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Wiggo could "do us all a favour and talk" – Geraint Thomas

Welshman tired of trying to answer questions on someone else’s behalf

The Tour de France hasn’t even started yet and Geraint Thomas is already fed up of answering questions about Sir Bradley Wiggins. The three-week race is shaping up to be an extraordinary test of the Welshman’s mental as well as physical endurance.

Team Sky has been facing questions ever since Russian hackers published Wiggins’ medical files and it was revealed that he had repeatedly used triamcinolone under a therapeutic use exemption (TUE).

Earlier this year, Thomas told that he’s never had a TUE himself and said that the authorities “should do more to take out the grey area.”

He subsequently said of Wiggins: “Who's to say he didn't need that or he did? He's the only one who can answer that. I don't think I can really discuss it without speculating, which is the wrong thing to do.

"At the end of the day, everything they did went through the right channels and they got it. If the reason he had it was just to get an advantage or if he did need it, it's only him and the doctor who can answer that.”

Cycling News yesterday asked Thomas whether he thought Wiggins had fully answered questions on the matter.

He said: "I don't think he has, but at the same time I was getting asked all the time and that's what was frustrating. When it's all to do with [Dr Richard] Freeman and him, just go and ask them, basically. I think the investigation is still ongoing but he could definitely do us all a favour and talk to some people. Then people would stop asking us."

He did however feel moved to defend the environment within which he has operated throughout much his career.

"I've grown up through British Cycling and Team Sky and I know the beliefs and how things should work. I feel fortunate to have grown up through that system and not years previously. When I read stories about David Millar and what he went through I feel fortunate not to have faced all that. I've always had 100 per cent confidence in the team and British Cycling."

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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WillRod | 7 years ago
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I can see why he is fed up. I mean, he may never have seen anyone dope, but if he goes on record as saying that they never doped, and it turns out they did, he would look like a fool.


Best he sticks to the line of "I don't cheat, and I haven't personally seen my teammates cheat" and repeat the exact same phrase until they give up. A bit like Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry Potter) wearing the same jacket and jeans until the paparazzi stopped following him.

Leviathan | 7 years ago
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Thomas "What'ya askin meefo" would be a more accurate headline. 

Grahamd replied to Leviathan | 7 years ago

Leviathan wrote:

Thomas "What'ya askin meefo" would be a more accurate headline. 

That is a poor attempt at a Welsh dialect.

Sniffer replied to Grahamd | 7 years ago
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Grahamd wrote:

Leviathan wrote:

Thomas "What'ya askin meefo" would be a more accurate headline. 

That is a poor attempt at a Welsh dialect.

Yes, I read it as Geordie



dawguk replied to Grahamd | 7 years ago
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Grahamd wrote:

Leviathan wrote:

Thomas "What'ya askin meefo" would be a more accurate headline. 

That is a poor attempt at a Welsh dialect.

Dew what boy? Isnit? Not from roun'year are yoo?

handlebarcam | 7 years ago

I seem to remember a certain cyclist getting equally fed up, back in 2012, with his achievements being muddied by association with the revelations coming out at the time about a former winner. In fact, he got so frustrated answering questions about it that he started calling people after the name of a part of the female anatomy. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose (just with cleaner language.)

Ogi | 7 years ago

It's a hard knock life for us...

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