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This year's CTC York Cycle Show cancelled due to low bookings and uncertain weather

Hopes that event will return for 69th edition in 2014 with TDF Grand Depart tie-in

This June’s CTC York Cycle Show has been cancelled due to bookings that are “well below expectations” and fears of a repeat of the poor weather that has often affected the event in recent years. It is hoped the event will return in 2014, when Yorkshire hosts the Grand Départ of the Tour de France, with York hosting the start of Stage 2 of the race.

This year’s edition, the 69th, was due to have been held on the weekend of 22/23 June and as in previous years would have attracted thousands of cyclists, but unsettled weather and other factors including the effects of the economic climate have led organisers to decide to cancel it.

Committee chair Paul Hepworth said: "Advance bookings by traders and visitors this year, are well below expectations. Last year’s horrendous weather depleted our attendance and income, and this year’s uncertain summer forecasts do not give cause for public optimism.

"Changes in personal leisure and retail spending, plus increasing travel costs and the squeeze on personal finances have also influenced our visitor market . Our financial reserves have been depleted by all these factors, over the last two years. It is increasingly difficult to compete with other major cycling events which, unlike us have commercial sponsorship.”

Referring to the prospect of the event returning in 2014, he said: “We have previously discussed involvement in the 2014 Tour de France and hope to bring the Cycle Show back in some form, as part of the activities associated with the Grand Départ in Yorkshire.

"Other local CTC groups in Yorkshire are planning TdF related events, during the ‘Grand Départ’ period, and to help build a ‘follow on’ cycling legacy," he added.

The York Cycle Show Committee has issued a statement, shown in full below.

It is with deep regret that cancellation is announced of the 2013 York Cycle Show which was planned for the June 22nd/23rd weekend. This is due to a number of factors which have faced the organising Committee. 

The event was started on a small scale in the late 1940’s as the York Cycle Rally, by a team of riders from York and Hull. Since then it has grown into a major trade and social event, in the national Cycling Calendar. A Committee of cyclists from the Yorkshire region have continued to run it on behalf of CTC, the National Cycling Charity.    

The event has traditionally been held on the Knavesmire, in the centre of York Racecourse. This open area of ground is very vulnerable to heavy rain. The site has limited facilities and the Committee have to hire water and drainage facilities from the adjoining Racecourse, plus other equipment to meet health & safety requirements for a public event.  These ever increasing costs currently stand at over £50K pa.

With splendid co-operation from parent body CTC, plus York Racecourse Committee and City of York Council, the event has been successful for many years. We remain profoundly grateful for their support.

However two recent years, notably 2012 have been affected by adverse weather. This reduced attendance plus depleted income and reserves. Changes in retail patterns, leisure time use and spend, and high travel costs have also affected the market. One of the Show’s regular major trader went into liquidation last year.

Grass track racing was a central feature until a few years ago, but often requires business support for prize money and officials attendance. This was not readily forthcoming. There is also increasing competition from commercially sponsored cycle sport and trade events, elsewhere in the UK. 

In recent years, the Committee have worked with local and regional Tourism organizations plus the national cycle trade, to expand awareness of York Cycle Show and attract new income. Traditional events were supplemented by a stunt team, participation activities and even a real ale bar!  
The Committee was hopeful that it could attract enough interest to break even this year. However despite extensive marketing, trade and visitors confidence  has not fully returned, and the number of advance bookings this year has proved insufficent for viability.

The Committee will consider whether the York Show can return in some form, during 2014. They had already liaised nationally with CTC and Welcome to Yorkshire, to play a role in the Tour de France “Grand Depart”  and hope to still fulfill that role in some way.

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Mickie_Newton | 11 years ago

Very disappointing. We have been going to the rally for years and the weather has never stopped it before and we've had some terrible downpours in the past.

As for the marketing thing. The amount they were charging probably didn't help. I personally think this is appalling, given how little notice they have given about this.

There will be plenty of people who'll know nothing about this and will have made a slot for this. Especially anyone abroad!

I did have this group, that has started on facebook, passed onto me. They're trying to arrange something for people. So maybe worth a look at! Here's a link

The Alternative York Cycle Rally

dr max | 11 years ago

"Despite extensive marketing" ?? I live less than 20 miles from York, am a cyclist and frequent these pages regularly, amongst others.

Only heard about it a week ago when I stumbled over the CTC N Yorks page, looking for something else.

Marketing leaving a little to be desired. Shame though...looked good.

antonio | 11 years ago

I was so looking forward to the event, hope this does not signal an end to the York Rally for ever.

Psycling | 11 years ago

A great shame. Myself and my family had been looking forward to it.

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