken alert from the Garmin (direction cue or lap time) the volume on what I am listening to reduces and won't go back up. For radio, if I just pause and restart the radio it goes back to full volume, but for music (via you tube music) it stays at the lower volume.

Anyone else had this - and any way of resolving it?

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Steve K | 2 months ago

It has now been fixed  1

mark1a | 3 months ago

I think it's due to an "undocumented feature not available in the next release"* introduced by a recent update of the Garmin Connect Mobile app. There's a few threads in the Garmin forums about it. I suspect it will go away when Garmin update the app soon.

* software bug


Steve K replied to mark1a | 3 months ago
1 like

Cheers.  At least it's not just me - and it seems to have started at the same time for everyone, as you'd expect with a bug in an update.

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