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If road deaths were a virus, we’d call it a pandemic (Grauniad)

"If road deaths were a virus, we’d call it a pandemic. Safer transport helps us all – and we need it urgently

Deaths on the road costs countries up to 5% of GDP. Centring transport around people, not cars, can propel development"


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chrisonabike | 11 hours ago
1 like

Now very old news, but it still just doesn't take.

Perhaps "not news" plus "not bad enough (most people get through life untouched by this)" plus "but no alternatives"

... plus some extremely well-established interests who're past masters at "turning the narrative around".  (And like this).

That first line though - watch out!  I imagine that might be very attractive (in the wrong way) to some ... freethinkers ... on the subjects of viruses and planned changes * to the built environment!

* I do sometimes wonder sometimes about their philosophical position on all our prior infrastructure.  Do they see it as "a product of natural erosion and weathering", or was it just "impersonal" market forces (another force of nature), or are they believers in "progress".

Or perhaps the people carefully considered what was in their best interests and then chose it?

Or they feel they're mostly alright, Jack, and just don't want what they currently know to change?  The latter I can at least understand - change is often difficult and certainly can come with winners and losers, and the people saying it's in your interests are often not to be trusted...).

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