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Police issue cow warning after man seriously injured


After finding out that more people are killed by cows than by cyclists, maybe we should have a thread for cow related incidents?

Personally, I'm all in favour of cows being forced to have bells if their horns don't work.


Derbyshire Police were alerted to reports of a man being trampled by cows in Shirland, a small village 19 miles northwest of Nottingham, at about 7:40am on Friday. The man was taken to hospital with "significant, serious injuries," although they are not believed to be life-threatening at this stage.

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stonojnr replied to ktache | 1 month ago

It can happen with just walkers,cyclists too, cows can be unpredictable, they arent domesticated, yes they can react more aggressively when there are calves they're protecting.

But I had this instance on a ride with a bull, over 50metres away in its own field, with a fence between us, I was on the road passing the field, it still clocked me as a perceived threat, went basically very aggressive, and tried to charge at us.

We left before it got to test how good the fence was, if we'd been in the same field I'd have been panicking for sure.

Paul J replied to stonojnr | 1 week ago
stonojnr wrote:

But I had this instance on a ride with a bull, over 50metres away in its own field, with a fence between us, I was on the road passing the field, it still clocked me as a perceived threat, went basically very aggressive, and tried to charge at us.

We left before it got to test how good the fence was, if we'd been in the same field I'd have been panicking for sure.

Bulls are aggressive. Maybe not all of them, all the time, but even farmers that have reared the animal have to be careful around bulls. Many a farmer has been injured, some even killed, by bulls.

Cows are pretty friendly and docile. Though, they can be protective of calves - and a few farmers have been injured, some killed, by cows with calf. But they are generally friendly animals though. They are still large animals though, and even a little accidental bump by a cow can send you flying.

Don't bring dogs near cows. Ever.

chrisonabike replied to ktache | 1 month ago

I do like a belted Galloway, the mint humbug of the cow family.

ktache replied to ktache | 1 week ago
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Cows and calves were brought on a few weeks back, fiftyish last year, couple of bulls soon, saw the herd in the distance.
Oddly enough only seem to get close interactions with them when it rains, which gives me a Garbage ear worm for the rest of the ride. They stick to the new growth in the areas subject to recentish fires.
Hardy breed, could stay out over the winter, but the people who look after them need light to sort them out in the evenings and the ranges are closed until well after shooting stops.


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