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New video emerges of moment police in Adelaide pulled over Team Sky

Footage shot by local rider shows pros doing illegal right turn and ignoring pedestrian crossing

New footage has emerged of the moment police in Adelaide, South Australia pulled over riders from Team Sky and gave them a warning over their behaviour after they were seen breaking traffic laws.

The incident happened on Monday morning in Adelaide's Central Business District while the Team Sky riders were on a training ride, on which they were being followed by several local cyclists, one of whom was filming with a helmet camera.

> Police give Team Sky riders a refresher in Aussie road laws ahead of Tour Down Under

The video was posted to YouTube by user WalrusRider, who provides  a running commentary and has also subtitled the lecture the Team Sky riders were given by police.

Earlier this week, a spokesman for SA Police confirmed to Bicycling Australia that members of Team Sky had been stopped after they "allegedly failed to give way at a pedestrian crossing and went through a red light … that sort of thing.”

He continued: “As part of Operation Safe Cycling 2018 police officers spoke to a number of cyclists on Pulteney Street in the Adelaide CBD this morning after identifying a number of traffic offences committed by the group.

“Police stop cyclist all the time but obviously there will be a further emphasis during the Tour Down Under period. It was just a verbal warning today,” he added.

Team Sky's squad for the race comprises Egan Bernal, Kristoffer Halvorsen, Chris Lawless. Jon Dibben, Owain Doull, Salvatore Puccio and Lukasz Wisniowski.

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Ush replied to ClubSmed | 7 years ago
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ClubSmed wrote:

 What would your reaction be if a motorised vehicle had done the same?

What would your reaction be if a Tyrannosaurus rex was allowed free school dinners?

ClubSmed replied to Ush | 7 years ago

Ush wrote:

ClubSmed wrote:

 What would your reaction be if a motorised vehicle had done the same?

What would your reaction be if a Tyrannosaurus rex was allowed free school dinners?

That would depend on the reasoning behind it, if the portions are different from the average school meal and if the assessment for free school meals was inline with the criteria for all others obtaining the same.

TerreyHill replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

If that's aimed at me I suggest you reign your neck in, you have no idea what my mindset is, you can't deduce anger from what I wrote, you're way off the mark as for frothing, just lol.

They broke the rules not just once or twice but many times in a very short period of time with a don't give a fuck attitude that if displayed by motorists like the MGIFs and cutting up other road users and deliberately ignoring traffic signs people including yourself would be all over it.

They put themselves at risk and others all because they were too selfish and too impatient to follow the rules and they saved themselves precisely fuck all time in doing so!

Suggest you froth somewhere else sonshine.

Wonderful use of irony.

Ush replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

Look at  snip

Honestly, I really do not see all that as a problem.  They stopped and waited for people and went when it was safe.  To me they look like they know what they're doing and I wish that more cyclists on the road had their nous.  

Ride2Wk replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago
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BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

Ush wrote:

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

Bang to rights I'm afraid, the right turn was dumb enough and their haphazard riding tells you they aint no skilled road riders in the city but running the red is totally unecessary and simply retarded, and no not all the pedestrians had finished crossing.

Set an example, this arrogant attitude isn't acceptable, typical modern day noddy hat cycling IMHO. If it's ok for the pros then kids follow right!

I disagree.  They did not follow the laws, but they rode courteously and carefully.  I have zero problems with how they rode and I wish some of the Skinner trained "rule followers" were as aware of their circumstances.

Look at their positioning, they are all over the shop before and approaching the right turn, they filter through past large motors on the inside, then cut across three lanes to position themselves in a clearly marked no right turn lane that is cordoned off and has not just the no right turn sign blocking it but also a directional arrow pointing back toward lanes 1 and 2. They push in front of a taxi to do so. One of them is on their phone literally cm away from the offside of the white car and still in the wrong lane, this is atytpical strava wanka I don't give a fuck attitude and is horrible positioning for safety but it also can easily intimidate the driver (who is on the same side given it's a RHD vehicle) as he is virtually sitting right on their blindspot.

They then cycle through the no right turn 5-6 abreast confronting pedestrians crossing and several stop right in the middle of the junction blocking the traffic, again another contravention, they then rode straight through a solid white STOP line thus contravening the red light and pushed in front of the grey car needlessly (MGIF), they then pushed their way through the pedestrians forcing some to stop from crossing or hesitated because they didn't know what they were going to do.

Some then ran a red at the next set of lights before they changed, they then MGIF'd yet again at the next right turn pushing in front of the red ute who was waiting patiently and making the right turn from a straight on lane to do so thus potentially blocking other road users from going on ahead.

Is that enough for you?

So yes, the way they rode was shite, total fucking MGIFs that didn't save them shit but blocked a junction, made peds worry about crossing several times and generally acted like we don't give a shit so long as we can get in front/ahead. I'd be giving them a few words to not be dicks because they way the acted is bad for everyone concerned including them.

Their riding wasn't furious and they were not causing anyone any danger. Yes they broke a few car-centric rules but they gave way to pedestrians & didn't cause any vehicles to have to take evasive action. The cops should save their lectures for the people who cause real hazard by by riding or driving in a manner that is dangerous to other people. Nothing to see here except the usual Aussie whinging against cyclists.

alansmurphy | 7 years ago

I didn't know Sky had a rider called lawless?

gaz_9 | 7 years ago
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Lawless at it again...


Stuart Harnett | 7 years ago
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As mutch as thay didn't look at signs thay stoped for people crossing and thay was safe

alansmurphy | 7 years ago
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To be very fair, though recognising the 2 wrongs rule, the pedestrian activity on the first light probably made them think it was a free for all.


I assume the Police stopped each one of them too...

dassie | 7 years ago

It's a fair cop.  A red light, is a red light... 


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