The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is looking to recruit 200 Birmingham cyclists for a new project examining riding conditions in the city. Cycle Smart Brum will see riders gather data on near misses, poor road surface and potential problem junctions, enabling authorities to identify and prioritise projects that will make Birmingham a safer place for cycling.
Those selected to join the project will get a See.Sense ACE Intelligent Rear Light for a tenner. (Actually, for some reason they specify that you pay 1p for the light and £9.98 postage and packaging.)
Riders will then use the light to log data through an associated app.
Over a three-month period, the app will log data on speed and dwell times, road surface conditions, movement patterns, swerving, heavy braking incidents and near-misses.
Nick Lloyd, RoSPA’s head of road safety, said: “This is a cutting-edge project that uses the latest technology to develop data-driven insights that will make Birmingham’s road safer for cyclists, and we’re really excited to get started.
“If you already commute by bike, ride for work, or regularly cycle in Birmingham, then please register your interest in taking part. Using information gathered as you undertake your normal ride, we’ll be able to gain insight about problem areas, such as potentially-dangerous junctions or poorly-maintained roads. And, crucially, you’ll be able to report any near misses or non-injury collisions that you have, to give us a really good picture of where more serious incidents could take place.”
The project is also supported by Drew Bull, whose sister, Suzanna, was hit and killed while cycling in the city in 2017 because a lorry driver’s view was blocked by a dashboard tray table.
“I lost my sister as we cycled through Birmingham, after a lovely ride around the surrounding countryside,” he said. “Since Suzie died and the trial that followed, I have looked for ways to help make cycling safer for everyone so I am so pleased to be supporting RoSPA in this project.”
He continued: “This project provides a great opportunity to help protect cyclists in and around Birmingham and to prevent death and serious injury.
“Cycling on roads brings certain hazards but hopefully together we can minimise the risk to us all. If this project helps to make cycling safer and save even one life then it will be worth it.
“If you are a cyclist in Birmingham then I would encourage you to sign up as this could help save the life of someone you love, or even your own life.”
Data collection will start once coronavirus restrictions have been lifted.
You can register your interest and find out more information about the project here.
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